We start with the Hasidim and discuss how the Pharisees emerged from this group. While the Sadducees were Temple-focused, the Pharisees were...
Tag: ‘wisdom
Gold, Technology, and Wisdom
The book of Genesis opens with the creation account describing a beautiful world of sea, earth, sky, plants, fish, birds and other animals. Tucked...
Gospel Wisdom, Worldly Folly | George Grant
http://youtu.be/Ksx51fsocxA For more sermons click here: For daily content from Canon press, subscribe! Christ Church is a Christian congregation...
NTEB SUNDAY SERVICE: So Teach Us To Number Our Days, That We May Apply Our Hearts Unto Wisdom.
The Bible says Teach Us To Number Our Days, That We May Apply Our Hearts Unto Wisdom. It’s later than you think, and the days are evil. One of the...
Darrell L. Whiteman, Crossing Cultures with the Gospel: Anthropological Wisdom for Effective Christian Witness
Crossing Cultures with the Gospel is about just that, and its wisdom and insight easily extends into Christian college and university classrooms of...
Darrell L. Whiteman, Crossing Cultures with the Gospel: Anthropological Wisdom for Effective Christian Witness
Crossing Cultures with the Gospel is about just that, and its wisdom and insight easily extends into Christian college and university classrooms of...
Is Romans 1:18-23 alluding to Wisdom of Solomon 13?
NIV Romans 1: 18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by...