Tag: the

I Am A Born Again Bible Believing Christian Who Is Also A Zionist That Stands With The Jews And Supports The Nation Of Israel, Now You Pick A Side

Zionism is the belief that all the land of Israel, Zion, belongs to God who gave it to the Jews, and that God Himself will return at the Second...

Stunning Moment That The Palestinian Battle Flag Was Taken Down As The Stars And Stripes Is Re-Raised Up Over City College of New York Campus

The American flag was re-raised at City College of New York after anti-Israel protesters removed it and replaced it with a Palestinian flag at the...

NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Understanding The Role Of Water Baptism In New Testament Salvation In The Life Of The Born Again Believer In Jesus Christ

In our dispensation, water baptism doesn’t save you, not even a little bit, but believing the gospel Paul preached for salvation sure does Last...

Kristallnacht Comes To Hamilton Hall At Columbia University With ‘Night Of Broken Glass’ In Support Of Hamas, Openly Calling For Genocide Of The Jews

The Kristallnacht takeover of Hamilton Hall by pro-Palestinian protesters comes after the university announced it was suspending students after...