Tag: supply

The Boulder County Jail Had Their Supply Of Bibles Cut Off And Have Turned To Bibles Behind Bars To Restock Their Inmate Outreach For The Coming Year

Bibles Behind Bars is a very unique part of our ministry, raised up by God to supply a very specific need for Bibles in these end times, and 100%...

Bill Gates Has Already Spent Over A Billion Dollars To Control The US Food Supply Chain With Patented Fertilizers, Fake Meat And Massive Farmland Purchases

The new book ‘Controligarchs’ is aimed at “exposing the billionaire class” says Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ investments in patented...

Palatka High School Experiencing Revival After Student Baylee Holbrook Dies In Lightning Strike, NTEB Asked To Supply Bibles For Hundreds Of New Believers

Christian teen Baylee Holbrook died in a tragic lightning strike but her death sparked revival at her Palatka High School as hundreds profess faith...