Tag: stock’:

Wessly Lukose, Contextual Missiology Of The Spirit Pentecostalism In Rajasthan, India (Oxford, UK Regnum Books, OCMS; Eugene, OR, Wipf & Stock, 2013). Vii + 254 Pp. $24.80 Paperback.

book reviews 483 Wessly Lukose Contextual Missiology of the Spirit: Pentecostalism in Rajasthan, India(Oxford, uk: Regnum Books, ocms; Eugene, or,...

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: As Israel Awaits Imminent Attack From Iran, US Stock Market Suffers A KamalaKrash Vote Of Zero Confidence

The Middle East is on fire as Israel awaits attack from Iran, and the stock market is in the throes of a KamalaKrash If you are a follower of the...