Mel Gibson’s sequel to the 2004 blockbuster The Passion of the Christwill be split into two parts, with the first film following the story of what...
Tag: sequel
The Passion of the Christ Sequel Rumors Are Reportedly False
According to a new report, the rumors of a sequel to The Passion of the Christ being filmed this year are false.
‘Passion of the Christ’ Sequel to Begin Filming in January, Report Says: It ‘Seems Set in Stone’
+quot;It is such a massive undertaking that you can't do it lightly and you can't do it quickly. You have to really consider what it is that you...
Passion of the Christ Sequel to Begin Filming in January, Report Says: It ‘Seems Set in Stone’
The sequel to Mel Gibson's 2004 blockbuster movie The Passion of the Christ will begin filming in January 2024, according to a new report by a...
‘God’s Not Dead’ Actor David A.R. White on Why Chaotic Culture Desperately Needs Next Sequel Actor David A.R. White has graced the big screen in films like "God's Not Dead" and "Nothing Is Impossible," but White...
‘Passion of the Christ’ sequel ‘Resurrection’ set to begin filming this spring
The sequel to "The Passion of the Christ" is set to begin filming this spring and will depict the days immediately following Christ's crucifixion.
Mel Gibson to Film Sequel to Passion of the Christ in 2023: Report
Mel Gibson will begin filming the much-anticipated sequel to his 2004 blockbuster The Passion of the Christ this year, according to a new report.