Actress Lupita Nyong'o is in the starring role in the film The Wild Robot. The new animated movie follows an...
Tag: role
America’s Divine Role
The United States will not be destroyed in WWIII… The United States will not be fully engaged in the end time world government… The United States...
Clearing Up The Confusion That Many Christians Have Regarding The Role That Repentance Absolutely Does Play In Your Salvation In The Church Age
Biblical repentance toward God unto salvation is the repenting of your disbelief in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God The role that...
Clearing Up The Confusion That Many Christians Have Regarding The Role That Repentance Absolutely Does Play In Your Salvation In The Church Age
Biblical repentance toward God unto salvation is the repenting of your disbelief in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God The role that...
Dennis Quaid’s Latest Role is His Favorite of All Time: ‘Reagan Was a Hero of Mine’ Actor Dennis Quaid brings the story of Ronald Reagan to the big screen in the new biopic "Reagan". Quaid has portrayed...
RFK Jr. Open to CIA Director Role; Reveals Who ‘Begged’ Trump against Declassifying JFK Assassination Files
+quot;More than 60 years after my uncle's death, almost 65 years. None of the people who were implicated in that crime are alive now. The last ones...
A pastor’s role in 2024 presidential politics
As a person, I am responsible for who I vote for in the 2024 presidential election. As a pastor, I am responsible for stewarding God's people and...
Elon Musk Says He is ‘Ready to Serve’ after Trump Floats Possible Cabinet Role
"He's a very smart guy..." -President Donald Trump Donald Trump has followed up his recent interview with billionaire...
Cuba Gooding, Jr.’s Role in ‘The Firing Squad’ Strengthens His Faith in God The film "The Firing Squad" tells the true story of three men on death row who find hope in Jesus Christ. Oscar-winning...