Tag: received

From Florida To Alaska, We’re Sending Out Thousands Of King James Bibles And Books To Fulfill The Most Requests We’ve Ever Received At One Time

We’re been raising support to send King James Bibles and books out to nearly a dozen different jails and prisons stretching all the way from Florida...

‘Very Demonic’: Israel’s First-Ever Christian Olympian Details Terrifying Terrorist Threat She Received, Reacts to Opening Ceremony

Bond said she coped with associated fears by leaning into Jesus, focusing on her calling and not any of the worries that the email sparked in her...

Forget Pride Month, June Is Now ‘Bibles Behind Bars Month’ As We’ve Received A Record Number Of Requests For Free King James Bibles For Inmates

Forget Pride Month, June is now ‘Bibles Behind Bars Month’ as a request number of requests for King James Bibles in English and Spanish have come in...

This Week We Received Urgent Calls For King James Bibles From The Summit County Jail In Ohio And The Saint Johns County Jail Here In Saint Augustine

The Summit County Jail in Ohio and the Saint Johns County Jail here in Saint Augustine need Bibles, and praise the Lord we’re going to send them The...

Bibles We Sent Last Year To The Wooster Bible Church Continuing To Bear Fruit As 10 Inmates At Richmond Correctional Received Jesus As Saviour Last Saturday

Last Saturday, 10 men at the Richland Correctional Institution prayed to get saved and were given a King James Bible from Bibles Behind Bars Last...