Stan Jantz, CEO of the Come and See Foundation, shared that the upcoming season will be released into prisons through Prison Fellowship and to...
Tag: prisons
Over The Next 14 Days, We’re Sending 3,500 King James Bibles To 7 Different Jails And Prisons And We Need Your Help To Make It Happen
Over the next 14 days, we want to send 3,500 King James Bibles to 7 different jail and prison detention centers, and need your help to make it...
The LORD Has Given Us An Amazing Open Door To Put Hundreds Of King James Bibles Into Many Of The Jails And Prisons In North Georgia
After seeing his original plan fall through, Bro. Micah prayed and the Lord kicked the door wide open for him to get King James Bibles into north...
‘The Chosen’ Transforms Inmates Lives in Prisons Across America: ‘Jesus Came for Everyone’ “The Chosen” is changing inmates’ lives, bringing the Gospel message to a population desperately needing hope and...
Christians Held in Underground Prisons | The Global Lane – August 3, 2023 Christians persecuted in Eritrea; 2 pastors held for more than 7,000 days; Indicted again. What does the future hold...
Biden Works to End Housing Federal Inmates in For-Profit Prisons Biden Works to End Housing Federal Inmates in For-Profit Prisons --- Download the free CBN News App: SUBSCRIBE to...
Just 5 Days Into The New Year Of 2024, And Requests From Jails And Prisons For King James Bibles Already Starting To Pile Up, We Need Your Help!
One chaplain writes ‘So I am reaching out to you, actually, praying and pleading, that you could ship several cases of bibles” Can we? As your read...
The Lord Is Opening Doors From High School Students Getting On Fire For God To Flooding The Jails And Prisons With King James Bibles
From sending Bibles into high schools to flooding the dark spaces of jails and prisons with the word of God, can you think of any other endeavor...
The Demand For King James Bibles In Jails, Prisons And Detention Centers Is Greater Than Ever And God Is Using All Of Us At NTEB To Meet That Need
“Yesterday we had 141 ICE detainees of which 2 spoke English, I’m the Bible teacher and we had no Spanish Bibles. Can you help us?!?” We sure can,...