"Sometimes you pray, and I'm guilty of this: I pray, and I don't think God is listening. But He was that day." -Sydney Thomas to...
Tag: prayed
‘She Has Prayed Us Through So Many Things’: Terry Crews Expresses Gratitude for His Wife’s Prayer Life
Actor and outspoken Christian Terry Crews recently celebrated his wife, Rebecca, as a praying woman at the 30th annual Movieguide Awards last Friday.
Prayed Over a Lump–What Happened Next?
http://youtu.be/394fsZc_Z_k Guest: Becky Dvorak Subscribe for more amazing content like this. #SidRothShorts #shorts
God Is Giving Us An End Times Harvest With Over 230 Souls Who Prayed To Get Saved In Jail After Receiving A Bible From Our Bibles Behind Bars Program
Hundreds of thousands of pieces of gospel literature have been sent out, and hundreds have prayed to get saved after getting a copy of God’s word...