Originally Aired Oct 21, 2013 In the first hour, Dr. Brown speaks with Pastor Phil Johnson, the...
Tag: pastor
OCI – Watch Out, These Hands Are Powerful! – Pastor Mark Casto
Pastor John Hagee – “Thou Shall Not Murder” The Ten Commandments tell us that we should not commit murder. There is a difference between killing and murder....
Pastor Matt Hagee – “The Borders of Salvation” Borders are blessings, not burdens. The borders of salvation were created at Calvary when Christ died to redeem every...
Southern Baptists oust Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church for naming a female pastor
Stacie Wood, wife of Andy Wood, who replaced Warren as lead pastor last summer, has the title of 'teaching pastor.'
Pastor, Executive Sues Planned Parenthood of Greater New York for Discrimination
A Black man on Planned Parenthood of Greater New York’s executive leadership team has filed a civil rights lawsuit accusing the organization of...
Pastor John Hagee – “Knowing the Grace of God” Grace is the unmerited favor of God. It will set you free from the tyranny of your past, and the tyranny of other...
Pastor Matt Hagee – “Oh the Blood” The blood of Jesus transcends time. It conquers your past. The blood is powerful, greater than your need or...
Abundant Life with Pastor John Hagee – “Suddenly A Great Storm” In the midst of a great storm, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Remember, storms eventually pass, and clarity emerges...