Tag: paper

Don’t Let An EMP Wipe Out Your Library, Build It The Right Way With Old-Fashioned Paper Books That Will Make It Through To The Second Advent

When it all hits the fan, digital files like Word docs, PDFs and eBooks will be wiped out in an instant, but paper books in your library with words...

Murray W. Dempster, Byron D. Klaus And Douglas Petersen, Eds., Called & Empowered Global Mission In Pentecostal Perspective (Peabody, MA Hendrickson Publishers, 1991), 321 Pp. $14.95 Paper

113 Murray W. Dempster, Byron D. Klaus and Douglas Petersen, eds., Called & Empowered: Global Mission in Pentecostal Perspective (Peabody, MA:...

Nimi Wariboko, The Pentecostal Principle Ethical Methodology In New Spirit (Grand Rapids, MI Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2012). Xii + 247 Pp., $25.00 Paper.

Book Reviews / Pneuma 35 (2013) 87-156 125 Nimi Wariboko, The Pentecostal Principle: Ethical Methodology in New Spirit (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm B....

Thomas J. Norris, The Trinity‐Life Of God, Hope For Humanity Towards A Theology Of Communion (Hyde Park, NJ New City, 2009). 174 Pp., $17.95, Paper.

162 Book Reviews / Pneuma 32 (2010) 123-175 Thomas J. Norris, The Trinity–Life of God, Hope for Humanity: Towards a Theology of Com- munion...