Rather than dwelling on the negatives of the past, it is imperative that national and expatriate church workers establish a...
Tag: model
California Church Creates New Model for Disaster Relief
When flooding devastated a community, a California church partnered with a local agency and created a new model for disaster relief.
Michael Brown on Gordon Fee, Pioneer and Scholarly Role Model
Gordon D. Fee went home to be with the Lord on October 25, 2022. As a Pentecostal scholar, Gordon Fee was both a pioneer and a role model, showing...
AI Bots Experience ‘Hallucinations’ as Google Launches Gemini AI Model
With the increased presence of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, researchers warn that bots are experiencing “hallucinations.”
‘What God’s up to?’ Stephen McWhirter and Jason Clayborn Model Racial Unity Through ‘Rapha’ Project
http://youtu.be/Z0-Y-dhJpd8 Stephen McWhirter and Jason Clayborn are two music creators who come from two very different musical cultures. Clayborn...
Michael Brown on Gordon Fee, Pioneer and Scholarly Role Model
Gordon D. Fee went home to be with the Lord on October 25, 2022. As a Pentecostal scholar, Gordon Fee was both a pioneer and a role model, showing...
The Real Mary In The Bible Was A Sinner Who Trusted In The Salvation Of The Lord And Was Used In A Mighty Way As A Role Model Of Christian Submission
The biblical Mary is a model of humility and submission to God, she is not sinless, not divine, and does not hear or answer any prayers The virgin...
Taylor Swift’s fanbase serves as a model of devotion to people of faith
Though many scoff at the besottedness of her fans, the challenge is to observe this cultural phenomenon and think about how it could shape our daily...
Temple Model