"The Broken Borders of Marriage" - Pastor Matt tells us that the family (built around the marriage relationship) is...
Tag: matt
The Difference with Matt & Kendal Hagee: “Marriage, Intimacy and Connection” A good marriage consists of covenant, communication and commitment. Dr. Kevin Leman explores the marriage relationship...
Pastor Matt Hagee – “The Lord is My Keeper” Not everybody who has a position has power. But those who serve God will always have power. As watchmen, we must take...
Pastor Matt Hagee: “The Borders of Salvation” "The Borders of Salvation" - "The Borders of Salvation" - Enjoy Pastor Matt’s life-changing sermon as he discusses a...
Pastor Matt Hagee “The Borders of Salvation” The Borders of Salvation - You will enjoy Pastor Matt’s life-changing sermon as he discusses a border that was built...
The Difference with Matt & Kendal Hagee – “The Power of Worship” Marcos Witt, founder of CanZion, talks about the power of worship to change the circumstances in your life. What impact...
Pastor Matt Hagee: “Six Days until We Shout” "Six Days until We Shout" - Pastor Matt says that every step around the walls of your personal Jericho must be taken in...
Pastor Matt Hagee – “Repairing The Divide” We live in a world where we see things going wrong but can’t agree on how to fix them. How can we repair the divide? We...
Pastor Matt Hagee – “The Impartation of His Gift” The challenge is not knowing the right thing to do, but in having the strength to do it. If you have something that...