Tag: mark
The Blessed Hope: Part II :: By Mark Hall
My Beloved in Christ, I am a pastor of a small church in Tennessee. The following sermon is the second part of a sermon series on the blessed hope...
Kingdom Foreshadowing Kingdom :: By Mark A. Becker
In this study guide, Kingdom Foreshadowing Kingdom, we are going to delve into the similarities and distinct differences between the Messianic...
Mark Driscoll Faces Backlash for Posting Photo with Steven Furtick
Trinity Church senior pastor Mark Driscoll is facing backlash after he posted a photo of himself with Elevation Church lead pastor Steven Furtick on...
Programming America to Accept and Receive the Mark of the Beast | Episode #1112 | Perry Stone Watch an excerpt from a message Perry preached at the 2021 Main Event Conference in Cleveland, TN. #perrystone...
Mark of the Beast | Prophecy Update More:
Father Stu review: faith and foul language meet in Mark Wahlberg’s ‘love letter to God’
Faith-based it may be; saintly it is not. And while for some Christians that will be just fine, for others, it may be a little more 'real' than they...
Hebrews 6:4-6 – ‘It Is Impossible!’ :: By Mark A. Becker
A common question I have encountered from the body of Christ is that of Hebrews 6:4-6 and whether this passage suggests that Christians can lose...
Giving the Gospel to Israel :: By Mark A. Becker
This article, comprised mainly of passages of Scripture, is intended to help the bride of Christ in the all-important eternal endeavor of Giving the...