Jonathan Roumie, best known for playing “Jesus Christ” in the hit series “The Chosen”, delivered a speech at Catholic University of America’s...
Tag: jonathan
The Epidemic of Deception :: By Jonathan Brentner
As the spirit of the antichrist gains more strength in our world each and every day, it helps to remember what Jesus said about the one behind it,...
It’s Anti-Semitism: What Else Could It Be? :: By Jonathan Brentner
I’ve known for many years that the time would come when the United States would no longer defend Israel. The Gog/Magog prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 is...
Suddenly :: By Jonathan Brentner
Suddenly! The word increasingly strikes fear into the hearts of many as they watch young and healthy people abruptly drop dead, just as Damon Hamlin...
Terry James and Jonathan Brentner interview Sky Watch TV :: Part 2
Here is part 2 of Terry James’ and Jonathan Brentner’s interviews with Joe Horn on Sky Watch TV. WHAT WILL IT BE LIKE IN HEAVEN? | Terry James &...
Terry James and Jonathan Brentner interview – Sky Watch TV
Here is the first of Terry James’ and Jonathan Brentner’s interviews with Joe Horn on Sky Watch TV. Interviews with Sky Watch TV on HEREAFTER book. ...
God Sees Our Distress; Our Deliverer Is Coming :: By Jonathan Brentner
I love the words of Scripture. They form the basis for my hope of eternal life, provide needed assurance in times of trouble, and calm my soul...
5 Popular Lies About the Rapture :: By Jonathan Brentner
One of the most unpopular beliefs among Christians today is that of the pre-Tribulation Rapture. Many not only scoff at our expectation of meeting...
The Necessity of Imminency :: By Jonathan Brentner
Imminency. It tells us we live on the edge of eternity. The Rapture might happen at any moment. However, as the moments become days and then weeks,...