Sidney Poitier, the groundbreaking actor and enduring inspiration who transformed how Black people were portrayed on...
Tag: groundbreaking
‘Groundbreaking’ Animated Jesus Movie to Be Produced by Jesus Film Project
The Jesus Film Project on Thursday announced an ambitious new project that will introduce the story of Christ to a “new generation” with a...
Sanctuary of Hope Groundbreaking on KSAT News SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Feb. 27, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Sunday, John Hagee Ministries (JHM), a San...
Evangel University celebrates Randy Rowden Intramural Field with groundbreaking ceremony
Evangel University held a groundbreaking ceremony to kick off the installation of the Randy Rowden Intramural Field on January 11. The post Evangel...
18-Year-Old to Sue Over ‘Grossly Negligent’ Transgender Treatment in Potentially Groundbreaking Case An 18-year-old California girl is taking on one of the nation's largest medical groups. Chloe Cole alleges that Kaiser...
‘Groundbreaking’: Elon Musk and Donald Trump Conversation on X Keeps Breaking Records
The Left tried to stop it from happening: A Washington Post reporter had asked Biden's press secretary what they were doing to try to stop the...