Tag: formed

Only Your King James Bible Contains The ‘Advanced Revelation’ That In The End Of Time, A State Of Palestine Would Exist Where It Is About To Be Formed

Why do all the modern versions erase the words ‘Palestine’ and ‘Palestina’ and replace them with ‘Philistines’ and ‘Philistia’? Your King James...

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Russia, China, Iran And North Korea Have Formed A New World Order ‘Axis Of Evil’ For Global Domination

Russia, China, Iran and North Korea Are Busy Forming A New World Order Axis Of Evil that seeks global domination and the end of democratic rule In...

Only Your King James Bible Contains The ‘Advanced Revelation’ That In The End Of Time, A State Of Palestine Would Exist Where It Is About To Be Formed

Why do all the modern versions erase the words ‘Palestine’ and ‘Palestina’ and replace them with ‘Philistines’ and ‘Philistia’? Your King James...