May 14th 1948 was not the final regathering of the Jews to Israel, they were ‘regathered to be scattered’, but their redemption is coming! Your King...
Tag: final
COP28 and the Final 7 Years Leaders from nearly every nation on the planet began gathering today in Dubai at the United Nations Climate Change...
The Final Week in Jerusalem
An outtake from our pre-recording is available at the end of the episode.Enroll in The Jewish Gospel of MatthewExplore Listening to the Land of the...
The ’50 Final Events in World History’ Are Revealed in Scripture, Robert J. Morgan Says
The book of Revelation prophecies a series of future events, but author and pastor Robert J. Morgan doesn’t believe Christians will have to wait a...
Rapture: Before the Final Sunset :: By Lisa Heaton
Anticipation is building. Can you feel it? We know daybreaks are dwindling and that soon, the final sunset will come when the Son sets out to claim...
Has the Final 7 Years Begun?
Jordan’s King says Christianity is under fire in Jerusalem, Israel during his address at the United Nations General Assembly. He also called for...
Justice Ginsburg Returns to Supreme Court for Final Time Justice Ginsburg Returns to Supreme Court for Final Time --- SUBSCRIBE to the CBN News Channel for more: What's...
Has the Final 7 Years Begun? Watch End of the Age LIVE weekdays at 3:00 PM CST. Click the bell icon so you'll know when we add a new show! Shop the...
Israel Election Result: No Clear Victor After Final Vote is Tallied JERUSALEM, Israel –The votes are in for Israel’s fourth election in two years and the results show it wasn’t enough to...