The UN is attempting to strip Israel of its Biblical heritage. We are doing the show LIVE from the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis,...
Tag: eugene
Wessly Lukose, Contextual Missiology Of The Spirit Pentecostalism In Rajasthan, India (Oxford, UK Regnum Books, OCMS; Eugene, OR, Wipf & Stock, 2013). Vii + 254 Pp. $24.80 Paperback.
book reviews 483 Wessly Lukose Contextual Missiology of the Spirit: Pentecostalism in Rajasthan, India(Oxford, uk: Regnum Books, ocms; Eugene, or,...
It Wasn’t UFOs :: By Eugene Quintus Whipplewart
When the Christians Go Up, It Won’t Be Space Aliens That’ve Taken Us! “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be...
LIVE from Indy Dr Eugene Wilson, Terry Shock, Dr Robert Costa, and more The UN is attempting to strip Israel of its Biblical heritage. We are doing the show LIVE from the Indiana Convention...