172 inmates at the Sebastian County Adult Detention Center in Arkansas get saved as revival breaks out after they received Bibles behind bars from...
Tag: county,
Chaplain Todd Tells Us Revival Has Broken Out At Sebastian County Jail As 172 Inmates Get Saved After We Sent Them 400 King James Bibles Last Year
Great American Family’s County Rescue Continues New Trend of Faith-Based TV Series
The latest faith-based TV series is County Rescue, the first episode of which launches on Great American Pure Flix Feb. 23 and Great American Family...
Leftist County Commissioner Tries and Fails to Remove 2 Library Board Members for Standing against Obscene Children’s Books
...This is an example of how a local team of activists keeping up the pressure helps elected officials stay the course.... by News Staff
We’re Sending Hundreds Of King James Bibles To The Fulton County Jail, The Santa Clara County Jail And The Orange County Jail Next Week With Your Help
Bibles Behind Bars is finishing out the month of June quite strong as new jails and prisons are coming onboard looking for God’s word for the...
The Gila County Adult Detention Center In Globe Arizona Is A Rural Jail In Desperate Need Of Receiving King James Authorized Version Holy Bibles
The Gila County Adult Detention Center is quite small, but the eyes of the Lord is upon the inmates there and having us send King James Bibles...
Virginia’s Fairfax County Public Schools do not require students to have parental consent to change their names or genders
Virginia’s Fairfax County Public Schools do not require students to have parental consent to change their names or genders School training...
At The Karnes County Immigration Detention Center In Texas, They Have An Urgent Need For 1,395 King James Bibles In Spanish. Will YOU Help?
We have at the Karnes County Immigration Detention Center any given time a population of 1,395 men, and we need Bibles for them. Can you help us?...
VICTORY: Unconstitutional ‘Bubble Zone’ around Abortion Centers Repealed In New York County
"This is indeed a victory for free speech, and for pro-life advocacy. We stand ready to put the final nail in its coffin with a petition to the US...