Armenia's Alternative Service Commission has repeatedly refused most applications for alternative civilian service from traditionally pacifist...
Tag: conscientious
KAZAKHSTAN: Conscientious objector’s 6 months in military detention
In autumn 2022, Jehovah's Witness Daniil Smal presented the Conscription Office a certificate from the Jehovah's Witness Centre that he is a...
ARMENIA: Conscientious objector “could be taken to jail at any time”
On 16 July, one week before his 21st birthday, Baptist conscientious objector Davit Nazaretyan received the Cassation Court's rejection of his final...
UKRAINE: Two new conscientious objector jail terms
In late March a Lviv Region court sentenced Protestant conscientious objector Serhy Stadnitsky to a 3-year jail term for refusing mobilisation on...
ARMENIA: Appeal court upholds conscientious objector’s jail term
On 7 February, Yerevan's Criminal Court of Appeal rejected 20-year-old Baptist conscientious objector Davit Nazaretyan's appeal against a two-year...
AZERBAIJAN: Conscientious objector jailing “very unexpected decision”
On 22 September, a Goranboy court jailed 22-year-old Jehovah's Witness Seymur Mammadov for nine months for refusing compulsory military service on...
Should Christians Be Conscientious Consumers? | Doug Wilson In this episode of Ask Doug, Pastor Doug Wilson answers the question, "Should Christians be conscientious consumers?" ...
UKRAINE: Conscientious objector now jailed
Ivano-Frankivsk Police took 46-year-old Christian conscientious objector Vitaly Alekseenko into custody on 23 February to begin serving his one-year...
UKRAINE: First known wartime conscientious objector jailing
46-year-old Christian Vitaly Alekseenko expects to be taken to begin his one-year jail term on 19 January. On 16 January, Ivano-Frankivsk Appeal...