Mel Gibson’s sequel to the 2004 blockbuster The Passion of the Christwill be split into two parts, with the first film following the story of what...
Tag: christ,
Will the Second Coming of Jesus Christ Happen? Watch End of the Age LIVE weekdays at 3:00 PM CST. Click the bell icon so you'll know when we add a new show! Shop the...
The Chosen Lights Up Brazil’s Sky with Stunning Projection on Christ the Redeemer
The Chosen’s latest season enjoyed an impressive launch in Brazil last week and celebrated its worldwide success with a stunning nighttime...
The Passion of the Christ Sequel Rumors Are Reportedly False
According to a new report, the rumors of a sequel to The Passion of the Christ being filmed this year are false.
‘No One Will Be Touching the Cross of Christ Under the Trump Admin’: President Trump Condemns ‘Persecution’ of Christians Under Biden in Strong NRB Speech
"Ultimately, the radical Left is coming after all of us because our allegiance is not to them. Our allegiance is to our Creator, they don't want to...
Ex-Porn Star Who Found Christ Unveils Plan to Reach 100 Million With the Gospel on Good Friday Joshua Broome has been openly sharing his powerful story of transforming from a lost and confused porn star to a...
State of the Church 2021 | Doug Wilson, Christ Church Moscow, Idaho Douglas Wilson preaches his annual State of the Church for 2021 at Christ Church in Moscow Idaho By Douglas Wilson...
To Live is Christ / Toby Sumpter By Toby Sumpter Christ Church - Moscow, ID Sermon #2170 - A.D. January 5, 2020 Text: Philippians 1:19-30 Sermon Notes:...
Walking in the Reality of what Christ has done for us, with Pastor Steve Schilling Day Two -- The End Times; Why it Matters!: The 3rd Annual Preterist Bible Conference. Blue Point Bible Church, Blue...