Tag: chaplain

The Santa Rosa Correctional Main Unit and Annex In Milton Florida Holds 2,500 Inmates And Their Chaplain Just Contacted Us Looking For Bibles

The Santa Rosa Correctional Institution and Annex houses 2,500 inmates and I would love for us to give every single one of them a King James Bible. ...

Chaplain Todd Tells Us Revival Has Broken Out At Sebastian County Jail As 172 Inmates Get Saved After We Sent Them 400 King James Bibles Last Year

172 inmates at the Sebastian County Adult Detention Center in Arkansas get saved as revival breaks out after they received Bibles behind bars from...

Senior Chaplain Janalee Di Gian At DPS City Of Las Vegas Detention Center Sends Urgent Call For Help In Getting Them 500 King James Bibles For Inmates

Chaplain Janalee Di Gian was honored for the incredible work she’s been doing within the City of Las Vegas Detention Center, and she just wrote to...