113 Murray W. Dempster, Byron D. Klaus and Douglas Petersen, eds., Called & Empowered: Global Mission in Pentecostal Perspective (Peabody, MA:...
Tag: called
Mary Weems Chapman, First Assemblies of God Missionary to South India: Called to the Prostitutes and Untouchables
This Week in AG History — April 18, 1925 By Darrin J. RodgersOriginally published on AG-News, 18 March 2024 When veteran missionary Mary Weems...
“Called to the Ministry?” | Doug Wilson
http://youtu.be/U-zOHRyQPso In this episode of Ask Doug, pastor Doug Wilson answers a question about ministry calling. Ask Doug is presented by...
Australian churches called to change or die
Over 600 pastors and church leaders were presented with a challenging picture of what the future may hold when Exponential Australia used their...
Is Jesus called YHWH in Joel 2:32/Romans 10:13?
In Romans 10, Paul is discussing the Lord Jesus, and in verse 13, he writes (NKJV, emphasis mine): For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall...
Former NFL Player: ‘I Was so Focused on What I Wanted, I Was Blinded on What God Called Me to Do’
http://youtu.be/YK0XYvGFBTI Considered one of the best motivational speakers of our time, Trent Shelton is a man focused on helping generations to...
‘Should Be Called the Inequality Act’: Makes Religious Rights Less Than Equal
http://youtu.be/UpVjzNHJ_jo CWA's Penny Nance joins CBN News to discuss the inequities of the so-called "Equality Act" on people and institutions...
John Piper Chides Pastors Who Ignore Biblical Topics So They Won’t Be Called ‘Woke’ or ‘Conservative’
Pastor and author John Piper says too many of today's pastors are ignoring certain texts and topics within Scripture out of fear of being given a...
Millions to Spend Christmas Behind Bars: Chaplains Called to Give Hope to Those Suffering
http://youtu.be/OG8ATV64ISM For the millions of Americans behind bars – and their families – Christmas is often a painful holiday. It's why prison...