The Jesus Film Project on Thursday announced an ambitious new project that will introduce the story of Christ to a “new generation” with a...
Tag: animated
‘They’re After Your Kids’: Animated Children’s Show to Introduce ‘They/Them’ Pronouns in New Episode
.... by Tré Goins-Phillips
The Jarring Animated Short Pro-Choicers Won’t Want People to See: ‘Humanizes the Baby’ A new animated video featuring a medical professional who quit his job after witnessing a graphic abortion procedure is...
New Animated ‘JESUS’ Film Announced for Worldwide Release
+quot;It's not about a movie, it's about Jesus. That's the mission.+quot; The Jesus Film Project announced an animated...
Seeking a Christ Animated Administration: One Administrator’s Approach for the Christian Mission
“So, what do you actually do?” is a very common follow-up question when someone learns that I am a provost. The question occurs frequently enough...
‘Young David’ Animated Series Takes Children on a Journey of Faith, Producer Says
A new Bible-based animated series about David as a boy will teach children that the same God who guided the future King of Israel each day is...
Jodi Benson of The Little Mermaid to Star in the Faith-Based Animated Series The Wingfeather Saga
Actress and singer Jodi Benson, who voiced Ariel in Disney's animated The Little Mermaid, is set to voice a character in the upcoming Christian...