I needed to do some grocery shopping and went to my local Walmart. As I walked around the store, trying to remember what I needed, I walked down an...
Tag: about
The Thing About Israel Right Now | Open Line Friday
Senator Chuck Schumer’s speech claiming ‘Israeli elections and the two-state solution are the only way to peace’ is anti-Israel and diametrically...
Five Surprising Facts About Assemblies of God Eschatology
During my doctoral research about the history of Assemblies of God beliefs about eschatology, I made several interesting discoveries. While most...
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Your King James Bible Says About The Coming Final Regathering, Restoration And Redemption Of The Jews And Israel
May 14th 1948 was not the final regathering of the Jews to Israel, they were ‘regathered to be scattered’, but their redemption is coming! Your King...
10 Things Christians Should Know about the Episcopal Church: History and Beliefs
The Episcopal Church was established after the American Revolution when it became independent from the Church of England. The Episcopal Church...
Mormons – 10 Things to Know about the Church of Latter Day Saints
Often capturing public fascination, Mormonism can actually refer to several different groups. The most well-known group of Mormons is the Church of...
4 Things You Should Know about Cabrini
Mother Cabrini is a young Italian woman with a heart for the world's poor and a bold plan to meet their needs.Her plan: launch a ministry in Asia,...
5 Things Every Christian Needs to Know about the Transgender Debate
The transgender debate is becoming all-encompassing. Issues such as education, law, government, entertainment all fall in the crosshairs of the...
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Everything You Need To Know About The Red Heifers, Jacob’s Trouble And The Soon-Coming Third Temple In Jerusalem
Why are we suddenly seeing spotless red heifers again in Jerusalem? Because a temple is about to be built, and we who are saved are about to fly! On...