Dr. Brown speaks with Tara Sander Lee and Jim Harden
Tag: 1973
This Week in AG History — Jan. 14, 1973
In 1973, the Assemblies of God joined with more than 130 other denominations as part of Key 73 — an effort to present the gospel to every household...
This Week in AG History — June 10, 1973
Robbie Risner, raised in an AG home, was one of the most decorated U.S. pilots in the Korean and Vietnam wars -- his life story was shared in the...
Reflecting on the 1973 Chicago Declaration: Legacies and Challenges for Christian Higher Education Today
How can evangelical communities work together amidst differences to cast a vision for gospel witness? This article focuses on the origins, process,...
This Week in AG History — Sept. 16, 1973
This week marks the 50th anniversary of the opening of the long-awaited Assemblies of God Graduate School now known as the AG Theological Seminary.
This Week in AG History — Oct. 14, 1973
Charles T. Crabtree invested his life in ministry — teaming with his wife, Romana, as a ministry partner and going on to being elected assistant...
This Week in AG History — March 11, 1973
C.M. Ward had a rich history as a pulpit minister as well as being known as the voice of the Assemblies of God Revivaltime program for a quarter...