A heartwarming new movie from the producers of Jesus Revolution and I Can Only Imagine has parallels to the Good Samaritan parable and encourages...
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Students in University of California System Identifying as Transgender or Non-Binary Have Tripled in Four Years
According to new polling data by the University of California, the number of students identifying as transgender and non-binary have tripled in the...
Crossroads Church In Cincinnati Puts On Shameful And Worldly Display With Their ‘Super Bowl Of Preaching’ Last Days Laodicean Nightmare
The very Laodicean Crossroads Church in Cincinnati held their annual ‘Super Bowl of Preaching’ and it was anything else but They called it the...
Psalm 131: Contentment & Israel’s Hope in the Lord :: By Ron Ferguson
“This is one of my sermon messages, but I want to put it on RR because the last section of it relates to hope and Israel. It is verse 3 of that...
A Door Opened in Heaven: Rev 4:1 :: By Donald Whitchard
Revelation 4:1; John 14:1-3; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Summary: John’s testimony of what he witnessed in heaven shows the...
Ever So Close :: By Dennis Huebshman
Luke 21:28; “Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (ESV – all...
Christ Statue Struck By Lighting: Rain & Hail Continue :: By Jim Towers
After a demon-worshiping Mardi Gra parade in Brazil, lightning struck the statue of Christ on top of Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro. Shortly...
Mideast conflict may open Arab hearts to Jewish Jesus Christ
Mideast conflict may open Arab hearts to Jewish Jesus Christ Jesus. The savior of the world, born a Jew. You might think that’s a hard thing for...
Muslims Are Falsely Claiming Conversion to Christianity to Gain Asylum in U.K., Judges Fear
A pair of judges in the United Kingdom allege Muslim individuals have faked a conversion to Christianity and have duped Church of England clergy in...