Miracle Explosion | Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!
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The Miracle Explosion with Joan Hunter, Joan Gieson & Clarice Fluitt.
Order a copy of this episode on DVD here: http://bit.ly/2T3HmXt
Get ready for a Miracle Explosion TODAY!
Join me and my special guests, Joan Hunter, Dr. Clarice Fluitt & Joan Gieson LIVE today on our It’s Supernatural! Network (ISN) and on GEB America & GOD TV. Watch a preview for this live event.
Joan Hunter is building on the shoulder of her parents, the Happy Hunters. They saw a large number of miracles in their ministry.
Clarice Fluitt is known for God answering her prayers for outrageous miracles.
Joan Gieson is known as the “Miracle Lady” at Benny Hinn meetings. She gets more people in wheelchairs walking than anyone I know!
All three have received the Kathryn Kuhlman anointing. Their three anointings combined will cause an explosion of miracles! They will be praying for you to receive an impartation of a miracle anointing.
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