Sabotage Within a Sleeping Church :: By Jonathan Brentner
In a recent blog post, Now is the Time, I included these words in the introduction:
“Apart from an expectation that’s firmly fixed on Jesus and His imminent appearing, I could not cope with all that I see. My “blessed hope” of seeing “the appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ” has never been more precious to me than it is now (Titus 2:13). The expectation of Jesus’ appearing is the anchor of my soul during these chaotic times.”
I see more threats on the horizon of our world than I could possibly explain in one article. However, I have an overwhelming peace in my soul as I witness biblical prophecy coming to life all around me. Knowing that the Lord might come for me at any moment continually calms my heart.
I also sense an urgency to warn the church concerning the dark storm clouds looming on the horizon. My concern is especially for those saints that lack the biblical understanding of our day, which would enable them to understand our world from a prophetic perspective and thereby prepare their hearts for what might lie ahead. So many of them are snoozing at the worst possible time in history to do so.
There’s insanely good news ahead for those of us in Christ because of His imminent appearing to take us home, but so few fix their eyes on this glorious hope.
Let’s look at the bad news first.
We Are Running Out of Time
Daymond Duck, one of my favorite writers on biblical prophecy, wrote an article entitled Running Out of Time, which recently appeared on the Rapture Ready Website. He specifically mentioned the food shortages and quoted these warnings from the CEO of Goya Foods, Bob Unanue:
- “We are on the precipice of a global food crisis.”
- “Americans will have to tighten their belts and consume less.”
- Americans “can afford higher-priced food, but other countries won’t be able to bear it.”
The looming worldwide food crisis and so many other things tell us that the world is quickly running out of time before the four horses and riders of Revelation 6:1-8 begin their deadly trek across the earth. These things also signify the nearness of the time when Jesus catches us up to meet Him in the air since this must happen before the events of Revelation 6.
The diesel fuel shortages looming in the eastern half of America will greatly accelerate the looming food shortages in the U.S.
Last week, I listened as the head of the United Nations announced its partnership with Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) in order to speed up the implementation of the UN’s Agenda 2030. The seventeen goals of this plan are readily available on the UN’s website, and they clearly depict a Marxist one-world government.
The Luciferian globalists of our day have openly laid out two paths that will enable them to exert greater control over the nations of the world.
The first is that of ceding America’s national sovereignty, and many other nations as well, to the World Health Organization (WHO). Leo Hohmann, an investigative reported and blogger, described it this way:
The WHO will be hosting its annual meeting, the 75th World Health Assembly, May 22-28 in Geneva, Switzerland, attended by delegates from at least 194 nations. It is during this Assembly that members will be voting on the amendments that will hand over additional sovereignty, control and legal authority to the World Health Organization. The WHO, if these amendments are approved, will obtain the authority to declare an international health emergency, overriding national governments. [ [i]]
Here is what Michele Bachmann, former Congressman and candidate for President, had to say about the impact of this vote upon the United States:
“This means that the WHO would have decision-making authority to intervene in the United States government policy and any nation of the world without our permission. For instance, the lockdown where you see 26 million people today locked down in Shanghai, China. They can’t leave their apartments or homes. The WHO would have the authority to be able to enforce that here in the United States, on whatever pretext they want. They don’t have to show data. They could do this.” [ [ii]]
It was President Biden who submitted the draconian amendments to the WHO that will result in the loss of U.S. sovereignty over all health emergencies if the delegates approve them. This is pure evil and, without a doubt, will result in the loss of much life if the WHO approves the Biden amendments.
Second, the plans to move the nations of the world to a digital currency will give the elite powerbrokers of the world the ability to impose their will upon the nations despite any and all resistance to their agenda. This will lead to the mark of the beast described in Revelation 13:15-18.
If these two things happen, it will not matter how the majority votes in elections. It will not matter what they want from their government. The Luciferian elite will have the control they need to impose their New World Order on everyone and enslave the people of the world. And they have already announced their plans to accelerate their formation of the New World Order.
Please know that Satan is behind all these things and his ultimate purposes are to deceive and kill people. Jesus’ apt description of the devil in John 8:44 explains much of what we see in our world.
The Hopeful Lens of Biblical Prophecy
The church must wake up to the urgency of the hour. It may seem for some that things have taken a turn for the better, but please understand that it’s a pseudo calm before the impossible times that lie ahead in the near future.
Believers need to hear and understand biblical prophecy more than ever in the history of the church. They desperately need the calm that comes from looking at the world through the eyes of biblical prophecy and eagerly awaiting Jesus’ appearing. The news events of our day are frightening; however, God’s joyful plans for our future are both comforting and encouraging (1 Thessalonians 4:18). As I said earlier, there’s insanely good news for those in Christ.
The Bible tells us that:
- There will be a terrible worldwide famine with great shortages of food during the early months or years of the Tribulation. What we see today is the lead-up to what will happen after the Rapture.
- Lawlessness and deception will abound in the last days, which is today.
- The Luciferian globalists of our day will succeed in setting up a New World Order over which the antichrist will assume control after we are gone.
- The Lord’s wrath will descend upon the world as never before in history. Those perpetrating violence, the murder of unborn children, the disruption of our food supply, and violence face a horrifying future, one that will lead to their great distress and eventually their death.
- There will be a time of God’s judgment on the earth. The severity of what lies ahead for the wicked of our day fits with their murderous agenda, deception, and unprecedented lawlessness (see Isaiah 13:9-13 and 24:1-6)
- The Lord has planned a way of escape for us. It’s the Rapture. Don’t let anyone deceive you; Jesus is coming for us before the judgments of Revelation 6-18 sweep over the entire planet.
I know it’s difficult to wait for our departure from this world. I wish that I could say that the Lord will come for us before we suffer any more from the hostility of our deadly enemy, the devil. I know that many who read this live in countries where the oppression of the enemy far exceeds what we now face in the U.S.
Unfortunately, a large number of believers today have become desensitized to the imminent appearing of Jesus and have stopped watching for it. They do not know what Scripture says about the day in which we live, and they live without any awareness of Jesus’ imminent appearing. As a result, they easily fall prey to the deceptive lies of the mainstream media, which they hear repeated over and over again.
The result is a snoozing church that remains unaware that time is running out for the world as we know it. Many believers plan for the future as though they have decades of life ahead of them; they do not.
One of two things will interrupt the long-range plans of the sleeping saints in America:
- The Rapture will occur.
- The Lord’s judgment on the U.S. will greatly increase and drastically change everything.
I wish I could say that the Rapture will occur in the next few days, weeks, or months so that we might avoid the turmoil ahead for us, but I cannot predict its timing. I pray that the Rapture will happen soon.
I can say with absolute certainty, however, that those who know Jesus as their Savior will miss all of the Day of the Lord described in Isaiah 13 and 24 and all of the judgments of Revelation 6-18.
On the one hand, we live in exciting times. We are witnessing the ancient prophecies of Scripture coming to life before our eyes in ways we could never have imagined just ten years ago. We see the kingdom of the antichrist taking shape and realize that it signifies the nearness of our homegoing.
On the other hand, those who know what the Bible says about our day recognize the extreme danger of living in a world filled with deception, lawlessness, and wickedness.
Pastors: as these things continue to escalate exponentially, people will show up at your church wanting to hear a biblical perspective on the chaos of our day. If you fail to put these threatening world events into the framework of biblical prophecy, they may not hear what you say regardless of how eloquently you preach. At some point, they will need to hear the specifics of the Gospel future, or they will not return.
I do not have all the answers as to how we rouse a snoozing church; I just know that it’s greatly needed in a day when so many Bible-believing churches remain silent on the topic or give people a false hope.
My new book, The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times, is now available on Amazon. This book lays a firm biblical foundation for the hope that we have in Jesus’ imminent appearing. Order one for your pastor!
Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at It will greatly help me in reaching more people. Thanks!
[i] Leo Hohmann, GLOBAL GOV’T ALERT: Threat to national sovereignty set to go down May 22-28 at WHO World Health Assembly, April 25, 2022, @
[ii] Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, ON MAY 22: Who Will Have Authority to Lock Down All of America, May 11, 2022, @
The post Sabotage Within a Sleeping Church :: By Jonathan Brentner appeared first on Rapture Ready.
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