Work and Worship :: By Jeff Van Hatten
Recently the ladies of Simply HIS over at SkywatchTV asked the questions, “Is Worship More Than Music at Church? Can We Worship in Everything We Do?” To which I answer, “Did you know that work and worship are the same thing? Most people do not!”
The Hebrew word abad [H5647] is used over 290 times in scripture. It is translated: to do service, to serve, till, work, or labor. It can mean bondage, a burden, or to produce. However, it is also translated: to worship!
Burdens and Bondage
Exodus 6:5 tells us that the Hebrews were being “held in bondage” by the Egyptians.
Isaiah 14:3 and Ezekiel 34:27 tell us that the Hebrews “have been enslaved.”
Joshua 16:10 tells us the Hebrews “became forced laborers.”
Isaiah 43:23-24 tells us that Yahweh has not “burdened us with offerings,” but we “have burdened him with our sins”!
Both held and bondage are the Hebrew word abad, as are the words enslaved, laborers, and burdened.
Tilling and Cultivating
Genesis 2:15 – “Then the Yahweh took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.”
Genesis 4:2 – “Cain was a tiller of the ground.”
Deuteronomy 28:39 – “You shall plant and cultivate vineyards.”
2 Samuel 9:10 – “You and your sons and your servants shall cultivate the land.”
Ezekiel 36:9 tells us that desolate lands and even people “will be cultivated.”
Proverbs 28:19 tells us that a person who “tills the land will have plenty of food.”
Cultivate, cultivated, tiller, and tills are also the Hebrew word abad.
Work, Work, Work – All We Do Is Abad
Exodus 20:9 and Exodus 34:21 – “You will work six days” and “perform the service of Yahweh” (Joshua 22:27). The Hebrews were to “labor rigorously” with the labors which were “rigorously imposed upon them”! Nebuchadnezzar’s army received no wages from Tyre for the labor that they performed against it (Ezekiel 29:18), but instead received the land of Egypt for the labor which he performed (Ezekiel 29:20).
Aaron and the Levites were “to do” the service of the Tabernacle (Numbers 3:7-8) and “to do the work of service” (Numbers 4:47). Numbers 8:11 and 8:25 also use the words perform and work. Deuteronomy 15:19 tells us, however, that we will not “work with the firstborn”!
Work, perform, performed, imposed, and to do are also all the Hebrew word abad.
Worship– We Abad
Isaiah 19:9-23 tells us that the “manufacturers of linen” will be dejected but that they will “worship with sacrifice and offering,” and the “Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians.” The “prophets of Baal and all Baal’s worshippers” were summoned by Jehu and then killed (2 Kings 10:19-22).
More importantly, throughout the scriptures, we are commanded to worship/ Yahweh (Exodus 3:12, Exodus 12:31, Deuteronomy 6:13, Psalm 2:11, etc.).
Worship, worshippers, and manufacturers are also all the Hebrew word abad.
Colossians 3:23-24 – “Whatever work you do, do it with all your heart as one who is serving Yahweh himself, knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from him. Remember, you are a slave of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach.”
Many believe that work and worship are separate concepts that have little to nothing in common. We work all week and then worship on a day of rest. The Hebrew mindset, however, sees no disconnect between work and worship – they are the same concept. Paul states it very succinctly in Colossians 3:23-24, tying in our work [abad] and serving as part of our enslavement [abad] to Yeshua!
Final Thought
Luke 21:28 – “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is near!”
We are always to be ready for Yeshua to return. Are you ready? If not, then get ready. Exercise whatever time you have to repent and trust Yeshua for your eternal salvation. Do not test Yahweh’s patience and wait too long – the dress rehearsals will not continue much longer. May Yom Teruah this year be fulfilled in the resurrection of the dead and the rapture of Yeshua’s Bride.
Email: [email protected]
About Jeff
Jeff is a retired Youth Worker and Christian camp employee/volunteer/board member with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies. He has been teaching /writing/blogging about the Pre-Trib Rapture and many other subjects for many years and has written much on these topics. His primary focus is analysis and teaching his favorite subject – the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Retirement allows him to concentrate on studying the Rapture and the Season of Yeshua’s Return, to blog, write, and teach what he learns, and to focus on Biblical exposition of his understanding of Biblical themes and patterns, word definitions, Hebrew idioms, and insights given by the Ruach Ha’Kodesh.
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