A Lament About Liars (Psalm 120) | Doug Wilson

Pastor Doug Wilson preaches a sermon from Psalm 120 on lying, slander, and the Christian response.

“We live in time that is dominated by the Lie. The Lie is the coin of the realm. The Lie comes at you from every direction. You are lied to in your Spotify playlist. You are lied to in the movies, in the books you read, and on the Internet. You are lied to by our culture, you are lied to by our political authorities, and you are lied to by the devil.

Keep in mind that it is a sin to believe a lie. That is how our race fell into sin in the first place. God cannot lie (Heb. 6:18), and He told Adam to stay away from that tree. The devil wreathes himself in lies, and he is the one who told them to go ahead. The Fall was the result of believing a lie.

And one of the central ways to immunize yourself against believing lies is by resolving, before God, that you will speak the truth.”

This video is presented by Canon Press.

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