26 Aug 2024


PATHS OF UNRIGHTEOUSNESS Apostasy & Doctrines of Demons Feminist ‘witches’ will cast spells & rituals at taxpayer-funded London academic conference – a “queer tarot reader” & “interdisciplinary feminist researcher” who describe themselves as witches. Church of England increasingly dropping use of the word ‘church’ to sound more relevant & modern. Homosexual priest designed new image […]

The post 26 Aug 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.


Apostasy & Doctrines of Demons

Feminist ‘witches’ will cast spells & rituals at taxpayer-funded London academic conference – a “queer tarot reader” & “interdisciplinary feminist researcher” who describe themselves as witches.

Church of England increasingly dropping use of the word ‘church’ to sound more relevant & modern.

Homosexual priest designed new image for Fr. Martin’s LGBT conference featuring a jean’s wearing Christ with Pope Francis & two homosexual couples. Francis supports Martin’s pro-LGBT activism & the LGBTQ Outreach conference.

Ignoring Errors of Roman Catholicism. Many evangelical pastors/teachers warn about Mormonism’s & Jehovah’s Witnesses’ false gospels but avoid Roman Catholicism’s false gospel. This is disturbing because the combined population of Mormons & JW’s is only 26 million, while the Roman Catholic Church has over 1.4 billion souls who need to hear the Gospel.

Hatred of Jews & Israel

Anti-Israel protestors broke through Secret Service perimeter at Dem Convention on Aug. 19. When pushed back, they took barriers with them. Also on Aug. 20 a few miles away, anti-Israel protesters burned the American flag and violently clashed with police, ignoring calls to disperse. Over 70 were arrested. One of the groups that planned the protest is believed to have ties to terrorist groups.

Biden says DNC anti-Israel agitators ‘have a point,’ as he delivered his address to the Dem Convention.

Jewish groups blocked from marching during the DNC. Democrat Mayor Johnson refused to grant their request for a permit, yet pro-Palestinians march through the streets. Even as they veered off approved routes and tore down security fencing, it will be the Jewish protesters who will reportedly remain confined to a private lot under the watchful eye of the Chicago Police Dept.

Morally Twisted: UN exhibit memorializing global terror victims completely ignores Jews.

Antisemitism Has Reached Critical Mass, that dangerous point of a repeat of the 1930s & 1940s.

Hatred of Christianity

‘Role of Christians in Lebanon has ended,’ Hezbollah-affiliated commentator threatens. He warned that if Christians in Lebanon aligned themselves with U.S. interests, they could find themselves in a similar situation to Afghanis who worked with Americans during the Afghanistan war.

Christians in Pakistan ‘terrified’ of more violence. They’re living in fear of more violent attacks a year after a wave of severe anti-Christian persecution.

Pervasive Perversion

Some good news: Supreme Court rejects Biden-Harris regime’s radical transgender Title IX rewrite… for now. The SCOTUS (5 to 4) ruling halts the regime’s changes to Title IX rules in 10 states that sued. A final order is still needed to vacate the rule nationwide. The regime’s wanted changes violate students’ & employees’ rights to bodily privacy & violate the First Amendment by requiring them to use preferred pronouns. House Speaker Mike Johnson said Republicans know what a woman is. The Court also stopped attempts to allow men to compete in women’s sports.

Florida law enforcement makes record number of arrests during human trafficking operation. 148 people were arrested for various crimes, with 11 charged with human trafficking. Seven victims were recovered during “Operation Summer Shield.” The goal was to prevent children from becoming victims of human trafficking during summer when they’re out of school and spending more time on the internet.

Charges against doctor for secretly recording nude women and children is just the ‘tip of the iceberg.’ “The victimization is so broad and the perversion so great, we’re just beginning to wrap our arms around it.” Dr. Oumair Aejaz used hidden cameras in hospital rooms, changing rooms, etc., and also recorded himself sexually assaulting unconscious hospital patients. Investigators reviewed thousands of videos found at his home in Rochester Hills, Michigan.

British founder of LGBT ‘pride’ group charged with over 30 counts of child sex crimes. Stephen Ireland was a patron of Educate and Celebrate, the now defunct gov’t-funded gender identity group allowed into thousands of schools across the UK.

And the Abortion Abomination

Planned Parenthood providing medication-based abortions during Dem Convention at nearby mobile location.

Iniquity Shall Abound

Guards at San Antonio Air Force base exchanged gunfire with unknown shooter(s)twice in the early hours of Aug 17. There were no injuries.

Last Days Traitors & Their Treachery

Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told Republican leaders, “We’re out to get you, you’re dead.” She added, “I do not like you. I’m out to get you, I’m out to get you. Your defeat is my goal.”

Biden endorses violence; tells Dems to “beat the h*ll out of” Republicans. “Let me tell you what our Project 2025 is: beat the h*ll out of them,” Biden told a crowd in Maryland. After the far-left audience cheered for violence, Biden doubled down by saying, “I mean it!”

Ties that bind Al-Qaeda & Islamists to Harris’ running mate Tim Walz’s state government. “Under Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), Minnesota awarded over $2 million to an Islamic group IANA, whose activities are questionable vis a vis Israel, to say the least.” GOP lawmakers are probing Kamala Harris’ adviser’s ties to Iran’s influence network. All of which brings Al-Qaeda, a major league head of Sunni Islam’s poisonous snake, straight to Walz’s Islamic governmental doorstep!

Obama slammed for crude gesture about Trump during DNC speech. “…this weird obsession with crowd sizes,” Obama continued, as he motioned with his hands, moving them in from large to small, while appearing to look down at his groin.

Land Acknowledgments Are Democrat Party’s New Pledge of Allegiance, used by institutions under the sway of wokeness. It essentially lists Indian tribes that assumedly passed through the land a group is standing on at the time. The concept is absurd, like listing all previous owners’ names, renters, visitors, and squatters of your newly purchased home. The assumption is that the tribes are gone because of the mean, rapacious US. Though the actual history is far more complicated. The Left paradoxically believes on one hand that one racial group inherits land by blood and soil—and on the other hand, insists on granting people the right to illegally cross into the US and gain all benefits of citizens and more. This is a prelude to a merciless authoritarian state that would overturn the American way of life.

Lies told at the Democratic National Convention. Of course, they did. We wouldn’t expect anything less.

Abortion and trans surgeries on children are notable provisions in the Democrat Party platform.

Fact-Check Outlet Snopes finally admits 7 years later that the left’s major claim about Trump is false. Biden based his 2020 campaign on the most easily debunked hoax in the history of hoaxes. And the press covered for him. In the “fact check” published last month, Snopes debunked the myth that Trump referred to neo-Nazis who staged a march in Charlottesville, VA, in 2017 as “very fine people.” What he said was there were “very fine people” on both sides of a debate over the future of statues honoring heroes of the Confederacy.

House concludes Biden “actively participated” in impeachable offenses – except it’s too late to impeach him. The DOJ concluded Biden is too senile to prosecute.

While elections keep the population distracted, America is being bought by oligarchs. The government & economy have been compromised by corporate interests & foreign ownership – land & businesses lost to foreign entities, national debt increasing, & media taken over by corporations. Oligarchsown America.

Why Is the World Economic Forum Warning About Coming ‘Shock’ Events? The WEF recently released an ominous article, warning that we must prepare for “an era of shock events” in the near future. The WEF is a well-funded organization permitted to wreak global havoc. Klaus Schwab and his “forum” have been proclaiming how they’ll change the lives of the masses – we’ll eat bugs to be more environmentally sensitive and own nothing and be happy about it, etc.

Cyber attacks against defense industrial base increasing, NSA chief warns. China, Russia, & others are taking aim more frequently at companies that serve the U.S. military.

Plague, Pestilence, & Planned-demics

Big tobacco companies engineered food to addict children. RJ Reynolds & Philip Morris bought out the food industry, repurposed scientists to create addictive ultra-processed foods, & manipulated the Food Pyramid through corrupt institutions, turning U.S. children’s diets into a dangerous science experiment.

Cucumber-linked salmonella outbreak has sickened at least 449 people. Cases have occurred in 31 states and DC. The CDC estimates the actual number of those sickened in the outbreak is probably considerably higher and may stretch across more states than current data indicates.

EU vaccination card: move toward mandatory vaccinations & restrictions on freedoms & sovereignty. Pilot projects for a vaccination passport will commence in five European countries next month. It’s connected to large financial interests with plans to limit personal & national sovereignty.

With Covid allegedly on the rise, there’s another push to be “vaccinated.” Mainstream media has been claiming that Covid infections are on the rise, and the way for the slave class to protect themselves is to submit to the “safe and effective” “vaccine” AstraZeneca has already recalled. The fear-mongering is going to all new levels once again in an effort to convince people to get the mRNA injections.

What’s Really Happening with Monkeypox. A must-read article. Excerpt: While Mpox is concentrated in Africa, effects of corrupted public health are global. Bird flu will likely follow the same course. The army of researchers paid to find more outbreaks will do so. While risk from pandemics is not significantly different than decades ago, there’s an industry dependent on making you think otherwise. As the Covid playbook showed, it’s about money and power on a scale matched by similar fascist regimes of the past.

Are vaccines causing the cancer epidemic among young people?– cancers that didn’t affect previous generations. It’s argued that it’s due to more obesity in young people, or poor diet, or antibiotic or drug use. Yet the mass, repeated, multiple vaccination of children has never been tested for safety. Children are given dozens of vaccinations, more than ever, huge quantities of often toxic vaccines.

14,000 in UK claimed compensation for serious Covid vaccine injuries. It’s just the tip of the iceberg, as 365,000 serious adverse events, including death, have been reported to the Yellow Card scheme so far.

Australian professor calls for accountability from health officials who failed the public during Covid era. Professor Ian Brighthope criticized the gov’t’s controversial decisions & misguided actions.

Economic & Food Insecurity

Due to cost-of-living crisis, U.S. household debt has soared to highest level ever recorded.

US jobs revised down by 818,000 in election year shocker; second worst revision in US history. An in-depth analysis looking at actual, “uncooked” numbers showed jobs were overstated by over 800,000.

Think tank warns that U.S. federal government has catastrophically failed to prioritize food security.

“Under the Biden administration, USDA & FEMA have transitioned from a culture of preparedness to priorities of diversity, equity, & inclusion (DEI) & climate change.”

“Kamunism” goes viral as Kamala Harris promotes economy-crashing price controls & other communist tricks in Americaa communist-style price control scheme to combat the inflation crisis she created. Also see Harris’ unrealized gains tax would obliterate the U.S. economy.

Southern Californians blindsided by sky-high electric bills after socialist pricing system goes into effect.

Hundreds of thousands of “jobs” were completely fake? Every month, the gov’t releases a number indicating the U.S. economy has been creating plenty of “jobs.” Later, that number gets revised much lower. Fake numbers give Americans the impression that the economy is performing far better than it is.

Washington state truckers warn California emissions policy threatens supply chain.

California GOP lawmakers call on Newsom to delay electric vehicle truck mandate after fires caused by lithium-ion batteries.

Weather Events: Floods Abound

US: Storms battered Northeast with severe flash flooding, submerged cars, roads turned into rivers. Two deaths were reported in Connecticut.

Chad: Devastating floods in desert province of Tibesti have claimed at least 54 lives.

India: Multiple landslides; 20 bodies recovered out of 33; rescue underway. Landslides followed incessant rainfall in Himachal Pradesh. Also Massive landslide struck East Sikkim, impacting 18 homes and damaging a hydroelectric project under reconstruction from last year’s deadly landslide. Also Floods and landslides caused at least 10 casualties, displaced over 34,000 in Tripura.

Bangladesh floods leave millions stranded and cause multiple fatalities. Flood waters have claimed several lives and severely damaged infrastructure.

Nepal: Catastrophic flood destroyed half of Thame village caused by a glacial lake outburst, leaving nearly the entire village uninhabitable.

Saudi Arabia: Severe flash floods hit Medina. Footage showed intense floodwaters engulfing vehicles and forcing people to abandon their cars in an effort to reach safety.

Austria: Parts of Vienna under water after record rainfall, causing severe damage.

Japan: 100 mm (3.9 inches) of rain in one hour caused severe flooding in Tokyo.

Wars and Rumors of Wars… and Islamic Terror

New US nuclear strategy focuses on China threat. A highly classified strategic nuclear plan for the US was approved, focusing more closely on China’s rapid nuclear expansion.

Blinken praises Netanyahu’s acceptance of Gaza truce deal that doesn’t exist. US Secretary of State Blinken touted that Netanyahu accepted the latest US proposal on a Gaza ceasefire deal, & now he’s urging that Hamas “must do the same.” But it’s Blinken’s 9th visit to Israel since the war began, & every trip is filled with his declarations that a truce is at the ‘goal line.’ Also see US officials see hostage deal ‘close to collapse’ as Blinken leaves Middle East without results.

Analysis: Gaza war is part of a broader strategy by extremist regimes like Russia, Iran, Syria, & North Korea to shift global power. This ‘radical entente’ challenges US influence, supports Russia in Ukraine, and backs Iran’s regional ambitions against Israel.

Israel readies world’s largest underground hospital, gearing up for war with Iran-backed Hezbollah.

Israel and Hezbollah move closer to all-out war. Israel has been striking back hard against Hezbollah, killing senior commanders and hitting targets further inside Lebanon. Hezbollah has sent larger volleys of drones and missiles across the border this month, and threats on both sides have increased.

Israeli strikes kill three pro-Iran fighters in Syria. An airstrike carried out by Israel on Aug. 23 in Syria targeted positions held by the Syrian army and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah.

IDF recovers six hostage bodies in Gaza overnight operation, hidden behind a false wall inside a tunnel.

Hostage families received threatening messages from Hamas such as, “If you don’t fight the government, you won’t see your loved ones return.”

Afghan Muslim ‘refugee’ in Austria threatened to behead the Chancellor even though he was granted asylum on appeal in Austria with help of a left-wing lawyer. Also on Aug. 7, three Muslim men were arrested for planning to target a Taylor Swift concert in Vienna.

Yemen’s Houthis planned mass attacks on US warships & Israeli ports. Houthis & Iranian-backed Iraq militias are itching for a more aggressive approach to Israel & US forces in the region. This is concerning Iran, as it tries to find a way to respond to Haniyeh’s assassination without provoking direct Israeli attacks on its soil that the US warns could have devastating consequences for the regime.

Iran warns planned attack on Israel unrelated to Gaza ceasefire talks; intent on ‘punishing the aggressor.’ Iran spokesman Nasser Kanaani said, “Iran’s support for the necessity of an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and stopping the Zionist regime’s onslaught against the Palestinian people has no direct connection with Iran’s legitimate right and punishing the aggressor and responding to the aggression.”

Tel Aviv terror attack: Hamas & ‘Palestinian’ Islamic Jihad claim responsibility for Aug. 18 suicide bomber attack in which one Israeli was moderately injured. Hamas calls the terrorist a martyr & says such attacks will continue. Also see He accidentally blew himself up while transporting the explosive device intended to be remotely detonated or used in a suicide attack.

West Bank terror attack Aug. 18; IDF continues hunt for terrorist. The attack happened while the security guard was walking in an open area between two factories. He was killed with a hammer.


We’re living in very strange days. Every day, we’re bombarded by news stories indicating the world is going completely nuts – unprecedented political chaos, economic turmoil, escalating global conflicts, frightening pestilences, and historic natural disasters…

“The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil” (1 Peter 3:12).

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18).

“And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life” (1 John 5:19-20).


The post 26 Aug 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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