China, Iran Send Diplomats to Taliban Victory Parade at Former U.S. Air Base

0 reports: “The Taliban terrorist organization celebrated the third anniversary of President Joe Biden facilitating its return to power in Afghanistan on Wednesday, hosting a large military parade on the former U.S. air base site […]

The post China, Iran Send Diplomats to Taliban Victory Parade at Former U.S. Air Base appeared first on JVIM. reports: “The Taliban terrorist organization celebrated the third anniversary of President Joe Biden facilitating its return to power in Afghanistan on Wednesday, hosting a large military parade on the former U.S. air base site at Bagram featuring U.S.-made equipment and welcoming envoys from Iran and China.

August 15 will mark three years since the fundamentalist Taliban terror group stormed Kabul, the nation’s capital, while then-President Ashraf Ghani fled in a helicopter. The Afghan military had collapsed by then, leading to a nearly bloodless takeover of the government for the Taliban. The Taliban remains at press time the uncontested government of Afghanistan, though no country recognizes it as such in an official capacity…

‘The Taliban’s armed forces towed Soviet-era tanks and artillery pieces through the former U.S. air base in Bagram, where Chinese and Iranian diplomats were also present,’ the Turkish outlet Daily Sabah, citing international agencies, reported. ‘A swarm of motorbikes strapped with yellow jerry cans, often used to carry improvised explosive devices (IED) during the fight against international forces, also rumbled past assembled officials.’

The outlet also identified ‘U.S.-made armored personnel carriers’ being driven in the parade. A report published in February 2023 by the office of the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) found that Biden left at least $7.2 billion worth of military equipment to the Taliban…”

The post China, Iran Send Diplomats to Taliban Victory Parade at Former U.S. Air Base appeared first on JVIM.

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