Russian Foreign Minister: Netanyahu’s goal of total destruction of Hamas is unachievable


Israel National News reports: “Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Sunday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s war objective to destroy Hamas in Gaza as a precondition for a ceasefire is unachievable. ‘Israel, through Prime […]

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Israel National News reports: “Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Sunday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s war objective to destroy Hamas in Gaza as a precondition for a ceasefire is unachievable.

‘Israel, through Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said in response to calls for a ceasefire that it would not stop until it completely eliminates Hamas,’ Lavrov was quoted by Russian state news agency TASS as having said.

‘In my opinion, and many of my colleagues share this point of view, it is an unrealistic task to eradicate the organization which exists, which has enough capabilities and enough support, including in the Muslim world,’ he added.

Lavrov also said that Russia would ‘continue to help restore the Palestinian unity.’…”

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