22 Jul 2024


Droning On The attack this week—in the middle of Tel Aviv!—is an indication of just how much Israel’s enemies have progressed in their tactical abilities. Frankly, the fact that it was a drone is particularly troubling. The bombing occurred at an apartment building, killing one and wounding eight. This wasn’t some field outside Ashkelon, or […]

The post 22 Jul 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

Droning On

The attack this week—in the middle of Tel Aviv!—is an indication of just how much Israel’s enemies have progressed in their tactical abilities.

Frankly, the fact that it was a drone is particularly troubling. The bombing occurred at an apartment building, killing one and wounding eight. This wasn’t some field outside Ashkelon, or a “dud firework” fizzling out over the sea.

This was the heart of a key Israeli city.

It wasn’t that long ago that the jihadists were sending over fire balloons, doing some damage to fields, etc. This has far progressed from those primitive tools. And it is because Iran is funding and training the Houthis, operating from Yemen and becoming a menace in the Red Sea.

In a report from JFeed:

“The death of a civilian following the fall of the UAV tonight in the heart of Tel Aviv, led journalists to attack the army for the fact that for 9 hours the air defence systems did not identify the suspected target, but only after the explosion did they realize the magnitude of the event.

“News 12 journalist Almog Booker wrote: ‘After 9 months of war: 9 hours in the air. The explosion of the UAV is a crazy omission. The Israeli Air Force, with all its air defence systems, cannot wake up until after the UAV explodes and even then, and for many minutes not know that an aerial target has penetrated the heart of Israel.’

“Walla journalist Amer Bohbot wrote: ‘The Air Force was surprised by the intensity on 10/7. After more than nine months of intense war, they were surprised tonight as well? This issue must be investigated in depth. How much did we sleep on our noses and for what scenario did we prepare? What will happen tomorrow?’

“Tonight at around 3:10 in Tel Aviv a loud explosion was heard in the centre of Tel Aviv, the sound of which reached as far as Rishon Lezion. The police received hundreds of complaints from citizens. At first the IDF denied that it was a UAV, but early in the morning it confirmed that it was an explosion of an aerial target that was not detected by the IDF’s detection means.”

In December, the USS Carney warship was attacked by the Houthis in the Red Sea, along with several other commercial ships. Israeli navy ships were also attacked. These are acts of war, of course, but with no national affiliation (technically), who do you declare war on? The Houthis have been especially troublesome and must be dealt with. The Tel Aviv strike can’t stand.

The Houthis have been around since the 90s, operating from Yemen. Officially, the group is known as Ansar Allah (“Supporters of God”).

A Shiite terrorist group under the command of Hussein al-Houthi, they burst (no pun intended) on the scene for most of us last year. They didn’t have the reputation of Hamas, etc., but they have proven to be lethal.

Interestingly, two days ago an Iranian ship loaded with weapons for the Houthis disappeared in the Red Sea, and the suspicions are that the US Navy was involved.

A recent piece in Foreign Affairs highlights a further problem: Idiotic thinking.

“The political violence and state fragmentation that fueled the Houthis’ rise in Yemen is now wreaking havoc across the broader Horn of Africa. A metastasizing web of intrastate and interstate conflicts stretching from Sudan to Somalia could bring unprecedented chaos across the Horn, creating space for extremist militant networks and countries hostile to Western interests and a free and open Red Sea. Preventing the situation from growing even worse will require a broad-based diplomatic coalition to de-escalate the Horn’s multiple conflicts. But such an effort cannot succeed without aggressive U.S. diplomatic support. An American-led push would have to deter destabilizing interventions on the part of outside parties such as the United Arab Emirates and Iran, which have extended military support to warring actors in places like Sudan. It would also need to avert a regionwide famine, the threat of which is most acute in Sudan and Ethiopia. Taking on these daunting tasks will require a boost of diplomatic outreach by senior U.S. officials, including U.S. President Joe Biden. If the region’s interconnected crises worsen, parties hostile to U.S. interests and a free and open Red Sea may gain strategic advantage in this important maritime corridor.”

What a defeatist stance. Outreach by Joe Biden? We don’t know if he’ll be in office next week. And even if he was, our worst enemies laugh at him. Remember his lines in the sand? Crossed, crossed, crossed. Besides, “diplomacy” with scum like Houthis is a sign of weakness.

During his convention speech, Donald Trump spoke directly to Hamas, telling them to release the hostages, or else. They will respond in the way we want to tough talk like that, which Trump backs up.

That’s the only way to eliminate the Houthis. And Hamas. And Iran.

In the meantime, with historic weakness among Western leaders, these terrorists will continue to disrupt shipping in the Middle East.

Stolen elections have consequences.





The post 22 Jul 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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