The Last Few Weeks – Bad, But Why? :: By Ron Ferguson

These last few weeks in the world have been very significant in many ways. I will outline only some of these. The regular readers of RaptureReady know Daymond Duck presents happenings quite regularly. I will only touch on these things now and again.

I will begin with the United States. Though I am not a resident, I try to understand what happens in the USA, as the events are significant. One advantage I have is in being able to get news from the USA freely because it is not canceled or blocked, as is the case often with American residents because of your many left wing media outlets.

I reject the idea that the USA will feature in the Tribulation, as some try to make out. The whole initial focus is on the Revived Roman Empire as the fourth kingdom from which the world ruler/Antichrist will come. America was never part of that. No one can make predictions, but I feel the UN and the WEF could be most significant for the emergence of this world ruler/Antichrist.

There are none so blind as those who swear allegiance to a system as robotic slaves and who cannot think so as to see right from wrong. We call that “blindness” a delusion, even a deception. Blindness has ascended on the world from the pit and most of those who do not belong to Jesus walk in blindness, in increasing blindness in these days.

To walk in blindness is to live in darkness. The people of the world are divided into light and darkness. Here is the quote Matthew used from the Old Testament – Matthew 4:16 “The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great light, and to those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death, upon them a light dawned.” The coming of the Lord in the first advent was a light dawning. The same will be true for the Second Advent, the coming in glory to end the world’s Tribulation darkness.

We are in that darkness in the world, the children of light in the darkness. When Jesus was rejected and killed, darkness came even more upon the world (especially Israel), but in recent times, it has increased as hearts grow more wicked. Our Western nations had light in past revivals, but light rejected is darkness embraced, and it is the state of our nations, especially in those that had past encounters with the gospel but have now rejected the light.

The condition of the White House is tragic. What is supposed to be the leadership of the free world is intense darkness. Some of the media is asking, “Who runs the White House?” It is that bad. The President is demented, physical and mental systems shutting down. Just today, a CNN doctor called for Biden to take a neurological test. They all know now he is with the fairies, as we say here. For ages, there was a great cover-up about Biden’s state, but the USA is starting to see that. A con job was done on the people from all the left-wing media to keep them in this intense darkness. Only Fox and Sky News Australia have been revealing the true state of affairs.

The Democrats know it is essential that Biden be examined for cognitive assessment because if he can be declared as neurologically incapable, then they can appoint a Democrat name for the Presidential election in three of the states that can put no one else on the ballot if Biden just pulls out. Personally (right or wrong), I think in the next few short weeks, Biden will be replaced by Harris, the giggling feather brain. She will lose even worse to Trump.

There is such ignorance with people now. They don’t know right from wrong; they have no concept of Christian things; they are candidates for hell. Socialism sends people to hell faster than any other system. Communism is the stronger degree of socialism.

Let us move on. Great Britain has just had its elections, and there was a massive turning to the Labour Party. Labour in Britain is very left-wing; in other words, it is socialism, some of it Marxism. Conditions in Britain will proceed from bad to worse. There are places the police won’t touch because they are coming more and more under Islamic control.

It has been my opinion for a long time that in the Tribulation, it will be a rule of socialism and/or Communism, so it is no surprise that we see the nations of Europe hardening that way. Australia is already Marxist to a stronger or weaker degree. The USA is moving that way, especially under the younger Democrats.

Those of us who are older belong to a generation that knew freedom, particularly personal freedom. We know our lives are being squashed today into a socialist mold. We are dying out. The younger generation, whose minds are saturated with demonic contemporary music and are the victims of a corrupt education system, are the advocates of change; that is, socialism and abolition of religion. That means opposition also to Israel.

All that indicates the closeness of the Tribulation. That means the closeness of the Rapture. The new Prime Minister is Sir Keir Stamer, and he has become the darling of the left-wing media just as Biden has been the darling of the same media in the USA.

One of Britain’s problems is the increasing Islamic population. These people riot and protest against the British system of life, calling for its downfall. Does that happen in the USA? It certainly does in Australia. Just in this last week, Islamic mobs defaced the Australian war memorial and hung banners all over the icons of Parliament House. That is a hatred for Australian soldiers and veterans, but nothing is done against it by the Marxist Australian govt. These people get away with lawlessness.

France is experiencing a whole breakdown of society. There is rioting and mayhem in France, caused by radical socialists following the first round of elections where a somewhat conservative national group had success (some call that “the far right”). This is a serious matter because the nation will become ungovernable. France is being run by riots. There is another word for that – anarchy!

We are seeing the rise of modern Western anarchy. Black Lives Matter belongs to that, as do climate activists and Islamic mobs in Western nations. The radicals now try to determine policy and direction, and they are godless and hateful of Christians and Jews.

Socialists worldwide now are militant. They march and riot under the banner of “social justice,” which means they want communist ideals; or black lives matter, which means they want to overthrow the existing system of democracy; or climate change, which means to institute a communist agenda on the West.

Marine Le Penn is the politician who gained the initial support in France, but the left is calling on supporters to take up guns. Macron, the current President, is a left-wing politician. Macron’s government has 19 millionaires in the government and is largely based on support in Paris and support coming from the elite of France, with all the Provinces being neglected. The people have had enough, those who live in the Provinces.

You remember the French Revolution when the great division existed – the rich elite under the king of France and the poor peasants – and there was an uprising. In Australia, the support of the socialist Labor Party is strong among the elite, the academics, and the rich. In the USA, a lot of the support for the socialist Democrats comes from the elite, the rich and the privileged, film stars, and big tech companies who like to reject Christian content and use censorship to cancel out some Christian videos from YouTube and other media (Google).

It is all the same. Communism is very much alive, and today, it has become more violent to achieve its aim.

Just side-tracking for a moment. There is increasing scrutiny against Christians, and we are being spied on to see what we watch. I am passing this on to you if you are interested. Google search is the worst. I use Duck Duck Go for searches and use Firefox, and very importantly, use Ad Blocker Ultimate, which is free and fantastic (you just download to Firefox or Windows or Safari preferences. I don’t know Windows – I am Mac. Doing that, I think, helps overall.

IRAN. Did you know Iran is on the march in the Middle East? It is arming radical groups all over the Middle East, every one of which hates Israel. It threatens extermination of Israel.

Xi of China wants to take over all of Asia and spread its influence all over with the Belt and Road initiative. China is also spreading its tentacles into the Middle East. It probably will continue to do so, as China most certainly will be part of the Kings of the East who come across as part of the Armageddon war against Israel on the eve of the Second Coming.

Why is it that in Australia, the USA, Britain, and France, there is this new generation clamoring for the installation of extreme left-wing policies/Communism? Have you wondered why this is?

The generation under 40 today is radical. In the British election, the videos of the election results with the new PM showed so many cheering young women. Why is it that the younger generation is becoming so radical? Those who read this and are my age (80) and even younger remember the great threat Communism was to the world and to our democracy in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s.

We knew about it in schools and knew the atrocities of totalitarian Communism. We were educated in what this was all about. The media reinforced it. Why did it change? Well, people become materialistic and then complacent. They forgot about educating the following generation about the evils of Communism. Socialism began to rise, then radicals turned it into Communism, and people now clamor after it. The left-wing media sides with it.

Hand in hand with the rise of extreme socialism is the fact that the Christian gospel is failing and is being legislated against. Men and women are hard in their hearts and reject and hate all Christian things. A godless generation will bring about its own destructive end.

Putin is desirous of re-establishing a new Soviet Union. The man is satanic. North Korea is reported as sending one million soldiers to Russia. There is a very active axis of evil made up of Communism and Islam.

How is this going to play out in the days ahead? Firstly, while the Lord tarries, socialism will gain ground because this is what will rule in the Tribulation along with drug-induced, false, satanic religion. Also, we will see more violence and hardening of resolve to implement Communism.

So, what is happening? The world is preparing itself for the second horse, the red one. Revelation 6:3-4 “When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, ‘Come,’ and another, a red horse, went out, and to him who sat on it, IT WAS GRANTED TO TAKE PEACE FROM THE EARTH, and that men should slay one another, and a great sword was given to him.”

The great armaments race will burst forth as a collapsing dam. I do not believe nuclear weapons will be used. By the way, there has been a great influx of videos on YouTube pushing the idea of a close World War 3 and associated nuclear disasters. Is that an accident? No, I think it is strategic. The world is being prepared. Lots of movie releases in the past two decades on YouTube deal with apocalyptic themes, disasters, and warfare. These themes are gaining traction, for the real thing is coming, but the saints of God won’t be here – raptured!

In the Revelation verses, it says, “it was granted to take peace from the earth,” and that is universal. This will not be some local skirmishes but worldwide conflicts. I do believe a lot of it will be civil wars and internal wars as well, involving Islam and radical groups and ethnic conflicts as we had in the breakup of the Yugoslavian Federation. The “great sword” means severe conflicts, and they will be widespread. There will be no peace on earth at all for this period. There will be a great loss of life. Those days are close, and the world is armed and waiting for it.

The Lord described that time this way: Matthew 24:6-7 “You will be hearing of wars and rumours of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.” It will be horrible for those on earth.

Straight after those words about the coming wars, the Lord said this: Matthew 24:8 “But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.” Labor pains are just beginning with the red horse. Can you imagine how bad the labor pains get after that? Well, Revelation describes the judgments that follow after, and it is horrific, but will people repent and turn to Messiah who is coming? Most won’t.

That is how I see the current developments. There will be changes and tweaking as more things happen. May the Lord bless and keep us.

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