Climate Change Did It to Me :: By Ron Ferguson

You know climate change is really bad. I bumped into a wall, not too heavily, but it was climate change that was responsible. It caused the air to be more active as it got warmer, and it helped push me into the wall.

I suppose the readers here are looking at this skeptically, especially those who are familiar with my writing. BUT keep reading.

I want to repeat an article here related to the recent air incident with Singapore Airlines, where a plane experienced severe air turbulence and plunged 2,000 meters (over 6,000 feet) in a matter of seconds – May 2024.

In an article in “NEWS EXPLAINER,” 22 May 2024 by Carissa Wong, titled “SINGAPORE AIRLINES TURBULENCE: WHY CLIMATE CHANGE IS MAKING FLIGHTS ROUGHER,” this was written:

“Warming temperatures are likely to mean that more of your plane ride will have rocky conditions, creating potentially dangerous situations. Is climate change making turbulence worse and more frequent?

Climate change is making turbulence more frequent and severe, says atmospheric researcher Jung-Hoon Kim at Seoul National University.

In a study published last year, Williams and his colleagues (Americans, I think) found large increases in clear-air turbulence between 1979 and 2020. Over the North Atlantic, severe clear-air turbulence — which is stronger than Earth’s gravity — became 55% more frequent. There were similar increases in turbulence all over the world, he says. The increase is almost certainly the result of climate change, which is strengthening the jet streams that cause turbulence, says Williams. “We already know it’s having an impact,” he says.

In another study, Williams and his colleagues used a climate model to predict that clear-air turbulence would become more severe and frequent as the climate warms. The researchers estimated that severe turbulence would increase in frequency more than light or moderate levels of turbulence. In line with this, Kim and his colleagues found that clear-air turbulence around clouds and mountains would become more frequent with climate change, in a study published last year.”

Right, now let’s clear the decks. You should know in my recent articles on “We Are Not Ignorant of Satan’s Schemes” that I reject climate change and relegate it to a satanic agenda leading to globalism.

Climate Change used to be called Global Warming, but the fact of warming did not hold up, and they wanted something wider, so they chose “Climate Change,” a nebulous term. (Try to define without using global warming or warming). What does climate change mean? Well, in attempting to explain it, you come back to the earth getting hotter. It is all misleading.

I am a life member of National Geographic since 1974, and for the past couple of years, each magazine has been pushing climate change in the articles, blaming it for all sorts of things in the world. Universities are pushing it as a major catastrophe that will destroy the world (we have seen this emotive rubbish with children crying over [our] current generation destroying their futures and killing them).

In the turbulence article above by Wong (who is wrong), these “findings” come from “researchers” who play around with figures to arrive at the agenda they are already committed to. In other words, material is manipulated for an outcome. It is like the judge in Trump’s trial who, before the trial even, said he would find Trump guilty irrespective.

So much research is not honest. It has been authorized by, e.g. a drug company wanting to clear its name or promote a product, or by a government department wanting to deceive the people, or by an agency wanting more government grants because of alarmism. Trust none of these so-called experts and researchers these days. Most have an agenda.


I looked at figures coming from the active sites advocating climate change. The findings were interesting. “,” a site with a vested interest in obtaining Government grants and putting out propaganda, says this about what it takes as current temperatures:

  • It was 2.12 °F (1.18 °C) above the 20th-century average of 57.0°F (13.9°C).
  • It was 2.43 °F (1.35 °C) above the pre-industrial average (1850-1900).

NASA states this – According to an ongoing temperature analysis led by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by at least 1.1° Celsius (1.9° Fahrenheit) since 1880. The majority of the warming has occurred since 1975, at a rate of roughly 0.15 to 0.20°C per decade.

Lastly, from The Royal Society“Earth’s average surface air temperature has increased by about 1 °C (1.8 °F) since 1900.”

Don’t you find it ironic that these people who can’t get the weather correct for the following day can speak of the temperature change from 1880? Also that they can say with any certainty whatsoever what the temperature was in 1880? Remember this also: now temperatures are gathered from all over the world. Back in 1880 and 1900, none of the third-world nations were taking these temperatures; they mainly came from the developed world in cooler climates. A lot of these third-world nations are in tropical areas and are now being added to the mix. Be not deceived.

And let’s say the temperature has risen by 1.1 degrees C since 1880 as NASA says, just for argument’s sake, then in 140 years, we NOW have all these catastrophes being attributed to climate change. They are immense – glaciers, fish dying, whales not breeding, birds falling from the sky, air turbulence, increasing droughts and floods, increase in diseases, and hundreds more when you research it, and Ron bumping into a wall! Don’t include two knee reconstructions 5 years ago and a serious ear operation in the middle ear where balance happens, and passing the 80 mark. NO, IT HAS TO BE CLIMATE CHANGE! Don’t forget that one.

Mind you, it has nothing to do with age…. Oh, did I mention that already? Must be dementia. And some group has included increasing dementia to climate change because people are battling in the heat.


Well, with this supposed warming steadily occurring from 1880 of only 1.1 C according to NASA, why all the alarmism NOW and not 50 years ago? 80 years ago? 100 years ago? There is a definite reason for it, and that is what I want to explore. We heard nothing about these supposed catastrophes just a few decades back. People knew about the ebbs and flows of climate and weather.

Just let us say that the planet has warmed by 1 degree in the past 140 years (and there is no way consistent measurement could have been made in that time span,) the logical mind would understand that 1 degree over 140 years would be absorbed far less than any ripple effect. It would be such a blimp, it would be unnoticed.

Ahhh – unnoticed? Well, that’s where the agenda people come in.

[A]. We are simple and even naïve Christians who do not move in the high society of big business and international monopolies. We do none of this manipulation of world ideas and agendas. World markets are being manipulated for profit – greedy, extortionist profit – and climate change is the great cog that keeps manipulation moving. The great profit makers from climate change are the Chinese and the American tech companies and the haunts of humanistic academia, where the greater screaming about climate change brings them more and more alarmist government grants for their unnecessary research. Most of this comes from universities and so-called Research Companies.

[B]. There is a deliberate attack on fossil fuels by those who have vested interests in electric vehicles and the production of windmills and solar panels, among many other things. (I have already mentioned China.) In some parts of the world, climate change has become a political vote winner. People are scared through ignorance.

God gave us fossil fuels. Would He do that to destroy us? Post-Gog/Magog (I am sure that war is contemporaneous with Armageddon, unlike some writers who don’t understand the full ramifications of the blessing to Israel immediately after this war) will see the war materials used as fuel. Our Bibles say “wood,” as that was understandable in the day, but add petroleum and diesel and oil. That is one proof fossil fuels are God-ordained.

[C]. One of the moves in the world is to reduce the standard of living in Western nations so that they will be compliant with globalism. To reduce the standard of living, you cause prices to be higher and commodities to be scarcer. This means you must attack the food market. Now we see forced culling of animal herds – cattle and sheep, etc. and a move to locusts, crickets, grubs, and all the rest. In Australia, almost impossible demands are being put on farmers that it becomes impossible for them to continue. All this is deliberate. Climate change alarmism is the trigger for this.

[D]. Many world leaders like to feel important and associate with the manipulators of world chaos. They visit them; associate with them; promote them. I speak about the prime movers here, bodies like the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, The European Union, support for the International Court of Justice (Satan’s love child). Climate change is the vehicle they are using to force compliance upon a deluded people.

[E]. I am slowly writing a commentary on Jeremiah and am so impressed about the number of times deception gets mentioned and lies to fuel that deception. Here are some verses on that point:

Jeremiah 9:3 “And they bend their tongue like their bow. Lies and not truth prevail in the land, for they proceed from evil to evil, and they do not know Me,” declares the LORD.

Jeremiah 9:5 “And everyone deceives his neighbour, and does not speak the truth. They have taught their tongue to speak lies. They weary themselves committing iniquity.

Jeremiah 7:4 “Do not trust in deceptive words, saying, ‘This is the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD.’”

Jeremiah 6:13 “for from the least of them even to the greatest of them, everyone is greedy for gain, and from the prophet even to the priest, everyone deals falsely.

Lies prevail in our lands from rulers, and deceit from those inspired by Satan who do his bidding. It is getting worse. I have been watching quite a bit of Forbes featuring the Senate hearings against the FBI and Biden’s aides, and potential judges for selection, and I am astounded by the corruption in high places. All is deception and delusion of the people.

Climate change and the drama over it is the greatest deception. Around the year 1,000 AD, Greenland was about 4 degrees C warmer than present, and the Vikings farmed their reindeer there. How often do you hear that from the advocates of climate change?

[F]. Imagine you are walking over a stream on a narrow log; you are halfway across, and magically, the log disappears. You fall, of course, into the water. The plank for progress in the United States and, indeed, for all the world for ages was Christianity. Even when governments were not Christian decades ago, they still had the ethics of Christian values. All that is now gone. Our nations have become godless. The planks have been taken away. Australia is pagan and supports spiritism. We are godless.

When that happens, people are unhinged, and their lives lack the values that help maintain stability and meaning. Climate change is a means of trying to latch onto something to believe in, like the one fallen in a stream will try to latch onto a floating stick or whatever is close. The Christian faith is like a balance beam. When you reduce the “Christian input,” the satanic side grows stronger. We are there today on the satanic side. Jesus said those not with Him are against Him. There is no neutral ground.

Belief needs a coat hanger. Take the Christian faith away, and the vacuum is filled by rationalism, the occult, and the climate change philosophy of humanism. It is despicable that some churches have adopted all this.

In one case, I wrote to the Baptist church in Atlanta, Georgia, asking the leadership there how the church can support their minister, Rafael Warnock, as a Democrat Senator when the Democrats support and pursue abortion, homosexuality, climate change, and many other anti-Christian principles. That church did not answer me but has blocked my access to all of their sites. They are what is known as a progressive church.

I was very interested in the last RR post from Jan Markell where she was explaining Dominion Theology. That is what we are seeing in “climate change churches.”


The Lord has given us stability in His word, and the moment we depart from that, we are in trouble, theologically and practically. In the world are a multitude of traps and snares of deception to take our minds off our Lord. We must be careful about the fringes and peripherals that those issues don’t ensnare us.

The title of this poem uses “Ascended” and not “Descended like we might expect. The idea is that these evils arise from the pit.


Who has believed our report, and to whom
Is the arm of the Lord revealed?
Not many believe, and few will heed God,
And yet, God’s appeal is unsealed.
People have little concern for their souls,
And live their lives in disregard.
Blindness has descended on the people.
God’s appeals, they quickly discard.

It’s so easy to disbelieve what’s true,
As it suits the human nature.
Man has departed from God by his sin,
And is reprobate in failure.
His destiny was of the darkest hue,
But chose not, on God to rely.
Mankind has produced his own failed patches,
Such pathetic ones, to apply.

The nations run fast after delusion,
And they will clamour for the lie.
Satan is the master of confusion,
And his errors – evil and sly.
The greatest delusion is climate change.
Through it, the nations are weakened.
Insane policies cause power problems,
And thus, the nations are burdened.

That is the purpose. Let us now awake.
Satan is causing destruction.
Climate change activists are not Christians.
They’ve blackened God for instruction.
They are humanists who have dismissed God –
Biden, Thunberg, and the U.N.,
Deluded through the devil’s delusion;
Wicked, confused, women and men.

In this age, good is evil; evil good.
Sin has blinded the eyes of those
Who reject God; who love their sin so much;
Who one day enter judgment throes –
Corrupt and untrusting, liars and cheats;
Believers in evolution;
Destroyers of all human decency;
Advocates of vile abortion.

God has the records accurately kept.
Heaven’s gates are shut to sinners.
Those who deny God and practice evil:
Bottom line – sin has no winners.
Flee from delusion by knowing God’s word;
Repent, and take the Lord as yours.
He was your substitute in God’s full love.
Do not delay, and do not pause.

R E Ferguson Metre = 10-8 throughout  ABCB etc

[email protected]

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