Newly-Unveiled Portrait Of King Charles III Swimming In A ‘Sea Of Blood Red’ Shows The Image Of Baphomet When Placed Side By Side In Reverse

The brand-new and official royal portrait of King Charles III ‘swimming in a sea of red’ officially confirms conspiracy theories about him being the Antichrist

Even though I still see Emmanuel Macron as the leading candidate for the biblical ‘man of sin’, what King Charles III did yesterday when he unveiled his brand-new official portrait of himself was a total rock star move. You might even say it was, as the English might remark, ‘just a tad shocking’. If King Charles III was looking to keep his name alive amongst end times students of prophecy, he nailed it yesterday. A direct descendant of Vlad the Impaler who waits 70 years to become king of England, and his official portrait has him swimming in a sea of blood red. Well done, old chap, and cheerio. But wait, there’s something else you should know.

“For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.” Revelation 16:6 (KJB)

Not only is his portrait swimming in a sea of blood red, it is also a huge portrait, approaching Genesis 6 giants size. As if the red was not shocking enough it has to be physically intimidating as well. Now let’s talk about that butterfly. King Charles III attends a church that at one time was a Christian church, the Church of England, but in our day is a functional Roman Catholic institution. Charles is well-versed and steeped in New Age spirituality, so the butterfly in his portrait would signal his ‘rebirth’ as a king, a ‘new beginning’, as well as perhaps a ‘message from the spirit world’. Whatever you think of him and his portrait, people across the board are duly shocked by what they saw, and they should be. It is a shocking piece of art, and just maybe, a message of what’s to come. One last thing. In the main photo for this article, I took the liberty of showing you his portrait two times, with the one photo given a horizontal 180-degree flip. If you look in the middle of this hand-painted and intentional portrait, you see the head of Baphomet. But I’m sure that’s just another one of those crazy ‘coincidences’, right?

A Shock of Red for a Royal Portrait of King Charles III

FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES: Royal portraits, as a rule, tend to be fairly staid, predictable affairs. Full of symbolism, sure, but generally symbolism of the traditional, establishment kind: symbols of state, of office, of pomp and lineage. Which is why the new official portrait of King Charles III by Jonathan Yeo, the first since the king’s coronation, has created such a controversy.

A larger-than-life (7.5 foot-by-5.5 foot) canvas, the portrait shows the king standing in his Welsh Guards uniform, hands on the hilt of his sword, a half-smile on his face, with a butterfly hovering just over his right shoulder. His entire body is bathed in a sea of crimson, so his face appears to be floating.



Though the butterfly was apparently the key piece of semiology — meant, Mr. Yeo told the BBC, to represent Charles’s metamorphosis from prince to sovereign and his longstanding love of the environment — it was the painting’s primary color that almost instantaneously gave new meaning to the idea of “seeing red.” It was practically begging for interpretation.

“To me it gives the message the monarchy is going up in flames or the king is burning in hell,” one commentator wrote under the royal family’s Instagram post when the portrait was unveiled.

“It looks like he’s bathing in blood,” another wrote. Someone else raised the idea of “colonial bloodshed.” There were comparisons to the devil. And so on. There was even a mention of the Tampax affair, a reference to an infamous comment by Charles revealed when his phone was hacked during the demise of his marriage to Diana, Princess of Wales.

It turns out that red is a trigger color for almost everyone — especially given the somewhat meta endeavor that is royal portraiture: a representation of a representation, made for posterity. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

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