13 May 2024


The World Has Gone Mad APOSTASY AND DOCTRINES OF DEMONS Non-binary Eurovision finalist wants ‘everyone to take up witchcraft.’ Bambie Robinson (aka ‘Bambie Thug’) performed a song alongside occult symbols and the transgender flag, ending with “Crown The Witch.” Bambie’s goal is to make everybody join witchcraft, saying, “Witchcraft is the only religion where there’s […]

The post 13 May 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

The World Has Gone Mad


Non-binary Eurovision finalist wants ‘everyone to take up witchcraft.’ Bambie Robinson (aka ‘Bambie Thug’) performed a song alongside occult symbols and the transgender flag, ending with “Crown The Witch.” Bambie’s goal is to make everybody join witchcraft, saying, “Witchcraft is the only religion where there’s no rules. You decide absolutely everything. It’s a religion worshipping yourself.”

Online Witch Doctors Lure South African Christians. Millions of Black South Africans seek guidance from them to connect with the dead, prescribe herbs for illnesses, & throw bones to predict the future.

Neom: Saudi forces ‘told to kill’ to clear land for eco-city.


Fire Jihad by Unleashed Muslims in India. Acres of forests engulfed; jihadis boast.


Derangement of the university. Pro-terrorist “protesters” dare to demand the university they’ve disrupted give them food and drink. We’ve lost the battle against insanity. Perhaps we never fought it. Regardless, the world has gone quite mad.

Boston University: Students for Justice in Palestine texts show support for massacres of Israelis.

Calls For ‘Final Solution’ Heard in America. At George Washington University, a sign featured a large ‘Palestinian’ flag and a small Israeli flag beside the words “Final Solution” – obvious reference to the Holocaust — a call for destruction of all Jews.

Iranian university offers scholarships to US students expelled over protests.

Anti-Israel Protesters Disrupt Holocaust Remembrance Day Event at Auschwitz.

CEO Offered Jobs to Pro-Hamas Protestors; Stock Tank, Company Loses $210 Million Stock Value. Hims and Hers CEO Andrew Dudum praised anti-Israel protestors and encouraged them to apply to his company, claiming companies would want to hire them for their “moral courage.”

Greece: Hamas Supporters Hunt Down Jewish Israeli Tourists, Try To Breach Hotel.

France: 82 Jewish Graves Defaced.


14-year-old girl killed, five other teens injured outside house party in Buffalo, New York. At least three handguns were brought to the party; “several hundred kids” were at the event when fights broke out.


US Military Academy Introduces Woke Curriculum: Courses on Deconstructing Patriotism, Cross-Dressing in Military, Gender Norms, and Representation in the Ranks.

Boy Scouts rebrands as ‘Scouting America,’ dropping ‘Boy.’ Boy Scouts ended its ban on openly gay Scouts in 2013 and its prohibition on gay troop leaders in 2015. Two years later, the organization announced it would allow transgender boys.

Same-Sex Union Receives Blessing from Chicago Priest in Contradictory Ceremony.


Cognitive Decline: Biden Campaign Says They’ll Shorten His Speeches. This led many to ask, how much shorter can his speeches get? I suppose they can have him show up, smile, poop his pants, and leave.

Biden acting like a man who wants Israel to lose war with Hamas – has he no shame? Biden suspended a shipment of much-needed precision-guided bombs to Israel. Why? To force Israel to stop its invasion of Rafah where all or most of Hamas’ top terror leaders are hiding and where the final 20,000 or so Hamas terrorists are holed up. And he plans to stop sending all ammunition and arms to Israel if the IDF continues to push into Rafah.

DOJ Admits to Evidence Tampering in Trump Classified Docs Case. Trump said they “committed blatant Evidence Tampering by mishandling the very Boxes they used as a pretext to bring this Fake Case.”

UNRWA caught stealing, selling humanitarian aid that came into Gaza for ‘Palestinian’ civilians.


Over 200 Chinese illegal aliens apprehended at San Diego sector of border two days in a row.


Trump vows to address ‘definite anti-white feeling in this country.’


Long Beach, California, declares public health emergency after tuberculosis (TB) sickens 14 at a single-room occupancy hotel. TB cases have increased since 2020 after 27 years of decline. The U.S. recorded 9,615 active infections last year, a 16% increase over the previous year.

Doctors warn of whooping cough epidemic sweeping Europe in the first quarter of 2024, with 10 times as many identified as in each of the previous two years.


H5N1 Bird Flu “Has Acquired Dozens of New Mutations” – Authorities Ramping Up Fear Level. Even though there’s only one confirmed human case in the U.S. so far this year, mainstream media pumps out article after article about H5N1 potentially threatening humanity. Do they know something we don’t?

AstraZeneca Pulls Covid Vaccine After Admitting Rare Side Effect. In a High Court document, the company admitted that Vaxzevria could, in very rare instances, cause Thrombosis/ Thrombocytopenia Syndrome, linked to at least 81 deaths in the UK. Despite this, AstraZeneca claims the decision to pull the vaccine is unrelated to legal challenges or side effects. Victims and their families have reported severe reactions, from fatal thrombosis to lasting disabilities.


Worst Market Crash Since 1929 Approaching; Fed Doesn’t Know Which Way to Go. If the Fed pushes rates higher, interest payments on our 34 trillion-dollar national debt could spin wildly out of control. First Republic just bit the dust, and thousands of small and mid-size banks are in serious jeopardy. It would be suicidal to hike rates at this point.


300 tornadoes reported in April 2024 in the U.S. are second highest on record.

Tornadoes, severe storms leave 3 dead in Tennessee, North Carolina; damage stretches 900 miles. Severe weather continued to wreak havoc this week; Wednesday was the second most active severe weather day of the year after nearly 400 combined reports of damaging winds, hail and tornadoes. Fatalities were reported in two states as severe storms caused over 900 miles of damage from Kansas to eastern North Carolina, resulting in 13 reports of tornadoes.

Michigan declares emergency after tornadoes caused damage across Midwest.

Storms pummel northern Florida; woman killed in Tallahassee.

Deadly landslides and floods ravage northern Haiti, killing at least 13 and displacing thousands.

Rescue efforts continue in flooded areas of Brazil; at least 90 people confirmed dead, 130 missing.

Nearly 50 Dead as Mountain Highway Collapses in China, possible result of intense rainfall.

At least 60 killed in Afghanistan flash flooding, and over 100 have been injured.


Indonesia: Permanent relocation of 9,800 people after series of powerful eruptions at Ruang volcano.


Washington deploys fighter jets and drones to Qatar amid Iran-led regional tensions.

Hezbollah’s air defense system more sophisticated than Israel previously thought. Hezbollah has missiles that can overpower some advanced Israeli drones.

Hezbollah bombards houses of 70,000 Israelis who fled their homes on northern border. 100 rockets were fired at northern Israel, hitting dozens of homes whose residents have been evacuated since Hezbollah started its near-daily attacks in support of Hamas.

Hezbollah rockets ignite widespread fires across northern Israel. IDF responds with extensive strikes in southern Lebanon, destroying multiple Hezbollah sites.

3 IDF soldiers killed, 11 hurt, in rocket barrage near Gaza border crossing.

Israel strikes Hamas facility located inside UNRWA complex, which served as a staging ground for multiple attacks against ground forces and humanitarian efforts.

Netanyahu to Holocaust survivors: If need be, Israel will stand alone to defend its existence. As we know, Israel won’t be aided by other nations in the Ezekiel 38/39 battle. God personally annihilates Israel’s enemies in the invasion.

IDF Launches Strikes Against Hamas Inside Rafah.


UN Security Council sets vote on turning Palestine into de facto state. After the US vetoed turning ‘Palestine’ into an official state, ‘Palestinians’ found a workaround – asking to be recognized as a territory with the same rights and qualifications of a state, including a vote in all UN matters, a move that can’t be blocked by any country’s veto. This request is without precedent and presents a significant challenge for Israel. Update: A United Nations resolution in support of Palestinian membership passed with overwhelming support on Friday and granted new privileges to the Palestinian Authority in its current capacity as a non-member observer state.


Are Jews Being Set Up for the Ultimate Betrayal? They’ve been and are being betrayed by many. But the ultimate betrayer is waiting in the wings. And because they’re in a state of fear and anxiety, they’ll be open to his cunning message. This global mover and shaker is rehearsing how he’ll play into their insecurities. He’s in the shadows now.

Even Secularists Are Noticing There’s a Spirit Active in the World, and It’s Evil. The world is on the edge of that man of sin, the son of perdition, the Antichrist himself being almost ready to step onto the stage of man’s final years leading to Christ’s Second Coming. You can avoid facing that hideous creature from the Abyss by doing the following –thus going to Christ when He calls believers to Himself in the Rapture.

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).

The post 13 May 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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