Sold As A Savior For The Environment, The Cold Reality That EVs Are Unsustainable Now Clearly Evident As Tesla, GM And Ford All Furiously Slashing Prices

Outside of wealthy, trendy communities, consumers are walking past plug-in EVs and snapping up hybrids and gasoline-powered engines instead.

We have all seen the videos of what happens when the batteries that power EVs get exposed to salt water, they burn for hours and take tens of thousands of gallons of water to put out. We live in America’s oldest city, Saint Augustine, and watch as 10 million tourists flock here each year to enjoy the sites. But I have yet to see my first EV charging station anywhere in or out of town. The sad truth is EVs are not sustainable in the long run, and if you don’t own your own home, in the short run as well.

The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings.” Nahum 2:4 (KJB)

As for me, I like my gas-powered vehicle, I can fill it up anywhere and everywhere. I like my gas-powered stove and gas-powered dryer. Now, if you want to come up with a better technology that the common people like me can easily use and afford, I say let’s have it. But creating elitist cars that only the rich can afford that run on a power grid that is underpowered and regularly breaking down in the summer time is not the answer anyone is seeking. Car manufacturers and rental car agencies like Hertz are losing their shirts, and running as fast as they can to get away from EVs. You should, too.

Evidence EVs are a fading fad is ‘rolling in fast’ as Tesla, GM and Ford slash prices on electric vehicles

FROM MARKET WATCH: In the early 1990s, every self-respecting American yuppie and retired suburban couple bought an electric bread maker, with sales hitting 4 million units. But the fad soon faded as these amateur bakers discovered that stuffing a precise quantity and ratio of flour, eggs, butter, yeast and salt into a metal box takes time and costs much more than strolling to the corner bakery.

Are plug-in electric vehicles the bread makers of our day?

Despite Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk’s entrepreneurial brilliance and billions of dollars in U.S. government subsidies to support EVs, it appears that consumers still prefer to drive to a gas station for a five-minute fill-up than to retrofit their garage and suffer the range anxiety that comes from hunting for a charging station in the parking lot of an abandoned shopping mall. J.D. Power reports that 21% of public chargers do not work in any case. As consumers start to shy away from EVs, their choice will affect not just the car industry, but U.S.-China relations, state budgets and commodity prices.

The evidence is rolling in fast. Earlier this month, Hertz HTZ, which purchased 100,000 Teslas to great fanfare in 2021, executed a squealing 180-degree turn and began dumping one-third of its EV fleet, taking a $245 million charge against its earnings. Its pledge to buy 175,000 EVs from GM GM, 0.03% will likely go up in smoke, too.

EVs tend to sit on dealer lots for about  three weeks  longer than gasoline-powered cars.

Outside of wealthy, trendy communities, consumers are walking past plug-in EVs and snapping up hybrids and gasoline-powered engines instead. In the fourth quarter of 2023, EV sales crawled up by just 1.3%. According to Edmunds, EVs tend to sit on dealer lots for about three weeks longer than gasoline-powered cars. With Mercedes Benz MBG, +2.53% EQS units languishing for four months, the company’s chief financial officer recently acknowledged that the market is a “pretty brutal space.” Customers are staying away despite a price war in which Ford F, 0.44%, Tesla, and GM slashed EV prices by 20%, on average, leading Ford to lose $36,000 on each unit sold. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

The post Sold As A Savior For The Environment, The Cold Reality That EVs Are Unsustainable Now Clearly Evident As Tesla, GM And Ford All Furiously Slashing Prices appeared first on Now The End Begins.

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