Rain, Rain, and More Rain and Fissures in the Ground:: By Jim Towers

Remember the little ditty, “Rain, rain, go away; come again some other day”? A song we used to sing as children.

Well, today, we can count at least ten or more states across the globe that have seen life-threatening severe flooding over the past few days, but this little song won’t do them or us any good.

The good ol’ US of A should be next on the following list of places targeted by Almighty God for its abortions, pedophilia, and sexual deviancy.

Iran, Turkey, Kenya, Kuwait, India, Dubai, Russia, Gaza, Arabia, Somalia, Indonesia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Saudi Arabia are all experiencing severe flooding.

On top of that, volcanic activity is at an all-time high in many parts of the world. Japan, Russia, Bulgaria, Jakarta, Guatemala, China, Alaska, the Philippines, and Iceland are suffering earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Is this due to global warming or climate change? Or are they visible warning signs that the end times are finally here and that we had all better get our act together in utter humility?

Can we try to attribute this bad news of these catastrophic events to the internet that brings us news almost/or, in some cases, instantly? Maybe so, but not so dramatically and spontaneously. Maybe it could be that our long-suffering and benevolent Creator has become so enraged at the world’s wicked behavior that He could be the cause of these calamities. After all, in the past, He became enraged and sorry He had made man that He had to (except for Noah and his family) destroy them with the Great Flood, and then later He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah when they became utterly perverse as well.

Today, it could also be that God is trying to get us to wake up and repent before the Rapture approaches and He fulfills the prophetic calamities described in the book of Revelation in the Bible. Then, mankind will continue to experience floods and catastrophic events more and more severely as time winds down.

When the Rapture does occur, then for those left behind, it will be too late. With the Tribulation period upon us, people will be too busy trying to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives and mourning the loss of their family members, loved ones, friends, and neighbors – all the while experiencing more and more catastrophic events (the seas roaring, expanded war, famine, and lack of communication due to EMP attacks.)

Some demented leaders may even dare to begin using atomic or hydrogen bombs – even while knowing that they would provoke their enemies to use them as well- which amounts to sheer suicide on a global scale.

As if that weren’t bad enough, the love and concern for our fellow man will become cold and callous, exactly as depicted in Mathew chapter 24.

Even here – in usually tranquil Naples, there was a stabbing in broad daylight. A young man followed a woman in the parking lot to her car after she exited a Walgreens and stabbed her twice in the back. When the police asked him why he did it, he answered, “Because I wanted to!” The internet is telling of confessions of young people committing murder and showing no remorse, even to the point of killing their parents.

But even with all this calamity, we Born-Again Christians can be at peace during these world events, knowing that we will soon be gone when Christ shouts with the voice of the Archangel from above, “Come up here!” and we will fly away to meet Him in the air.

On another note, because of what I see happening around the world and want to do what I can to warn others like this:

After visiting Miami and seeing the large crowds of people in front of Bayside Arena on a Saturday night while doing some filming there, I thought it might be a good idea to take a group of young people in an open pickup truck and plead with them to repent and turn to God. A couple of days later, after I got home, that venture was still on my mind, so I looked for a megaphone on the internet to buy, but I put it off momentarily due to a lack of enthusiasm from the people I approached to help me.

Then low and behold, while Christmas shopping, I stumbled onto the very one I had opted to buy on the internet! (Was God trying to tell me something?) There it was in red and white and for the same price, and – I, for one – never ever saw a megaphone for sale in a department store! Of course, I bought it just in case I would be able to use it.

After reading about the stabbing here in Naples and the cataclysmic floodings around the world, I’ve decided to follow through if I can find a few brave souls to accompany me. My plan is to order a few hundred “Little Red Bibles” with the salvation message in them to distribute to the crowds while I preach to them a call of repentance from the elevated bed of a pickup.

Incidentally, on 11/29, I found a video on the internet showing a revival of sorts taking place in New York City – of all places. Many were young people who were being so-called “slain in the spirit” and speaking in “tongues” at the inciting of a so-called “Street Preacher.”

While I don’t subscribe to these two manifestations, I won’t make any judgments one way or another.

Isn’t it funny that this phenomenon entered my mind at this point in time? Still, though, I’m waiting for confirmation – along with a band of brothers who would join me in this endeavor.

Evangelism is my strong point and my mandate – and I care enough for people blinded to the truth enough to know that they are in need of salvation and are looking for it in all the wrong places.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father but by me.”


Jim Towers

You can write me at [email protected] or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com My book Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle – just in time for Christmas. You can also find me on my newly restructured website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com.

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