As San Franciscans Die In Record Numbers From Drug Overdoses, Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom Orders All Toy Retailers To Have A ‘Gender Neutral’ Aisle

Democrat-run San Francisco is facing its deadliest year in history for drug overdoses as governor Gavin Newsom orders gender neutral toy aisles

California in general and San Francisco in particular have become perverse places, a dystopian nightmare from which Californians cannot seem to wake themselves. Democrat policies under former congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and current governor Gavin Newsom have been nothing short of devastating, yet the masochistic residents of California can’t seem to get enough, voting them in cycle after cycle. Now drug overdose deaths in the death city by the bay have reached all-time highs, what is Gavin Newsom doing about it? Ordering all toy retailers to have a gender-neutral section. Yes sir, that’s the ticket. Inmates running the asylum as the crowd goes wild, that’s Gavin Newsom’s California.

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29:2 (KJB)

“San Francisco is facing its deadliest year ever for drug overdoses,” reports the far-left Guardian. “a trend blamed on the surge of powerful synthetic fentanyl in the US’s illicit drug supply.”

The report continues: “August was the deadliest month on record – with an overdose death every nine hours.”

“It’s going to be an almost 25% increase over last year – that’s crazy and unfortunate,” said one addiction specialist.

Assembly Bill No. 1084, signed by Newsom in 2021, will be enacted on January 1, 2024, and will require stores that sell “childcare items or toys” for children aged 12 years or younger to display a gender-neutral section — or be fined up to $500.

Stores will be required by law to have designated gender-neutral toys “regardless of whether they have been traditionally marketed for either girls or for boys,” the bill states.

The legislation will apply to retailers with 500 or more employees, and those who fail to comply will be “liable for a civil penalty not to exceed $250 for a first violation or $500 for a subsequent violation.”

And there you have it, a plan that Cloward and Piven would be excited to put their names on. Oh, wait…that is their plan. It’s a long-standing plan that was put into action back in the earliest days of the 2020 lockdown, and it’s a scene that replays itself constantly in major cities, nearly all of them run by Democrats, across America.

Governor Gavin Newsom Orders Gender-Neutral Toy Aisles As San Franciscans Die From Drug Overdoses In Record Numbers

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

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