Revival!? :: By Jim Towers
Tomorrow evening, we will be having a potluck dinner at our church. A young pastor by the name of Steven Clark will be speaking afterward. At 35 years of age, he is articulate and knowledgeable about the things of God (it doesn’t hurt that his father has been a pastor for a very long time.) He will be speaking about how we might reach out to the younger generations with the message of hope found in Christ Jesus and the Holy Bible.
I am going to make a couple of recommendations about how we might bring young people into the church family, and one of them is offering water baptism in the Gulf of Mexico on a given Sunday.
The other idea is for the older members to mentor young individuals with like hobbies or work skills. Since the retired people in our church have nothing to do except golf and watch television, this would help them become engaged in life again. The environment in the culture we live in today is not the time to quit and just play golf. Our young people are desperate to hear the word of hope and salvation. Young people are dying, committing suicide, and losing hope in these turbulent and uncertain times.
The following examples are proof positive that God isn’t finished saving people – at least not yet.
According to a Texas youth pastor, an outpouring of revival is taking place among college students at Texas A&M Corpus Christi that shows “no signs of slowing down.” Hundreds have already given their lives to Jesus, and others are getting water baptized almost daily. Tarik Whitmore, the young adult pastor at New Life Church in Corpus Christi, Texas, told CBN News he is seeing a movement among college students who are getting saved and then boldly proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ with the student body. The result is a campus being transformed for Jesus – and it is happening quickly.
Thousands of students at Auburn University in Alabama packed out the Neville Arena on Tuesday night to worship and praise Jesus, but an impromptu baptism that started with one student wanting to be baptized grew to roughly 200 people who decided to give their lives to Christ.
After the final revival, all hell will break loose as believers in Christ are whisked away, leaving non-believers to suffer under a totalitarian regime and the Anti-Christ.
I’ve seen firsthand how just showing a little concern for the lost can transform lives after ministering on the mean streets of Miami and Hollywood for years.
Even when among groups of actors and celebrities while I was in the world, I wasn’t a part of it and still was able to maintain my dignity without using curse words, partaking of drugs, or telling dirty jokes. Everyone respected me for holding to my faith and loving on them.
A few years ago, I was told we would never have a revival again when I wrote that we would experience revival – just before the rapture. Now it’s happening.
Book report
Until I met Mary, I wasn’t sure what to make of visions, signs and wonders, but after my own spiritual experiences, I was now sure that God could and would appear in a vision or send His angels to do so. He can produce signs and wonders to wake people up and make provision through miraculous means and more… much more.
This is her story:
Caroline and I hadn’t been attending Beverly Hills Baptist Church for very long when a young couple about our age began attending there too. We extended a hand of friendship to the newcomers and invited them to a movie and coffee after the evening showing. By the time we got back to the church to pick up their car, it was about eleven o’clock at night.
They were sitting in the back seat of my two-door Mustang. Tom got out first. And had expected Mary to follow, but Mary just sat there undecidedly. Finally, Tom said, “Mary, aren’t you going to get out of the car?” in an exasperating tone.
Mary didn’t know how to answer but only squirmed. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, she muttered, “Today, as I was taking a nap, an angel appeared at the foot of the bed. He said that at the end of the day, I would know how to be saved. The day is almost over, and I don’t know how to be saved!”
I immediately knew what I had to do and quickly opened the glove box. Taking out one of the little red Bibles with the plan of salvation I always carried in the car, I began reading the Bible verses to her. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy house,” also John 3:16 and couple of others.
Then I asked her to pray a prayer of repentance with me, and she did haltingly. Finally, she asked Jesus to come into her heart to save her. The angel’s prophecy was fulfilled that night for Mary.
After weeping for a bit, Mary got out of the car while thanking me over and over. “Thank you, Jim; thank you, thank you, thank you!”
This is just one example of the many fascinating stories you will read in my book, Visions, Miracles, Peace and Power, now available on Amazon and Kindle.
You’ll never think of God in a limited and belittling way by bringing Him down to our size. You may even learn to lean on Him in all of life’s circumstances like I did many years ago.
God is real and loves us all unconditionally – like a normal father would. Try Him and see that He is good. Call out to Him today.
Jim Towers
You can write me at [email protected] or visit me at or at my very own website
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