This Day, March 26, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

March 26

1027: Coronation of Conrad II as Holy Roman Emperor, whose court was the site
of religious disputation between Bishop Wazon “the overlord of” Liege and an
unnamed Jewish physician. (As reported by the Jewish Virtual Library) 

1147: Jews of
Cologne, Germany, fasted to commemorate anti-Jewish violence.

1369: King
Pedro of Castile who employed Abraham ibn Zaral as his physician was beheaded
by his rival and brother, Henry of Trastamara marking the end of their civil
war for control of the kingdom. . Henry “was as hostile to the Jews as Pedro
had been friendly. His long-cherished hatred of his brother burst forth when a
Jew named Jacob, an intimate of the king, praised the latter excessively to
Henry. In his fury he stabbed the Jew with a dagger. Pedro would have revenged
himself on Henry forthwith, but his courtiers restrained him by force. Henry
saved himself by a hasty flight. This was the immediate cause of the civil war
which brought untold suffering upon the Jews of the country. . He was as
hostile to the Jews as Pedro had been friendly. His long-cherished hatred of
his brother burst forth when a Jew named Jacob, an intimate of the king,
praised the latter excessively to Henry. In his fury he stabbed the Jew with a
dagger. Pedro would have revenged himself on Henry forthwith, but his courtiers
restrained him by force. Henry saved himself by a hasty flight. This was the
immediate cause of the civil war which brought untold suffering upon the Jews
of the country. During their struggle for control, Henry continuously depicted
Peter as “King of the Jews,” and had some success in taking advantage
of popular Castilian resentment towards the Jews. During his reign, “Henry of
Trastamara instigated pogroms beginning a period of anti-Jewish riots and
forced conversion] in Castile that lasted approximately from 1370 to 1390.”

“Seventeen Marranos perished at the stake on the Quemadero (place of burning)
in Seville, Spain followed by enough other similar killings that by the end of
November, “300 had perished at the stake” while another 79 were spared but
sentenced to life imprisonment. (As reported by Abraham Bloch)

1488: The
orders for expulsion from Milan “came after a heated trial beginning today in
which Vicenzo, a Jew who had converted to Christianity accused 38 Jews of
interesting anti-Christian statements in several Jewish texts, including the
Talmud and the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides.

1655: Sir
Christopher Packe, who had disappointed Cromwell by joining the militant
exclusionist faction opposing the admission of Jews to England who had been
Lord Mayor of London began serving as “Protector” today.

1671(15th of
Nisan 5431): In Amsterdam, the Great Synagogue was consecrated on the first day
of Pesach (Passover).

1692(9th of
Nissan, 5452): The Jewish community of Carpentras, France escaped from a
rioting mob causing this date to be celebrated as a Private Purim

of Adar II, 5518): Purim Meshulash

of Nisan, 5526): Second Day of Pesach

1774: In
Germany, Getta Sender and Moses Mack gave birth to Alexander Mack, the husband
of Sara Aub whom he married in 1802 and the father of Wolfgang Mack.

1775(24th of
Adar II, 5535): David Lopez passed away in Newport, RI.

Birthdate of Isaac Elias Itzig, who as Julius Eduard Hitzig served Prussia as a
civil servant before gaining fame as a German author.

1796: Carel
Asser was among those who signed a petition to the States General seeking the
emancipation of the Dutch Jews.

1801(12th of
Nissan, 5561): Fast of the First Born observed since the 14th falls on Shabbat.

of Nisan, 5564): Fast of the First Born and erev Pesach

1806: Today,
in Savannah, GA, Sarah de Leon, the daughter Abraham de Lyon married Samuel

1807: West
Indies native Leach Rachel De Leon and Abraham Quixano Henriques gave birth to
Leah Henriques.

Sephardic Jewish leader and MP Ralph Bernal and his wife Ann Elizabeth gave
birth to Ralph Bernal Osborne

Philadelphia native Benjamin Jonas Phillips and Abigail Seixas gave birth to
Israel Benjamin Phillips, the husband of Harriet Jackson whom he married in New
York in 1837 and the father of New York City native Benjamin Phillips.

1817: In London,
Dinah Judah Botibl and Moses Acris gave birth to Joseph Moses Acris.

of Nisan, 5585): Parashat Vayikra read for the first time during the Presidency
of John Quincy Adams who had taken the oath of office 22 days ago,

1831: Rabbi
David de Aaron de Sola preached the first sermon in English at Bevis Marks
Synagogue in London. Born in Amsterdam in 1796, de Sola was the son of Aaron de
Sola. He began serving at Bevis Marks in 1818. A prolific author he published
his first work, The Blessings, in 1829 followed by his six-volume translation
The Forms of Prayer According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews
in 1836. De Sola was also a musician whose accomplishments included musical
rendition of Adon Olam which is still used in both Sephardi and Ashkenazi
synagogues in the United Kingdom. He passed away in 1860.

Birthdate of Michel Jules Alfred Bréal, the native of Bavria who became a
leading French philologist and “is identified as the father of modern

1839: In
Bavaria, Babette Treu and Isaac Jacob Bamberger gave birth to Clara Bamberger,
the wife of Leo Friedlander whom she married at Baltimore in 1863 and with whom
she had four children – Sylvan, Julian, Irvin and Ray Friedlander.

Birthdate of George Smith, the Englishman who provided some of the first and
most meaningful investigation into the civilization of ancient Mesopotamia,
with an emphasis on Assyria. His work provided historic context for, and proof
of, the ancient Israelites including his discovery in 1866 of the date when
Jehu, king of Israel, made a tribute payment to Assyrian King Shalmaneser III.

of Nisan, 5602): Shabbat Shel Pesach

Birthdate of Anna Madeline Graff Kahn the native of Germany and wife Solomon
Kahn with whom she had four children.

Magdalena Madel Dukas, the Sulzburg, Germany born daughter of Leopole and Lea
Kahn and her husband Leopold Dukas gave birth to Lea Lena Kahn, the wife of
Mortiz Marx Kahn.

1851: Louis
Kyezor married Julia Joseph today.

Birthdate of “German art historian” Julius Langbehn who attacked “Jews as
corrupters of German culture” saying that they “no place in Germany” – a
position that would later be part of the Nazi movement.

1852: In
Eiger, Hungary, Eduard and Josefine Zeisler gave birth to Rabbi Joseph Zeisler
whose congregation included B’nai Zion in Danville, PA where he served from
September of 1905 to August of 1906.

1852: It was
reported today that an Imperial Ukase has been issued in Russia that classifies
Jews into two categories, “those who have a fixed residence and a trade and
those who have neither. The latter are to be employed in the public mines and

1852: In a
sign of the crumbling power of the Sultan and the commensurate growth of
European power, in Palestine, it was reported today that the Ottomans had agreed
to grant France the right to build a church in a suburb of Bethlehem and to
allow Catholic priests the right to repair their church in Jerusalem.

1852: The
congregation of Ohabei Shalom dedicated its own synagogue building on Warren
Street, the first synagogue in Boston and the second in New England.

Birthdate of Hugo Rheinhold the Prussian born businessman turned sculptor whose
most famous work maybe “Ape with Skull.”

Birthdate of Krakow native Salomea Eisenbach, the wife of Nachman Freduman and
the mother of composer and pianist Ignaz Friedman.

Birthdate of Salomon Kahn, who was buried in the Freudenberg Cemetery when he
passed away in 1924.

1855: Nahum
Steiner, a Jew who converted to Christianity, delivered a speech at the
Knickerbocker Hall in New York entitled “Our Present Christianity Compared With
Primitive Discipleship or Judaism Again.” During his presentation he attempted
to answer questions regarding the destiny of the United States when compared to
Jewish History.

1859: In
Hildesheim, Hanover, Elise Wertheimer and Salomon Hurwritz gave birth to
mathematician Adolf Hurwitz.

1860: The U.S.
House of Representatives adopted a resolution offered by Ohio Congressman
Clement Vallandigham “calling for the correspondence relative to the Swiss
Treaty” including the limitations that this treaty placed “upon Hebrew citizens
of the United States.” This is the same Congressman Vallandgiham who would be
labeled as a Copperhead during the Civil War. The issue of the discriminatory
nature of the Swiss treaty as it affected the Jews was one of the first times
that the civil society moved to protect its Jewish citizens.

of Nisan, 5621): Pesach

1861(15th of
Nisan, 5621): The New York
reported that “The Jewish Passover, a festival commemorative
of the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage, commenced
last evening, and will continue for eight days. The origin of the festival is
given in the 12th Chapter of Exodus, and the Bible prediction that it should be
forever observed by the Israelites throughout the world, has this far been
strikingly fulfilled. The duties imposed upon the Jews during the Passover are,
total abstinence from all kinds of leaven and leavened bread attendance of the
males at the Tabernacle, and cessation of business on the first two and last
two days of the festival. On the evenings of the first two days, the reading of
the Seder takes place in every Jewish family, the members, meanwhile, sitting
round a table, on which are placed the bone of a lamb, representing the
sacrifice of the “paschal lamb,” and some bitter herbs, symbolical of
the bitterness of the Egyptian bondage. After the reading of the Seder, the
family chants a service reciting their bondage and deliverance. Previous to the
Passover, every Jewish household undergoes a thorough renovation, corresponding
to the house-cleaning process customary among Christians.”

Birthdate of Uchimura Kanzō, the philo-Semitic Japanese minister.

1862: In New
York, Henriette and Isaac David Walter gave birth to cotton-goods manufacturer
and Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Columbia graduate William Israel Walter, the
husband of the former Florence Bernheimer with whom he raised two children –
Marjorie and Florence – who supported such worthy causes as the “children’s
clinic at Mt. Sinai Hospital and the History Department at Bryn Mawr College

1862(20th of
Adar II, 5622): Uriah Phillips Levy, Commodore of the United States Navy,
passed away in Philadelphia. Levy was a descendant of the original 23 Jews who
settled in New Amsterdam in 1654. He was buried in the Cypress Hill Cemetery in
the Congregation Shearith Israel portion. On his stone was written, “He
was the father of the law for the abolition of the barbarous practice of
corporal punishment in the United States Navy.”

of Adar II, 5624): Parashat Tzav; Shabbat Parah

1864: As Jews
observed Shabbat Parah, Union General James McPherson took command of the Army
of the Tennessee as part of the plans for the year-long offensive that would
bring victory to the Union and  former
Senator Archibald Dixon, Governor Thomas E. Bramlette, and Albert G. Hodges,
editor of the Frankfort, Kentucky, Commonwealth, met with Lincoln to discuss
the recruitment of slaves as soldiers in Kentucky during which Lincoln
explained to them the benefit of allowing those who had been classified as
“runaway slaves” to gain their freedom by severing in the Union Army.

According to a report published today, during the month of February, there 7
Jewish children staying at the Howard Mission and Home for Little Wanderers in
New York City.

1866: “On the
initiative” of fifty-three-year-old “Dutch physician and economist” Samuel
Sarphati “the Amstel Hostel was built today in the street later named after

1867: In
Opava, Czech Republic, Charlotte and Samuel David Kaluber gave birth to Dr.
Arnold Klauber

1868: The
Orphans’ Guardians or Familien Waisen Erziehungs Verein was organized in
Philadelphia “chiefly through the efforts of R. Samuel Hirsch of the
Congregation Keneseth Israel. Instead of keeping the children together in one
institution, this society endeavored to find homes for them among respectable
Jewish families.

1869(14th of
Nisan, 5629): Erev Pesach observed for the first time during the Presidency of
U.S. Grant.

Birthdate of Isaac Elias Itzig as Julius Eduard Hitzig worked as a civil
servant and author in Germany.

1871: Leó
Frankel “was elected as a member of the Paris Commune.”

1872: In
Chicago, Abraham and Ernestina (Leopold) Strauss gave birth to University of
Michigan trained English Professor Dr. Louis A Strauss, the Phi Beta Kappa
scholar and husband of Elsa Riegelman who rose to be chairman of the English
Department at his alma mater.

1872: In New
York, Hirsh Bernstein came to the D.A.’s office where he posted bail after
having been indicted on charges of libeling Rabbi Ahrenson. The dispute
revolves around a dispute about the sale of wine which may or not be considered

1873: William
F. Nast and he former Esther A. Benoist gave birth to Conde Nast, who while
serving as publisher of Vogue in 1938 forced British photographer Cecil Beaton
to resign because of comments made by him “that were critical of the Jewish

1873: While in
Arizona, Civil War veteran Herman Bendell, the Albany born son of Hannah Stern
and Elias Bendell resigned his position as an Indian Agent today  after which he “received a consular
appointment to Elsinore, Denamrk.

1875: In
Danzig, Moritz Abraham and Selma Moritzsohn gave birth to German physicist, Max

1875: E.G.
Holland delivered his lecture on “The Hebrew Race” this evening at a meeting of
the Liberal Club in Plimpton Hall.

1876(1st of
Nisan, 5636): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

1876: In
Cuyahoga County, OH, William and Marie Lederer Pollak gave birth to Herman H.

1877: In
Grodno, Russia, Judah Judson and Hannah Rosenberg gave birth to New York
resident Solomon Judson the editor of Me’et
and author of Agadot
who married Minnie Shapiro,

1878: In
Kalvarija, Poland, Hyman Goldenson and Fanny Leah Frankel  gave birth to University of Cincinnati grad
and HUC ordained rabbi who led Congregation Adath Israel in Lexington, Kentucky
from 1904 to 1906, Congregation Beth Emeth in Albany, New York from 1906 to
1918, and Rodef Shalom Congregation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from 1918 to

1880(14th of
Nissan, 5640): Ta’anit Bechorot, Erev Pesach

Birthdate of Freeport, Illinois native “newspaper reporter, editor, publicity
man, screen writer, author, Collector of Customs in Los Angles and President of
the Los Angeles Commission, Alfred A. Cohen “who wrote the “The Jazz Singer,”
the first full length talking motion picture.

1882: In
Denver, CO, John and Winona Edson gave birth to press agent Elie Edson.

1882: In Black
Hawk, CO, Isaac Shwayder and his wife Rahel gave birth Jesse Shwayder, the
founder of Samsonite

of Nisan, 5642): Seventy-nine year old German born dramatist Leopold Feldman
passed away today in Vienna.

1884: Two days
after she had passed away, 73-year-old Caroline Woolf, the widow of Lewis Woolf
and the mother of Emily Francis Woolf was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road
Jewish Cemetery.”

1884: Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph C. Bloch were married today.

1886: Cleveland “clothing manufacturer, real estate executive and
civic leader John Anisfield married Daniela Guttenberg, his first wife who was
the mother of Edith Karolyn.

of Nisan, 5648): Fast of the first born; erev Pesach

1888(14th of
Nisan, 5648): The New York Times reported that “the Jewish feast of Pesach, or
the Passover, will begin at sunset this evening, and continue for eight days.
This feast was ordained to commemorate the departure of the Children of Israel
from Egypt, under the leadership of Moses after they had been held in bondage
for upward of 400 years…There is a peculiar observance connected with the first
evening of the festival on which occasion the head of the household gathers
about him at the table all the members of the family, including servants if
they be Hebrews, and with ancient rites and ceremonies he recounts the story of
the deliverance of his forefathers from the bondage under which they had been
held by the Egyptian Pharaohs for so many years.”

1891: It was
reported today that Joseph Abrahamson had changed his name to Joseph Abraham
Edson because he was getting ready to marry a young Christian girl “and that
both…were desirous that his surname should have every semblance of a Jewish
named removed.”

1892: The
Brooklyn Chess Club will host Willliam Steinitz, the Prague born Jewish chess

1892: The
Oratorio Society presented the Biblical opera “Samson and Delilah” under the
direction of Walter Damrosch the German born conductor whose paternal
grandfather was Jewish.

1893: Arthur
Reichow of New York notified Louis Hahn that a check for $800 would be sent to
him to meet the needs of the Jews living in Chesterfield, Connecticut.

1893: The
Central Union of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith was organized today

1893: “Suffers
in Russia” published today described the worsening conditions of the Jews
living in the Pale.  They cannot find
work in the Pale and the government will not allow them to leave the Pale to
find jobs.  Only the charity of English
Jews has prevented a larger number of deaths.  The Minister of the Interior is waiting for a
report from the Governor of the Pale on the possibility of further Jewish
immigration.  (This is further evident of
the infamous 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 Policy of the Czarist governments)

1893: Members
of the Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York heard a presentation by
Reverand Hermann Warazawiak on the origins, customs and practices of Passover.
Warazawiak spoke with an air of authority since he had been raised as an
Orthodox Jew in Poland before converting in 1889.

1894: “Of The
Jews and Their State” published today provided a detailed review of The
Jewish question and the Mission of the Jews
, an anonymous work published by
Harper & Brothers.

Birthdate of Marc Slonim, “the Russian born American critic and author who
enjoyed an international reputation as an expert on European literature
who  the Nogorod born son of Leo and
Indian Aikhevald Slonim and “the youngest member of the Russian Constituent
Assembly” during the Russian revolution (As reported by Albin Krebs)

1895: “Russia’s
New Business Rules” published today described the additional restrictions
placed on “Foreign commercial travelers of the Jewish persuasion” which do not
apply to non-Jewish businessmen.

1895: Four
days after she had passed away, 55-year-old Sarah Barnett, the daughter of
Morris and Fanny Barnett was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1896(12th of
Nisan, 5656): Fast of the First Born observed since the 14th of Nisan falls on

1896: The
“Sion” society in Sofia adopts an enthusiastic resolution proclaiming
Herzl as their leader.

of Nisan, 5656): Fifty-two-year-old Hungarian communist Leó Frankel passed away
today in Paris.

1896: Among
the books on art sold by Bangs & Co in New York was The Gentile and the
, a two volume work by J.J. Dollinger published in London in 1862 that
included 113 engravings by Bartolozzie which cost $10.

1896: In
“Persecution Under Nero” published today L.D. Burdick questions the reliability
of the Roman historian Seutonius who incorrectly identified Chrestus, who had
been crucified in Judea by Tiberius as the leader of rebellion by the Jews of
Rome that took place later of who was a leader of the New Christians.

Birthdate of Polish-born, French movie director Jean Epstein

Birthdate of Henri Palacci who was deported from Istanbul to France in 1942.

1898: Isaac
Blond went to the Barge Office to greet his wife Liebe and their four children
who arrived today aboard the SS St. Paul but was told by authorities that he
could not see them and that they would probably be sent back to Europe because
“two of the children had a contagious disease and could not land.”

1898: In
Albany, New York, the Assembly passed a bill introduced by Senator Cantor that
exempted the real estate of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association from assessments
and water rates.

1898: New York
State Senator Jacob A. Cantor addressed a meeting organized by the Merchant’s
Association of New York where he spoke against transferring the control of the
canal system of the State to the Federal Government and in favor of a passage
of the seven million dollar appropriation bill, known as the Cantor-Hill bill,
which would preserve the states control over its canal properties which are
estimated to exceed a hundred million dollars in value,

1899(15th of
Nisan, 5659): Last Pesach of the 19th century.

1899: It was
reported today that Ferdinand Blumenthal “recently described to the Academie
des Sciences of Paris a process of making sugar from albumen which throw light
on the obscure disease known as diabetes.”

1899: The New York Times reported
that “the Jewish Feast of the Passover began with sundown last evening.
Services were held in all synagogues and also many private residences the
festival will last one week, during which time services will be held daily.”

1900(25th of
Adar II, 5660): Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise passed away at the age of 80. The German
born Wise is remembered as the father of Reform Judaism in the United States.
He was instrumental in founding the three-basic organization of the movement:
Union of American Hebrew Congregations in 1873, Hebrew Union College in 1875
and the Central Conference of American Rabbis in1889.

1900: Today’s
passing of Rabbi Wise marked “the beginning” of a drive “to raise an Isaac M.
Wise Memorial Fund” in the amount $500,000 “to endow the Hebrew Union college
and the other activities of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.”

Christian, Jew, and the believer in the teachings of Confucius met on equal
terms last night at Calvary Baptist Church, West Fifty-Seventh Street, between
Sixth and Seventh Avenues, to discuss the Golden Rule at a meeting held under
the auspices of the Baron and Baroness de Hirsch Monument Association.

1902: Zalman
Shapira and Rosa Krupnik gave birth to Israeli political leader Haim-Moshe

1902: The
Rumanian government prohibited Jews from engaging in handicrafts or trade.

1902: “Mayor
Low, Borough President Cantor and Jacob H. Schiff spoke” tonight” at the
dedication exercises of the Luas A. Steinam School of Metal Working, at 225
East Ninth Street which has been erected for the Hebrew Technical Institute by
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Steinam in memory of their son Lucas.

1903: “The
Rev. Dr. Kaufman Kohler of Temple Beth-El, the newly elected President of the
Hebrew Union College at Cincinnati, was the guest of honor tonight at a banquet
given by the Judaeans at the Tuxedo. Assembled at the dinner were nearly all
the leading teachers and expounders of Judaism in New York.’

1904: Funk and
Wagnalls published the sixth volume of the Jewish Encyclopedia, a compendium of
knowledge that will eventually consist of twelve volumes. The volume includes
articles ranging from “God” to “Istria.”

1904: The New York Times featured
a review of “The Seder Service” a new Haggadah by Lillie Goldsmith
Cowen which was published by her husband Philip Cowen. This edition of the
Haggadah contains the Hebrew text, a revised English translation and notes by
Dr. Solomon Schechter, the President of the Jewish Theological Seminary. The
Haggadah is decorated with reproduction of pages from older Haggadot some which
were printed four hundred years ago.

1905: Eveline
Bethsabée Lattès ép. Mayrargue the daughter of Israël-Vita Lattès and Marie ép.
Lattès and her husband Henri Danie Marague gave birth to Jeanne Mayrargue ép.

Birthdate of Viktor E. Frankl, famed psychiatrist, Holocaust survivor and
author of one of the greatest books ever written, Man’s Search For Meaning.
What makes Frankl’s work and philosophy so powerful is that he took them with
him into the camps and came out with his philosophy intact. There would be no
better way to celebrate this centennial than read or re-read this slender tome.
Viktor Frankl in his own words: “The best of us did not return.” “Life is like
being at the dentist. You always think that the worst is still to come, and yet
it is over already.” Quoting Nietzsche he wrote, “He who has a why to live for
can bear with almost any how.” “Man, however is able to live and even to die
for the sake of his ideals and values!” “Man needs something for the sake of
which to live. The first goal of most people “was finding a purpose and meaning
to their lives.” “Don’t aim at success – the more you aim at it and make it a
target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot
be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of
one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product
of one’s surrender to a person other than oneself. Happiness must happen, and
the same holds for success; you have to let it happen by not caring about
it…Success will follow you precisely because you had forgotten to think of it.”

1906: As
unrest gripped Russia, it was reported that “Count Witte’s steadfast friendship
for the Jews has subjected him to constant attacks” including accusations that
he was a Jew and/or “bought by the Jews”

1906: It was
reported today that in Russia, “the Government cannot assume responsibility for
promulgating a law of equality” and that it must be left to Parliament to
“decide the question of the status of the Jews.’

1906: It was
reported today that Count Witte, who is serving as Premier, is taking every
precaution from not allowing “anti-Semitic manifestations this Easter” turned
to violent attacks on the Jews.

1907: Today
marked the last day of this year’s distribution of free Matzoth and Matzah
flour by the East Side Business Men’s Protective Business Association the poor
Jews of the lower east side.

1907: Colonel
Ernest Albert Rose married Julia Eda Lewis the daughter of Annette and Samuel
Eleazer Lewis were married today at the Princess Road Synagogue in Liverpool,

1907: At the
close of the third act of “Louise” which was being performed at the Academy of
Music in Philadelphia, “Oscar Hammerstein went before the curtain and announced
that he would break ground next week for his Opera House at Broad and Popular

Birthdate of Samuel Bronshtein, the Bessarabian born nephew of Leon Trotsky who
gained fame movie producer Samuel Bronston.

1909: Harry
Fischel, one of the best-known Jewish philanthropists with connections to over
twenty Jewish intuitions and a knowledge of a feeling of those living on the
Lower East Side expressed his opposition to “the proposal to erect a gallery on
the Arsenal site in Central Park” saying that it is only at Central Park can
the Jews living on the Lower East “get free, open air and plenty of space to
breathe” and Dr. A.A. Haimovich, the Treasurer of the Educational League
expressed his opposition saying that “it is absurd to say that the people care
for Central Park…”

of Adar II, 5670): Parashat Tzav

1910: It was
reported today that a fued between “two prominent Jewish charitable
organizations” – the United Hebrew Charities and the Widowed Mothers’ Fund
Association – has come to an end.

Birthdate of Sir Bernard Katz who shared in the 1970 Nobel Prize in Physiology
or Medicine.

1911: In
London, two actions are to be heard before Justice Darling in a libel suit
“in which Baron de Forest, adopted son of the late Baron Hirsch and Lady
Gerard are principals.”

1912: Osip
Brik married Lila Kagan

of Adar II, 5673): Forty-seven-year-old Rabbi Joseph Chuckrow passed away in
Troy, NY.

1913: In
Budapest, Jewish mathematics teachers Anna and Lajos Erdős (formerly Engländer)
gave birth to mathematician Paul Erdos who was one of the century’s greatest
mathematicians, who posed and solved thorny problems in number theory and other
areas and who founded the field of discrete mathematics, which is the
foundation of computer science. He was also one of the most prolific
mathematicians in history, with more than 1,500 papers to his name. And, his
friends say, he was also one of the most unusual.”. “Never, mathematicians say,
has there been an individual like Paul Erdös.” (I make no claim to understand
anything about any of his work.)

1913: On the
Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York City Nathan and Sophie Riesel gave
birth to crusading journalist Victor Riesel.

1914: The
siege of Adrianople which had begun in October, 1913, came to an end. Both poor
and middle-class Jews were affected with three thousand seeking shelter in
schools and 9,200 being left “completely helpless.”

1915:  According to reports published today the
Russian forces that have taken the town of Przemysl from the Austrians are
calling up the “panic stricken Jews” who have fled the town to return and are
reassuring the civilian population that remained, most of whom were Jews, that
they have nothing to fear.

“Ex-President Taft delivered a lecture before members of the National
Geographic Society in Washington on the subject of his mission to the Vatican
in 1902” where he conducted delicate negotiaons with Leo XIII, the Pope whose
papers in France and the Vatican assured readers that Dreyfus was guilty
because he was Jewish.

1915: The
Philadelphia Inquirer reported that the officers of Congregation Ahev Zedak in
Camden, NJ were Bernard Levin, President; Jacob Tarter, Vice President; Louis
Levin, Secretary and Max Greenberg, Treasurer.

1915: Dr.
Nathan Blaustein who delivered the infant of Mrs. Sadie Mager, a widow who died
of a heart attack last December is now seeking a family to adopt the girl
saying tonight “that the only thing he demanded was those who would adopt her
would prove to him they were in a position to give her a good home and that
they should be Jews.”

Birthdate of Christian Anfinsen winner of the 1972 Nobel Prize for Chemistry

1916: In New
York, 20,000 people attended the great bazar that opened tonight “in the Grand
Central Palace” which was a fund raiser sponsored by the People’s Relief
Committee for Jewish War Sufferers.

1916: In
Johannesburg, Eva, née Kirkel and Israel Rabinowitz gave birth to composer and
conductor Harry Rabinowitz whose most famous score may be the one he wrote for
“Chariots of Fire.”

Birthdate of bandleader Vic Schoen. There is no evidence that Schoen was Jewish
but he played a key role in the creation of the era of Yiddish Swing. Schoen
was the bandleader whose featured singers were the Andrews Sisters. Lyricist
Sammy Cahn gave the Yiddish song “Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen” English lyrics and
turned it over to the singing sisters. Schoen had a notion of how to swing it.
The Andrews Sisters’ debut 78 rpm for the Decca label hit almost immediately.
The era of Yiddish swing had begun.

Birthdate of Mort Abrahams who gained famed as the producer of Dr. Doolittle
and Planet of the Apes.

1916 In St.
Louis Fred Zadek Salomon, the son of Adolph and Matilda Salomon, and his wife
Helen gave birth to Fred Zadek Salomon, Jr. the longtime manager of the Famous
Barr Department store and the husband of Darlane Salomon with whom he raised
two daughter – Edith and Candace.

1916: Louis D.
Brandeis is scheduled to speak on “Jewish Rights and Congress at the opening
session today of the American Jewish Congress in Philadelphia, PA whose
delegates included Rabbi Wolf Gold, Samuel Lippman and Henry Eiser.

According to “advices received at the Russian Embassy” in Washington, DC,
“absolute equality of Jews in Russia with all others to own property, to reside
in any place, to serve in the army and navy, to participate in educational advantages
and at the polls has been officially proclaimed” by the new government.

1917: Abraham
Isaac “Abe” Shiplacoff, a Socialist New York assemblyman won a
temporary victory when he objected, on procedural grounds, to a resolution that
had been introduced “urging the United States Congress to a pass a measure
known as the Chamberlain bill, requiring the United States to prepare for entry
into” the World War.

1917: Plans
for the upcoming patriotic mass meeting of the Independent Order of Free Sons,
which “has plans for raising a regiment in case of war” were published today.’
(Editor’s note – this outburst of patriotism came at a time when the United
States was strongly considering entering WW I on the side of the Allies;
something that would become a reality in less than a month.)

1917: It was
reported today that Harriet Cohen is engaged to Sidney Benny, Myrtle Straus is
engaged to Rudolph Hut and  Etta Seligman
is engaged to Abraham Seidel.

1917: One of
the advantages of the Russian Revolution was seen today when it was reported
that the publication of the second volume of Simon Dubnow’s History of the
Jews in Russia and Poland
would soon be a reality that to the disappearance
of the censors who had been part of the Czar’s government. (The brilliant mind of
Dubnow would perish in 1941 when he was murdered by the Nazi in Riga. Yidn, shraybt un farshraybt  “Jews‎, write and record’)

1917: In World
War I, British troops are halted after 17,000 Turks blocked their advance at
the First Battle of Gaza. The setback would prove to be temporary and the
British would later resume their drive to take Palestine from the Ottomans.

1918: “A
message from the representatives of the Jewish colonies in Palestine was
received at the Zionist headquarters” in New York today which “said that the
Jewish Administrative Commission organized by the International Zionist
Organization” were expected to arrive in Palestine this week.

1919: In Cedar
Rapids, Rose and David Padzensky gave birth to Ruth Lillian Feder, the wife of
Iz Feder and mother of Ron, Neil and Steven Feder who was a strong-willed
business woman and pillar of the Jewish Community.

1920: Eugen
Schiffer who had become a Protestant in 1896 but who was forced to move to a
Jewish Ghetto in Berlin after the Nazis came to power completed his term as
Minister of Justice in Germany.

1920: In
Vienna, the Jewish community made a “public appeal for help” in re-building
“the communal synagogue in Leopold Strasse” which had been destroyed by fire
two years ago.

1920: In
Göttingen, Germany, mathematician Richard Courant and Nerina Runge Courant gave
birth to American physicist Ernest Courant

Shabelsky-Bork, a “supporter” of the “Protocols of the Elders of
Zion” tried to assassinate Pavel Milyukov (former leader of the Cadets,
who fled Russia in 1918) at a meeting of Russian refugees. Instead, he killed
Vladimir Nabokov and was sentenced to fourteen years in prison. After only
staying in prison for a short time, he was released and befriended by Alfred
Rosenberg, the “Nazi philosopher”.

of Adar II, 5681): Parashat Tzav

1921: In the
Bronx, the Montefiore hosted a “Purim entertainment” that included a Purim play
and a Hebrew sketch.

1922: At Temple
Emanu-El, in a time when Reform congregations were experimenting with moving
Shabbat observance from Saturday to Sunday, Dr. Alexander Lyons of Brooklyn is
scheduled to deliver a sermon on “Does God Hear?”

1922: Dr.
Krass is scheduled to delivers a sermon “George Bernard Shaw” at services at
the Central Synagouge.

1923(9th of
Nisan, 5683): Actress Sarah Bernhardt passed away. She was born in Paris as
Henriette Rosine Bernard, the eldest surviving illegitimate daughter of Judith
van Hard, a Dutch Jewish courtesan known as “Youle.”

1924: “Oscar
S. Straus, formerly American Ambassador to Turkey, returned to Jerusalem today
from Amman, where he conferred with King Hussein.”

1925(1st of
Nisan, 5685): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

1925: Lord
Balfour visited Rishon L”Zion where he said “he rejoiced at this opportunity to
visit the oldest Jewish settlement in Palestine.

1926: Today
when Harvard announced plans for the incoming freshman class it issued a denial
that religion or race would be a considered which “was in answer to a report
that members of recent entering classes at Harvard were 25 per cent Jewish” and
150 Jews “would not be admitted to Harvard in the three years who otherwise
would have been enrolled…”

of Nisan, 5686): Rabbi Yehuda Leib Levin passed away today after which he was
buried at the Clover Hill Park Cemetery in Birmingham, MI.

1926: Premiere
of “The Fiddler of Florence,” a German silent film directed and written by Paul

1927: Colonel
Herbert H. Lehman, the acting chairman of the American Jewish Joint
Distribution Committee announced today that “the Jewish community of Salonica,
Greece has issued an appeal for relief” that was sent to Dr. Bernard Khan, the
European Director of the Committee.

1928: On New
York’s Lower East Side, Philip and Pola Young “Jewish immigrants from Poland”
gave birth to Israel Goodman Young who gained famed as Greenwich Village
folklorist Izzy Young, the man responsible for Bob Dylan’s first New York
concert.  (As reported by Margalit Fox)

1928: Cellist
Gdal Saleski, the author of Famous Musicians of Jewish Origins performed a
concert at Steinway Hall that included Joseph “Achron’s ‘Fragment Mystique’
which “is based on a Hebrew theme.”

of Adar II, 5689): Last Purim before the Great Depression

1929: The dirigible
Graf Zeppelin appeared over three cities in Palestine. At five in the
afternoon, it circled Jaffa where the large colony of German settlers waved
flags of welcome. At six, the airship appeared over Tel Aviv where it became a
welcome partner in the city’s Purim celebrations. As night descended the German
craft circled Jerusalem for an hour before heading north towards Syria.

1930 In
London, Lord Melchett, Chaim Weizmann, Oscar Wasserman, Felix Warburg and Max
Warburg will meet this afternoon in an “attempt to reach a settlement regarding
the functions of the Administrative Committee and the Jewish Agency’s
Executive, the immediate raising of an internal loan of $5,000,000, and Lord
Melchett’s demand that before any larger colonization scheme be undertaken in
Palestine, the 1,500 Chalutzim in Palestine for many years be settled on the
land.” (As reported by JTA)

1931: In
Boston, MA, Dora (née Spinner) and Max Nimoy gave birth to Leonard Simon
Nimony, Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame. Do you remember the hand gesture that went
with the Vulcan credo – Live long and prosper? In case you missed it, it is the
same gesture as that made by the High Priest when giving his benediction. And
now you know why.

1931: Arab
leaders in Palestine urged Moslems not to participate in the celebration Maier
Dizengoff’s seventieth birthday. Dizengooff is the Mayor of Tel Aviv.

of Adar II, 5692): Parashat Tzav; Shabbat Parah

1932: “Juvenile
Court Judge Joseph Siegler, chairman of a committee named by Jewish
organizations to investigate charges of discrimination again Jews at Rutgers
announced today that the matter had been closed to the committee’s

1933: “The
Jewish Board of Deputies, representing 300,000 Jews in Britain, passed a
unanimous resolution today demanding that Germany accord equal “freedom
and justice” to Jewish and non-Jewish citizens.”

Twenty-eight year old Nathan N. Rosen was officially installed as the Rabbi at
Temple Petach Tikva in Brooklyn. (As reported by JTA)

1934: Hitler
agreed to a nationwide boycott of Jewish businessmen and professionals to be
known as “Boycott Day” which would take place on April 1. The boycott is
designed to last indefinitely or until the Jews have been completely eliminated
from the German economy.

1934: In
Brooklyn Beatrice (Wortis) and David I. Arkin gave birth to actor Alan Arkin
who has played a myriad of roles during his long career including the lead in
the famed anti-establishment film “Catch-22.”

1935: Pianist
Ossip Gabrilowitsch, the conductor of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra “was in
the Henry Ford Hospital tonigh undergoing treatment for what was described as
‘acute intestinal complications.’”

According to reports published today of the 61,541 Jews who entered Palestine
in 1935, 27,291 came from Poland; 3,596 came from Rumania; 2,122 came from
Greece, 1,967 from Lithuania; 1,638 from the United States; 1,425 from
Southwestern Arabia; 1,397 from Czechoslovakia; 1,042 from Latvia; 1, 021 from
France; 961 from Austria, 764 from Turkey and 7,747 from Germany.

1936: In
Warsaw, “the Senate enacted today a law prohibiting Jews from selling
vegetables and dairy products” which had been passed by the Sejm (lower house) last

1936: In New
York, at a luncheon of the New York chapter of Hadassah, Eddie Cantor
“announced that if the members of Hadassah would raise sufficientfunds to
provide for five hundred children” who were refugees from journey and part of
the Youth Aliyah movement “he would provide for an equal number.”

1936: In
Poland, “the Jewish community’s offices in the town of Nowysacz were bombed

1936: In
Poland, a synagogue was damaged at Wilno as anti-Semitic disorders gripped the

of Nisan, 5697): Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach

1937: Rabbi
Stephen Wise officiated at the wedding of Mrs. Justine Waterman Wise Tulin, a
justice of the Domestic Relations Court of New York City and Professor Isadore

1937: The Palestine Post reported
that a Jewish Ghaffir (supernumerary policeman) was wounded, an Arab brigand
killed and a number of Arabs taken prisoner during a battle with a terrorist
gang which attacked Jewish settlers plowing their fields at the foot of Mount
Tabor. Jewish settlers were assisted by police reinforcements which arrived
from Afula and Nazareth.

“Archaeological discoveries expected to shed light on the life, customs and
general history of the Holy Land of 2,000 years ago were listed today by Edward
M. M. Warburg of the executive committee of the American Friends of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem” “in a report prepared in connection with the
thirteenth anniversary of the founding of Hebrew University” which “cites the
finding of the long missing Third Wall of Jerusalem and…certain important
Jewish cemeteries.”

“Speaking at the opening session of the second annual convention of the United
Galician Jews of America at Mecca Temple,” “May La Guardia told 3,000 Jews of
Eastern European origin tonight that recent events in Europe had brought more
misery than civilization had ever previously experienced.”

1939: At
Atlantic City, NJ, “Reginald T. Kennedy, the executive director of the New York
roundtable of the National Christians and Jews today declared that all
religions must cooperate in teaching faith in democracy and present a united
front to propagandists who are attempting to align one against the other” and
who are trying to convince the public that “a Catholic is probably a Fascist, a
Jew is a Communist” and “that the Protestant majority is indifferent to the
minority rights” of Jews and Catholics.

1939: Dr.
Samuel Goldenson is scheduled to lecture on “Racialism and Humanity” at Temple

1939: Louis
Lipsky, Robert Szold, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and Dr. Solomon Goldman, the
president of the ZOA are scheduled to lecture on “The Jewish National Home: Is
the London Palestine Conference Ended?” at the Free Synagogue in Carnegie Hall.

1940: In the
Bronx the former Sophie Falkenstein and Arthur Caan, refugees from Nazi Germany
gave birth to James Langston Michael Caan known to American audiences as the
movie and television actor James Caan

1941: “The
German Army High Command gives approval to RSHA and Heydrich on the tasks of SS
murder squads (Einsatzgruppen) in occupied Poland.”

of Nisan, 5702): At Jungfernhof concentration camp, Rudolf Seck, the commander
sent 1,840 to be “resettled” today which meant they were shot to death at the
Bikernieki forest.

of Nisan, 5702): Fifty-nine year old Rabbi Joseph Hirsch Carlbach was murdered
near Riga today.

The Second Dünamünde Action, part of a murderous assault designed “to execute
Jews who had recently been deported to Latvia from Germany, Austria, Bohemia
and Moravia” conducted by the Nazis and their Latvian collaborators began today
in the Biķernieki forest, near Riga, Latvia.

Birthdate of Erica Jong, author of Fear of Flying

1942: The
first “Eichmann transport” began moving to the camps at Auschwitz and

1942: The
first of 700 Jews from Polish Lvov-district reached the concentration camp at

1942 The first
Jewish transportation arrived at Auschwitz under the command of Rudolf Hoss,
containing 1000 Jews from Slovakia and 1000 women from Ravensbruk. According to
a conservative estimate from March 1942 until the liberation on January 27 1945
over 750,000 Jews were gassed within its gates. Hoss himself estimated it at

1943: Wilfrid
B. Israel, a German born Jew and ardent Zionist departed London for Lisbon.
Once in Portugal he stayed in the Iberian Peninsula for two months, where he
found over 1,500 stateless Jews in Spain. He issued 200 of them certificates to
go live in Palestine, and did what he could to intervene on the other’s behalf.

1944: The
twenty-third Beth El Ball was held this evening at the Walt Whitman Hotel in
Camden, NJ. It was dedicated “to our fighting allies”.

1944: The New York Times includes
a review of “Dangling Man” by Saul Bellow

1945: General
Patton sent 307 officers and men in tanks, half-tracks and support vehicles
under the command of Captain Abraham J. Baum on a mission to liberate
approximately 1,300 POWS being held at a camp near Hammelburg, Germany. The
group of POWs included Patton’s son-in-law who had been captured during
fighting in North Africa. In the words of historian Stanley Weintraub, “Nine
GIs in Baum’s small column were killed and 31 others were wounded and captured
– a hairy business for Baum as his dog tag identified him as Jewish.”

1946: Today
twenty-year old Berlin born American screenwriter Don Mankiewicz married his
first wife Ilene Korsen with whom he had two children – Jane and screenwriter
John Mankiewicz.

“Millionaire businessman and philanthropist Sir Charles Clore and the former
Francine Halphen gave birth to philanthropist Dame Vivien Louise Duffield, the
sister of Alan Evelyn Clore and the wife of ‘British financier John Duffield”
with whom she had “two children, Arabella and George.

1946: In
Cleveland, Judge and Mrs. Joseph C. Bloch celebrated their 62nd wedding

of Adar II, 5706): “Phineas Horowitz, veteran Zionist leader, and
vice-president of the British Zionist Federation, passed away today in London.”
(As reported by JTA)

1947: “Forty
Jewish tenant farmers, half of whom are WW II veterans” and each of whom “received
a lease of four acres from the Jewish National began farming on land “near
Raanana in the Plain of Sharon” where they will engage in truck and flower

1947: It was
announced today that author and attorney “Louis Nizer has been named chariman
of the national speakers bureau of the $170,000,000 campaign of the United
Jewish Appeal for the relief, rehabilitation 
and resettlement of Europe’s Jewish survivors.”

of Adar II, 5708): Shushan Purim

“Alleging that the Arabs intended to try to seize Jerusalem after the British
withdrawal, spokesman for the Jewish Agency for Palestine confirmed today that
the Agency had proposed that 10,000 Norwegian and Danish troops be brought from
Germany to maintain order in the city.” (Considering the fact that the city was
already under siege with Arabs blocking convoys from the coast and attacking
the Old City, this was not Paranoia but a response to a real threat.)

1948: Before
leaving the United States today with his wife Lou, Austrian born composer Hanns
Eisler who had fallen afoul of HUAC read a statement that included: “I leave
this country not without bitterness and infuriation. I could well understand it
when in 1933 the Hitler bandits put a price on my head and drove me out. They
were the evil of the period; I was proud at being driven out. But I feel
heart-broken over being driven out of this beautiful country in this ridiculous

Birthdate of Helene Middleweek who as Valerie Hayman, Baroness Hayman, became
the Lord Speaker of the House of Lords in the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

Lafayette College in Easton, PA announced that its round the world student tour
this summer which is designed to increase their “intellectual, cultural and
spiritual horizons” will include a stop in Tel Aviv.

1950: It was
reported today that the government of Israel is using the Israel Institute of
Applied Social Research under the direction of Dr. Uriel G. Foa to deal with a
variety of problems facing the infant Jewish state including assisting
immigrants in adjusting to life in “their new homeland.”

1951: Final
broadcast of the ABC panel show “Can You Top This?” co-starring Harry

1952: The Jerusalem Post reported
that the anti-reparations demonstration in Tel Aviv, organized by the Herut
political party, lasted two hours and passed off quietly after a week of
general tension. At The Hague the Conference on Reparations started discussing
the respective Jewish claims on Germany. The German delegation contested the
Jewish claim for $500 million as “exaggerated,” while the Jewish
delegation claimed that the sum was “only a fraction” of the heirless
property actually remaining in German hands.

1952: The Jerusalem Post reported
that The Knesset debated the final reading of the Nationality Bill and the
principle of dual nationality, held by a number of Israeli citizens.

1952: The Jerusalem Post reported
that The Israeli-Jordanian Mixed Armistice Commission reaffirmed the
Israel-Jordan demarcation line in the Kalkilya area. The line was marked by a
deep ditch, dug by a tractor to prevent further infiltration and other

1953: “The
Story of Three Loves,” a romantic anthology film with a script co-authored by
George Froeschel and co-starring Kirk Douglas was released in the United States

of Adar II, 5714): Ninety-one-year-old Flora “Flo” Isaacs Strauss, the St.
Louis born daughter of Jonas and Bertha Heller Isaacs, the wife of Julius
Caesar Strauss and the mother of Benjamin, Charles and Irving Strauss passed
away after which she was buried New Mount Sinai Cemetery and Mausoleum in
Affton, MO.

of Nisan, 5715): Parashat Vayikra

1955(3rd of
Nisan 5715): Fifty-year-old Ralph Kahn Uhry, the Plaquemine, LA born son of
Hippolyte and Dora Kahn Uhry and the husband of Alene Fox Uhry with whom head
two children, Pulitzer prize winning playwright Alfred Uhry and author Ann Uhry
Abrams passed away today after which he was buried in Atlanta, GA.

1956: In
Sweden, premiere of “The Rose Tatoo” with a script adapted by Hal Kanter and
directed by Daniel Mann.

of Adar II, 5717): Fifty-four-year-old Max Ophüls, the German Jewish movie
director who spent the war in France and the United States passed away today in

of Adar II, 5717): Sixty-six year old London born American munitions maker and
convicted war profiteer Murray Garsson died today “penniless and homeless in a
Bellevue Hospital ward today” after suffering a brain hemorrhage following a

1958: Today at
the 30th Academy Award B.B. Kahane received an Academy Honorary
Award in recognition of his “distinguished service to the motion picture.

1959: It was
reported today that Isaac Charchat, the President of the International Synagogue
presented Rabbi A. Alan Steinbach, the retiring president the New York Board of
Rabbis with a silver bible.

1960: In
Manhattan, Academy Award winning actor and stage star Joel Grey and his wife Jo
Wilder gave birth to actress Jennifer Gray, the star of “Dirty Dancing” who
isthe granddaughter of comedian and musician Mickey Katz.

of Adar, 5720): Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei and Shabbat HaChodesh

of Adar, 5720): Eighty-two-year-old Russian born Rabbi Leon Album, the
University of Chicago and Stanford University alum who was the husband of
Amelia Album with whom he raised two children – Selma and Manuel – passed away

Birthdate of Steve Feinberg the Princeton graduate who is the co-founder of
Cerberus Capital Management.

1961: “The
Hoodlum Priest” directed by Irvin Kershner and filmed by cinematographer
Haskell Wexler was released today in the United States.

Birthdate of Mitchell Simpson, who gained fame as Amanda Simpson.

1961: “Dondi”
a movie based on the comic strip co-created by Irwin Hansen was released in the
United States today.

Birthdate of comedian Todd Barry

1964: Two days
after opening in the UK, “Fall of the Roman Empire” produced by Samuel
Bronston, with a script co-authored by Philip Yordan and music by Dimitri
Tiomkin was released in the United States today.

“Funny Girl” with Barbra Streisand opens at Winter Garden Theater in
New York City for the first of 1,348 performances

of Adar II, 5727): Purim

Production of “Ciao! Manhattan” co-directed, produced and written by David
Weisman began today.

1967(14th of
Adar II, 5727): Joseph Jacobs, president and founder of Joseph Jacobs
Organization, a merchandizing and advertising organization that specializes in
the Jewish mark and “has been credited with being responsible for the wide
currency of kosher symbols on food labels” passed away today at the age of 75.
A 1911 graduate of City College, Mr. Jacobs taught school while doing graduate
work at Columbia before going to work as an advertising salesman for the Daily
Forward in 1919, the same year that he founded his own company. Mr. Jacobs’
most lasting contribution to American Jewry is the famous Maxwell House

of Nisan, 5729): Fifty-nine-year-old New York City born lawyer “Seymour Barkin,
the assistant director of the United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York” passed
away today “after emergency surger at Roosevelt Hospital”

“Minnie’s Boys” opened at the Imperial Theater. Minnie’s boys were
better known as the Marx Brothers.

of Adar II, 5730): Seventy-seven year old artist Fritz Ascher passed away

of Adar II, 5730): Seventy-six year old Brooklyn born Columbia trained physician
WWI veteran Dr. Frederic D. Zeman the geriatric specialist and husband of “the
former Madeleine Arnold” passed away today.

1971: NBC
aired “Gideon,” a play by Paddy Chayefsky based on the Biblical Judge with
Peter Ustinov in the title role.

1971: Outbreak
of the nine month long Bangladesh Liberation War. A Jewish military leader,
Lieutenant General JFR (Jacob-Farj-Rafael) Jacob gained fame in his homeland
when he headed the Indian armed forces that vanquished the Pakistani army in
the war that broke out between the two countries over East Pakistan which after
the war became the independent state of Bangladesh).

1973: It was
reported today that Arthur Hertzberg, “head of the American Jewish Congress”
had called “for providing American Jews with a basic Jewish education and a
deep sense of identification with the Jewish People.”

1973: In East
Lansing, Michigan Dr. Carl Page and Computer Professor Gloria Page, who was
Jewish, gave birth to Lawrence “Larry” Page who along with Sergey Brin
co-founded Google.

Birthdate of Rockford, Illinois actress and comedian Natasha Leggro, the
graduate of the Stella Adler Conservatory who “converted to Judaism as an

of Nisan, 5735): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

1976: In
Chicago, the Dearborn Station, which has been designed by Cyrus L.W. Eidlitz to
the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) today.

of Adar II, 5738): United States District Court Judge fifty-nine-year-old
University of Michigan trained lawyer and WW II Army veteran Lawrence Gubow the
husband of Estelle Gubow with whom he had “one son and two daughters.”

1979: Nineteen
people were injured today during a terrorist bombing in a market at Lod.

1979: Prime
Minister Menachem Begin of Israel and President Anwar Sadat signed a peace
treaty at the White House. This historic event ended three decades of fighting
including three major wars. It took Sadat to break the “Gordian Knot” and come
to Jerusalem. It took Begin to gamble that the Egyptians would keep their word
and not turn the Sinai into a springboard for another war. And it took Carter’s
tenacity to keep the talks on track. All Arabs are not the same. Likud, right
wingers, are willing to make peace. And American Presidents can provide the leverage
for agreement. Critics say it has been a cold peace. But the border between the
two has comparatively remained tranquil and the armed forces of the two nations
have not clashed in a quarter of century. Hatikvah – hope.

1982: “I Ought
To Be In Pictures” a film based on the Neil Simon play of the same name
directed and produced by Herbert Ross, starring Walter Matthau and with music
by Marvin Hamlisch was released in the United States today.

of Adar II, 5744): Seventy-one year old Bora Laskin passed away while serving
as the 14th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in Canada.

1985: “Anna
Karenina,” a made-for-television adaption of the famous novel with a script by
James Goldman was released today in the United States.

of Adar II, 5746): Shushan Purim

of Adar II, 5746): Seventy-four-year-old CCNY trained CPA  NYU trained entertainment lawyer Morris
Stoller, the New York born son of Gussie Popick and David Stoller and the
husband of Gertrude Stoller who had succumbed to cancer was buried today in Los

1986: Temple
Adath Israel a synagogue in Owensboro, Kentucky whose building was built in
1887 was added to National Register of Historic Places today.

1987: U.S.
President Jimmy Carter visited Jerusalem. Former Prime Minister Begin who has
been living in virtual seclusion for years declined Carter’s request for a
meeting. Begin did visit with the President by phone.

1991: David
Wolfson who as knighted in 1984 was “created a life peer with the title Baron
Wolfson of Sunningdale, of Trevose in the County of Cornwall” today.

of Nisan, 5753): Seventy-nine year old psychologist and chess champion Reuben
Fine passed away today.

of Nisan, 5754): Parashat Tzav; erev Pesach

1995: The New York Times featured reviews of
books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The
Wonders of America: Reinventing Jewish Culture, 1880-1950
by Jenna Weissman
Joselit and Jews and the New America Scene by Seymour Martin Lipset and
Earl Raab.

of Nisan, 5756): Seventy-nine-year-old Maurice J. Sabes, the of Eva and Abraham
Sabeswitz pass today after which he was buried in the United Hebrew Brotherhood
Cemetery in Richfield, MN.

1997: In
Stockholm, Budapest native Eva Löwenthal was interviewed by the USC Shoah
Foundation Institute.

1997: A week
after premiering in New York, “The Devil’s Own,” a film that pits two Irish
institutions – the IRA and the Boston Police Department — against themselves
directed by Alan J. Pakula  was released today in the rest of the United

2000: U.S.
President Bill Clinton meets with Syrian President Hafez Assad.

2000: Pope
John Paul II ended his trip to Israel by visiting the Western Wall and, in
keeping with a centuries-old tradition left a message in one of its cracks.

2000: The New
York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or special interest
to Jewish readers including The Operator: David Geffen Builds, Buys, and
Sells the New Hollywood
by Tom King and The Genesis of Justice: Ten
Stories of Biblical Injustice That Led to the Ten Commandments and Modern Law

by Alan M. Dershowitz

2001: Dalia
Rabin-Pelossof became the only member of New Way to remain in the Knesset when
two other New Members resigned from the Israeli Parliament.

2001: Three
days after she had passed away, funeral services are scheduled to be held for
eighty-seven-year-old Janice Levin, the art collector and philanthropist whose
husband attorney Philip J. Levin passed away in 1971.

of Nisan, 5761): Ten-month-old Shalevet Pass was murder this afternoon by a Palestinian
sniper belong to the Tanzim terrorist group while sitting in his stroller.

2002(12th of
Nisan, 5762): Chaike Belchatowska Spiegel, one of the last surviving combatants
of the 1943 Warsaw ghetto uprising against the Nazis, died in Montreal at the
age of 81..

Marc-André Hamelin, who has recorded Leo Ornstein’s work, is scheduled perform
several Ornstein pieces at the Miller Theater in what is a memorial concert for
the Russian-born Jewish composer and pianist who passed away on February 27.

2003: Rabbi
Janet Marder was named president of the Reform Movement’s Central Conference of
American Rabbis. This meant that she had become the first woman to lead a major
rabbinical organization.

2004: “Israeli
officials expressed growing confidence today that Hamas” terrorists “would not
manage to fulfill their threats of extraordinary retaliation for Israel’s
killing of their…leader, Sheik Ahmed Yassin.”

2005: Robert
Iger reassigned Peter Murphy, the Disney’s chief strategic officer, and pledged
to disband the company’s strategic planning division. Iger also vowed to
restore much of the decision-making authority that the division had assumed to
the company’s individual business units.

2006: The Jerusalem Post reported
that The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) strongly condemned the Mayor of London,
Ken Livingstone, for remarks urging two leading Jewish property developers to
“go back to Iran and try their luck with the ayatollahs, if they don’t
like the planning regime or my approach.”

2006: The New York Times featured
a review of “My Father is a Book: A Memoir of Bernard Malamud” by
Janna Malamud Smith.

of Nisan, 5767): Ninety-two year old Leon Banov, Jr. the Charleston born son of
Minnie and Dr. Leon Banov and  the
Medical College of South Carolina trained proctologist who was the husband of
Rita Landesman Banov and father of Jane and Alan Banov passed away today.

2008: In
Jerusalem, The Bible Lands Museum English lecture series presents: “The
Classical Islamic Attitude to Jerusalem,” by Professor Moshe Sharon of
Hebrew University

2008: Haaretz reported that in a
rare departure from government practice, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah is
planning to convene an interfaith conference for Muslims, Christians and Jews,
according to the Saudi-owned Al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper.

2008: Two
people were lightly wounded and nine were in shock after Palestinians fired a
volley of Kassam rockets at Sderot. Six rockets were lobbed at Sderot, two of
them landing inside the town. Security forces were trying to locate the other
four rockets.

2008: Richard
Anderson Falk began serving as “a United Nations Special Rapporteur on
“the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied
since 1967.”

2008: The
Israel Defense Forces captured a senior Hamas terrorist who helped mastermind
the 2002 suicide bombing at a Passover Seder at Park Hotel in Netanya, in which
29 people were killed and nearly 150 others wounded.

2008: Students
at Haifa University expressed their anger today after the university decided to
schedule tests on the Holocaust Memorial Day, some during the siren that marks
a moment of silence.

2008: Double
Sextet” a composition by Steve Reich was performed for the time in

2009 (1st of
Nisan 5769): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

2009: Israeli
culinary writer Janna Gur gave a lecture on the Cuisine of Israel at the
College of Technology in New York City accompanied by a cooking demonstration
by students

2010: Keren
Ann Zeidel is scheduled to perform at The City Winery in New York City.

2010: In
Washington, D.C., Robyn Helzner, one of the leading interpreters of world
Jewish music, and Cantor Larry Paul are scheduled to lead a Carlebach-inspired
service at the Sixth and I Historic Synagogue.

2010(11th of
Nisan,5770): Major Eliraz Peretz 31, from Kiryat Arba, who was the deputy
commander of the Golani battalion and Staff Sergeant Ilan Sviatkovsky, 21, from
Rishon Letzion were killed during fighting on the Gaza border today. Peretz’s
brother had been killed while fighting in Lebanon.2011: In Rockville, MD,
Tikvat Israel Congregation is scheduled to sponsor an old fashioned Sock Hop.

2011: “The
Infidel” and “Vidal Sasoon: The Movie” are scheduled to be shown at the
Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2011: “Berlin
’36” is scheduled to be shown on opening night of the Hartford Jewish Film

2011(20th of
Adar II): Eighty-six year old “Stanley Bleifeld, a figurative sculptor whose
bronzes adorn the National Baseball Hall of Fame, the Navy Memorial in
Washington and museums including the Museum of the City of New York” passed
away today.

2011(20th of
Adar II): Ninety-four year old internet pioneer Paul Baran passed away. (As
reported by Katie Hafner)

2012: The 16th
Annual Hartford Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a “Book and Film”
event commemorating the Kindertransport.

Publication of “Three Roses for Women’s History Month.”’s-history-month/

of Nisan, 5773): First Day of Pesach

2013: “At dawn
this morning, a large group gathered on a mountain in the Negev desert to
reenact the moments leading up to the Israelites exodus from Egypt.” (As
reported by Andrew Esentein)

2013:In the
evening numerous congregations are scheduled to host community Seders including
Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Agudas Achim in Iowa City and Kol Ami in
Arlington, VA

Bahrain’s lawmakers voted today to label the Lebanese militia Hezbollah a
terrorist organization, the Lebanon-based news outlet Now Lebanon reported.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s telephone conversation with Turkish Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was the start of the process of improving
Israeli-Turkish ties, not the end of it, a government official said today.

In Fairfax, VA, Gesher Jewish Day School is scheduled to open its 6th annual
Used Book Sale.

“Igor and the Cranes’ Journey” is scheduled to be shown a the Northern Virginia
Jewish Film Festival.

In Portland, the Oregon Jewish Museum is scheduled to host “Night of the
Maggidim” when real life becomes a Chassidic Tale.

Bowing to pressure from Arab states UN Human Rights Council President Remigiusz
Henczel rejecteded the candaidcay of Georgetown Law lecturer Christina Cerna as
the of UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories
choosing instead Indonesian Makarim Wibisono, “an outspoken critic of Israel.”
(As reported by Times of Israel)

The Israeli Navy fired on two Palestinian boats this morning and a third one
tonight that were thought to be involved in smuggling operations between Egypt
and Gaza.

In Turkey, the Grand Synagogue of Edrine which had first been used Erev Pesach,
1909 and which was abandoned in 1983 “after most of the Jewish community left
the city, emigrating to Israel, Europe, or North America” was re-opened under
the leadership of Rabbi David Azuz who oversaw the “celebration and a
Shacharit, morning prayer service, attended by a large number of Jews including
Ishak Ibrahimzadeh, leader of the Jewish Community in Turkey, Rav Naftali
Haleva, deputy to Hakham Bashi (Chief Rabbi) Ishak Haleva, Bülent Arınç, Deputy
Prime Minister of Turkey, and some other Turkish high officials.”

Holocaust survivor Halina Peabody is scheduled to speak at the Unites States
Holocaust Memorial Museum today as part of its “First Person Series.”

“The human rights group Amnesty International said in a report issued today
that armed Palestinian organizations committed war crimes during the 2014
Gaza-Israel conflict, by killing both Israeli and Palestinian civilians using
indiscriminate projectiles.”

of Nisan, 5775): Naomi Weisstein whose “Kuche, Kirche, Kinder: Psychology
Constructions the Female” is part of the Women’s Liberation canon as was
her path- breaking research on visual perception” passed away today and is
mourned by “loving husband Jesse Lemisch” and the members of “History in
Action, an intergenerational network of feminist writers and activists.”

The Jewish Film Festival of Northern Virginia is scheduled to host a screening
of “24 Days” which “offers a gripping and carefully-plotted thriller that tells
the true story of the kidnapping of Ilan Halimi in a Paris suburb by The Gang
of Barbarians, who expect a huge ransom as they assume that all Jews have

In New York, Eléonore Biezunski is scheduled to deliver a lecture on Creating
Songs in Boiberik: Singing Peace at “Felker Yontev” in which she
“examines the structure of these pageants and how they continue to impact the
music scene in Yiddish today.”

“Tikkun” a prizewinning film at the Jerusalem and Locarno Film Festivals
directed by Avishai Sivan is scheduled to be shown at the Museum of Modern Art
this evening.

The Jews in the American South is scheduled to come to an end in Savannah,
Georgia where the Jewish community dates at back to 1733.

During his weekly Saturday night lecture, “Israel Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak
Yosef “said non-Jews could live in Israel only if they observe the seven
Noahide Laws, which include prohibitions against idolatry, blaspheming
God, murder, forbidden sexual relations, stealing and eating the limb off a
live animal, and which proscribe the establishment of a legal system” and that
“Non-Jews, Yosef are in Israel only to serve Jews.”

“Baba Joon” is scheduled to be shown at the 20th annual Israeli Film
Festival in Philadelphia, PA.

The Seattle Jewish Film Festival  is
scheduled to host a brunch featuring Matzoh Momma’s delicious spread of Jewish
soul food, klezmer music by The Klez Katz!, and coffee by Batdorf & Bronson
Coffee Roasters of Olympia before a screening of the “Last Laugh.”

The AIPAC Policy Conference is scheduled to begin today in Washington, D.C.

“Hundreds of teen singers from the U.S. and Israel” are scheduled to perform on
the stage of the “Metropolitan Opera House when HaZamir holds its gala concert.

Friends and family send best birthday wishes to Joan Thaler, one of the grand
ladies of the Cedar Rapids Jewish community is contributions are too numerous
to recount.

The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to host a
performance of Chilean-American writer and human rights activist Ariel
Dorfman’s “Speak Truth to Power: Voices from Beyond the Dark.”

The Center for Jewish History, Jewish Studies Program of Cornell University and
American Jewish Historical Society are scheduled to host the “Triangle Fire:
See You in the Streets” featuring Cornell University Professor Nick Salvatore
and author/artist Ruth Sergel in a lively discussion of the 1911 Triangle
Shirtwaist Factory Fire

The Streicker Center is scheduled to host “An Wit Chef Alon Shaya” the Tel
Aviv-born, Philly-raised chef moved to New Orleans and won the James Beard
Award for Best New Restaurant in America.

“Red Trees” and “In the Land of Pomegranates” are scheduled to be shown at the
Jacob Burns Film Center during the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

“Bal Ej: the hidden Jews of Ethiopia” is scheduled to be shown at the Eli Cohen
Center in Nahariya, Israel.

of Nisan, 5778): On the Hebrew Calendar, observance of “Aliyah Day,” “an
official day of national celebration in which Jewish immigration to Israel is
honored and noteworthy immigrants are recognized for their contributions to the
nation.” (As reported by Debra Kamin)

Prime Minister Netanyahu will not be making his scheduled speech at the meeting
of AIPAC because he was flying back to Israel to deal with the rocket attacks
“from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip” which have struck to areas north of Tel

In the wake of rocket attacks from Gaza, schools under the control of the
Regional Council of Chof Ashkelon are scheduled to be closed today.

The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present “At the Crossroads of
Sephardic, Mizrahi, and Russian-Speaking Worlds: A Three-Part Learning and
Cultural Series on the Greater Sephardic Communities of the Former Soviet

Public shelters in Tel Aviv and Be’er Sheva are scheduled to be open today

Friends and family of Joan Thaler, the most gracious and modest of Eishes
Chayils prepare to wish her the happiest of birthdays.

of Nisan, 5780): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

From Day To Day: One Man’s Diary of Survival in Nazi
Concentration Camps” scheduled for today at the Illinois Holocaust Museum has
been canceled due to the Pandemic.

At 9:00 pm, Addison-Penzak JCC’s Rabbi Laurie Matzkin is scheduled to lead a
“circle of song” on Zoom featuring Hebrew words and music to inspire and quiet
the mind.

This evening, Streicker Center is scheduled to host Rabbi David Wolpe on-line
as he offers “Lessons of Resilience from the Torah.”

Hillel@Home is scheduled to host the virtual “Why Is This Passover Different
Than All Others?” during which “Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks offers a message of

Temple Israel of Boston is scheduled to present “Leaving Egypt: Passover Prep”
with Rabbi Jen Gubitz.

Temple Emanu El is scheduled to host a wine and cheese reception prior to the
special Refugee Shabbat Friday night service.

Congregation B’nai Torah of Sudbury’s Rabbi Dr. Lisa Eiduson and cantorial
soloist Jodi Blankstein are scheduled to present a special “Taste of Pesach:
Short and Sweet Shabbat Service”

B’nai Jeshurun Congregation in Pepper Pike, OH is scheduled to a host a virtual
Kinder Shabbat service.

Following yesterday’s report by Israel’s election commission that with 100% of
votes counted, Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud party and his natural allies have
won 52 seats in the 120-seat Knesset, Israel’s parliament” and “an
ideologically diverse array of parties committed to ousting him won 57 seats”
“party leaders have already begun negotiations that are expected to drag on for
weeks” in an attempt to assemble a majority of at least 61 seats thus avoiding
a fifth election in two years.

Jewish Arts Collaborative is scheduled to present JLive Art with Julie Weitz
who, Passover 2021 “has created ‘Golem v. Golem,’ a a hybrid digital-public
art-physical installation for Passover…”

of Adar II, 5782): Parashat Shimini; Shabbat Parah

The Eden Tamir Center is scheduled to host a concert featuring “great piano
trios and piano quartets.”

The National Library of Israel is scheduled to present via Zoom a lecture by
Gabriel Said Reynolds, the Crowley Professor of Islamic Studies and Theology at
the University of Notre Dame on “Sin and Repentance in Quran.”

The Museum of Jewish Heritage in Lower Manhattan is scheduled to host New
York-born composer Josh Waletzky and playwright Jeyn Levison’s new Yiddish
theatrical concert—“Pleytem tsuzamen / פּליטים צוזאַמען/ Refugees Together”—
which is a call for solidarity with those who are most threatened. Confronting
our current reality, the songs present a dynamic fusion of traditional forms
with the social, political, and personal challenges posed by the world today —
and they embody the power of music to foster the courage we need to “link arms
and take to the streets together against bloodshed and hatred.”

In Israel, “a nationwide ‘week of paralysis’in ” that is response to Netanyahu’s
announcement that the government would pass a core tenet of the legislation —
giving the coalition near-complete control over judicial appointments — in the
coming days” is scheduled to begin today.

2023:  The Yom HaShoah service is scheduled to take
place at Coe College, Sinclair Auditorium which will feature Yom HaShoah Guest
Speaker, Holocaust survivor Tova Friedman and her grandson, Noah Goodman thanks
to the support of the  Thaler Holocaust
Remembrance Fund.








March 26

1027: Coronation of Conrad II as Holy Roman Emperor, whose court was the site
of religious disputation between Bishop Wazon “the overlord of” Liege and an
unnamed Jewish physician. (As reported by the Jewish Virtual Library) 

1147: Jews of
Cologne, Germany, fasted to commemorate anti-Jewish violence.

1369: King
Pedro of Castile who employed Abraham ibn Zaral as his physician was beheaded
by his rival and brother, Henry of Trastamara marking the end of their civil
war for control of the kingdom. . Henry “was as hostile to the Jews as Pedro
had been friendly. His long-cherished hatred of his brother burst forth when a
Jew named Jacob, an intimate of the king, praised the latter excessively to
Henry. In his fury he stabbed the Jew with a dagger. Pedro would have revenged
himself on Henry forthwith, but his courtiers restrained him by force. Henry
saved himself by a hasty flight. This was the immediate cause of the civil war
which brought untold suffering upon the Jews of the country. . He was as
hostile to the Jews as Pedro had been friendly. His long-cherished hatred of
his brother burst forth when a Jew named Jacob, an intimate of the king,
praised the latter excessively to Henry. In his fury he stabbed the Jew with a
dagger. Pedro would have revenged himself on Henry forthwith, but his courtiers
restrained him by force. Henry saved himself by a hasty flight. This was the
immediate cause of the civil war which brought untold suffering upon the Jews
of the country. During their struggle for control, Henry continuously depicted
Peter as “King of the Jews,” and had some success in taking advantage
of popular Castilian resentment towards the Jews. During his reign, “Henry of
Trastamara instigated pogroms beginning a period of anti-Jewish riots and
forced conversion] in Castile that lasted approximately from 1370 to 1390.”

“Seventeen Marranos perished at the stake on the Quemadero (place of burning)
in Seville, Spain followed by enough other similar killings that by the end of
November, “300 had perished at the stake” while another 79 were spared but
sentenced to life imprisonment. (As reported by Abraham Bloch)

1488: The
orders for expulsion from Milan “came after a heated trial beginning today in
which Vicenzo, a Jew who had converted to Christianity accused 38 Jews of
interesting anti-Christian statements in several Jewish texts, including the
Talmud and the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides.

1655: Sir
Christopher Packe, who had disappointed Cromwell by joining the militant
exclusionist faction opposing the admission of Jews to England who had been
Lord Mayor of London began serving as “Protector” today.

1671(15th of
Nisan 5431): In Amsterdam, the Great Synagogue was consecrated on the first day
of Pesach (Passover).

1692(9th of
Nissan, 5452): The Jewish community of Carpentras, France escaped from a
rioting mob causing this date to be celebrated as a Private Purim

of Adar II, 5518): Purim Meshulash

of Nisan, 5526): Second Day of Pesach

1774: In
Germany, Getta Sender and Moses Mack gave birth to Alexander Mack, the husband
of Sara Aub whom he married in 1802 and the father of Wolfgang Mack.

1775(24th of
Adar II, 5535): David Lopez passed away in Newport, RI.

Birthdate of Isaac Elias Itzig, who as Julius Eduard Hitzig served Prussia as a
civil servant before gaining fame as a German author.

1796: Carel
Asser was among those who signed a petition to the States General seeking the
emancipation of the Dutch Jews.

1801(12th of
Nissan, 5561): Fast of the First Born observed since the 14th falls on Shabbat.

of Nisan, 5564): Fast of the First Born and erev Pesach

1806: Today,
in Savannah, GA, Sarah de Leon, the daughter Abraham de Lyon married Samuel

1807: West
Indies native Leach Rachel De Leon and Abraham Quixano Henriques gave birth to
Leah Henriques.

Sephardic Jewish leader and MP Ralph Bernal and his wife Ann Elizabeth gave
birth to Ralph Bernal Osborne

Philadelphia native Benjamin Jonas Phillips and Abigail Seixas gave birth to
Israel Benjamin Phillips, the husband of Harriet Jackson whom he married in New
York in 1837 and the father of New York City native Benjamin Phillips.

1817: In London,
Dinah Judah Botibl and Moses Acris gave birth to Joseph Moses Acris.

of Nisan, 5585): Parashat Vayikra read for the first time during the Presidency
of John Quincy Adams who had taken the oath of office 22 days ago,

1831: Rabbi
David de Aaron de Sola preached the first sermon in English at Bevis Marks
Synagogue in London. Born in Amsterdam in 1796, de Sola was the son of Aaron de
Sola. He began serving at Bevis Marks in 1818. A prolific author he published
his first work, The Blessings, in 1829 followed by his six-volume translation
The Forms of Prayer According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews
in 1836. De Sola was also a musician whose accomplishments included musical
rendition of Adon Olam which is still used in both Sephardi and Ashkenazi
synagogues in the United Kingdom. He passed away in 1860.

Birthdate of Michel Jules Alfred Bréal, the native of Bavria who became a
leading French philologist and “is identified as the father of modern

1839: In
Bavaria, Babette Treu and Isaac Jacob Bamberger gave birth to Clara Bamberger,
the wife of Leo Friedlander whom she married at Baltimore in 1863 and with whom
she had four children – Sylvan, Julian, Irvin and Ray Friedlander.

Birthdate of George Smith, the Englishman who provided some of the first and
most meaningful investigation into the civilization of ancient Mesopotamia,
with an emphasis on Assyria. His work provided historic context for, and proof
of, the ancient Israelites including his discovery in 1866 of the date when
Jehu, king of Israel, made a tribute payment to Assyrian King Shalmaneser III.

of Nisan, 5602): Shabbat Shel Pesach

Birthdate of Anna Madeline Graff Kahn the native of Germany and wife Solomon
Kahn with whom she had four children.

Magdalena Madel Dukas, the Sulzburg, Germany born daughter of Leopole and Lea
Kahn and her husband Leopold Dukas gave birth to Lea Lena Kahn, the wife of
Mortiz Marx Kahn.

1851: Louis
Kyezor married Julia Joseph today.

Birthdate of “German art historian” Julius Langbehn who attacked “Jews as
corrupters of German culture” saying that they “no place in Germany” – a
position that would later be part of the Nazi movement.

1852: In
Eiger, Hungary, Eduard and Josefine Zeisler gave birth to Rabbi Joseph Zeisler
whose congregation included B’nai Zion in Danville, PA where he served from
September of 1905 to August of 1906.

1852: It was
reported today that an Imperial Ukase has been issued in Russia that classifies
Jews into two categories, “those who have a fixed residence and a trade and
those who have neither. The latter are to be employed in the public mines and

1852: In a
sign of the crumbling power of the Sultan and the commensurate growth of
European power, in Palestine, it was reported today that the Ottomans had agreed
to grant France the right to build a church in a suburb of Bethlehem and to
allow Catholic priests the right to repair their church in Jerusalem.

1852: The
congregation of Ohabei Shalom dedicated its own synagogue building on Warren
Street, the first synagogue in Boston and the second in New England.

Birthdate of Hugo Rheinhold the Prussian born businessman turned sculptor whose
most famous work maybe “Ape with Skull.”

Birthdate of Krakow native Salomea Eisenbach, the wife of Nachman Freduman and
the mother of composer and pianist Ignaz Friedman.

Birthdate of Salomon Kahn, who was buried in the Freudenberg Cemetery when he
passed away in 1924.

1855: Nahum
Steiner, a Jew who converted to Christianity, delivered a speech at the
Knickerbocker Hall in New York entitled “Our Present Christianity Compared With
Primitive Discipleship or Judaism Again.” During his presentation he attempted
to answer questions regarding the destiny of the United States when compared to
Jewish History.

1859: In
Hildesheim, Hanover, Elise Wertheimer and Salomon Hurwritz gave birth to
mathematician Adolf Hurwitz.

1860: The U.S.
House of Representatives adopted a resolution offered by Ohio Congressman
Clement Vallandigham “calling for the correspondence relative to the Swiss
Treaty” including the limitations that this treaty placed “upon Hebrew citizens
of the United States.” This is the same Congressman Vallandgiham who would be
labeled as a Copperhead during the Civil War. The issue of the discriminatory
nature of the Swiss treaty as it affected the Jews was one of the first times
that the civil society moved to protect its Jewish citizens.

of Nisan, 5621): Pesach

1861(15th of
Nisan, 5621): The New York
reported that “The Jewish Passover, a festival commemorative
of the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage, commenced
last evening, and will continue for eight days. The origin of the festival is
given in the 12th Chapter of Exodus, and the Bible prediction that it should be
forever observed by the Israelites throughout the world, has this far been
strikingly fulfilled. The duties imposed upon the Jews during the Passover are,
total abstinence from all kinds of leaven and leavened bread attendance of the
males at the Tabernacle, and cessation of business on the first two and last
two days of the festival. On the evenings of the first two days, the reading of
the Seder takes place in every Jewish family, the members, meanwhile, sitting
round a table, on which are placed the bone of a lamb, representing the
sacrifice of the “paschal lamb,” and some bitter herbs, symbolical of
the bitterness of the Egyptian bondage. After the reading of the Seder, the
family chants a service reciting their bondage and deliverance. Previous to the
Passover, every Jewish household undergoes a thorough renovation, corresponding
to the house-cleaning process customary among Christians.”

Birthdate of Uchimura Kanzō, the philo-Semitic Japanese minister.

1862: In New
York, Henriette and Isaac David Walter gave birth to cotton-goods manufacturer
and Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Columbia graduate William Israel Walter, the
husband of the former Florence Bernheimer with whom he raised two children –
Marjorie and Florence – who supported such worthy causes as the “children’s
clinic at Mt. Sinai Hospital and the History Department at Bryn Mawr College

1862(20th of
Adar II, 5622): Uriah Phillips Levy, Commodore of the United States Navy,
passed away in Philadelphia. Levy was a descendant of the original 23 Jews who
settled in New Amsterdam in 1654. He was buried in the Cypress Hill Cemetery in
the Congregation Shearith Israel portion. On his stone was written, “He
was the father of the law for the abolition of the barbarous practice of
corporal punishment in the United States Navy.”

of Adar II, 5624): Parashat Tzav; Shabbat Parah

1864: As Jews
observed Shabbat Parah, Union General James McPherson took command of the Army
of the Tennessee as part of the plans for the year-long offensive that would
bring victory to the Union and  former
Senator Archibald Dixon, Governor Thomas E. Bramlette, and Albert G. Hodges,
editor of the Frankfort, Kentucky, Commonwealth, met with Lincoln to discuss
the recruitment of slaves as soldiers in Kentucky during which Lincoln
explained to them the benefit of allowing those who had been classified as
“runaway slaves” to gain their freedom by severing in the Union Army.

According to a report published today, during the month of February, there 7
Jewish children staying at the Howard Mission and Home for Little Wanderers in
New York City.

1866: “On the
initiative” of fifty-three-year-old “Dutch physician and economist” Samuel
Sarphati “the Amstel Hostel was built today in the street later named after

1867: In
Opava, Czech Republic, Charlotte and Samuel David Kaluber gave birth to Dr.
Arnold Klauber

1868: The
Orphans’ Guardians or Familien Waisen Erziehungs Verein was organized in
Philadelphia “chiefly through the efforts of R. Samuel Hirsch of the
Congregation Keneseth Israel. Instead of keeping the children together in one
institution, this society endeavored to find homes for them among respectable
Jewish families.

1869(14th of
Nisan, 5629): Erev Pesach observed for the first time during the Presidency of
U.S. Grant.

Birthdate of Isaac Elias Itzig as Julius Eduard Hitzig worked as a civil
servant and author in Germany.

1871: Leó
Frankel “was elected as a member of the Paris Commune.”

1872: In
Chicago, Abraham and Ernestina (Leopold) Strauss gave birth to University of
Michigan trained English Professor Dr. Louis A Strauss, the Phi Beta Kappa
scholar and husband of Elsa Riegelman who rose to be chairman of the English
Department at his alma mater.

1872: In New
York, Hirsh Bernstein came to the D.A.’s office where he posted bail after
having been indicted on charges of libeling Rabbi Ahrenson. The dispute
revolves around a dispute about the sale of wine which may or not be considered

1873: William
F. Nast and he former Esther A. Benoist gave birth to Conde Nast, who while
serving as publisher of Vogue in 1938 forced British photographer Cecil Beaton
to resign because of comments made by him “that were critical of the Jewish

1873: While in
Arizona, Civil War veteran Herman Bendell, the Albany born son of Hannah Stern
and Elias Bendell resigned his position as an Indian Agent today  after which he “received a consular
appointment to Elsinore, Denamrk.

1875: In
Danzig, Moritz Abraham and Selma Moritzsohn gave birth to German physicist, Max

1875: E.G.
Holland delivered his lecture on “The Hebrew Race” this evening at a meeting of
the Liberal Club in Plimpton Hall.

1876(1st of
Nisan, 5636): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

1876: In
Cuyahoga County, OH, William and Marie Lederer Pollak gave birth to Herman H.

1877: In
Grodno, Russia, Judah Judson and Hannah Rosenberg gave birth to New York
resident Solomon Judson the editor of Me’et
and author of Agadot
who married Minnie Shapiro,

1878: In
Kalvarija, Poland, Hyman Goldenson and Fanny Leah Frankel  gave birth to University of Cincinnati grad
and HUC ordained rabbi who led Congregation Adath Israel in Lexington, Kentucky
from 1904 to 1906, Congregation Beth Emeth in Albany, New York from 1906 to
1918, and Rodef Shalom Congregation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from 1918 to

1880(14th of
Nissan, 5640): Ta’anit Bechorot, Erev Pesach

Birthdate of Freeport, Illinois native “newspaper reporter, editor, publicity
man, screen writer, author, Collector of Customs in Los Angles and President of
the Los Angeles Commission, Alfred A. Cohen “who wrote the “The Jazz Singer,”
the first full length talking motion picture.

1882: In
Denver, CO, John and Winona Edson gave birth to press agent Elie Edson.

1882: In Black
Hawk, CO, Isaac Shwayder and his wife Rahel gave birth Jesse Shwayder, the
founder of Samsonite

of Nisan, 5642): Seventy-nine year old German born dramatist Leopold Feldman
passed away today in Vienna.

1884: Two days
after she had passed away, 73-year-old Caroline Woolf, the widow of Lewis Woolf
and the mother of Emily Francis Woolf was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road
Jewish Cemetery.”

1884: Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph C. Bloch were married today.

1886: Cleveland “clothing manufacturer, real estate executive and
civic leader John Anisfield married Daniela Guttenberg, his first wife who was
the mother of Edith Karolyn.

of Nisan, 5648): Fast of the first born; erev Pesach

1888(14th of
Nisan, 5648): The New York Times reported that “the Jewish feast of Pesach, or
the Passover, will begin at sunset this evening, and continue for eight days.
This feast was ordained to commemorate the departure of the Children of Israel
from Egypt, under the leadership of Moses after they had been held in bondage
for upward of 400 years…There is a peculiar observance connected with the first
evening of the festival on which occasion the head of the household gathers
about him at the table all the members of the family, including servants if
they be Hebrews, and with ancient rites and ceremonies he recounts the story of
the deliverance of his forefathers from the bondage under which they had been
held by the Egyptian Pharaohs for so many years.”

1891: It was
reported today that Joseph Abrahamson had changed his name to Joseph Abraham
Edson because he was getting ready to marry a young Christian girl “and that
both…were desirous that his surname should have every semblance of a Jewish
named removed.”

1892: The
Brooklyn Chess Club will host Willliam Steinitz, the Prague born Jewish chess

1892: The
Oratorio Society presented the Biblical opera “Samson and Delilah” under the
direction of Walter Damrosch the German born conductor whose paternal
grandfather was Jewish.

1893: Arthur
Reichow of New York notified Louis Hahn that a check for $800 would be sent to
him to meet the needs of the Jews living in Chesterfield, Connecticut.

1893: The
Central Union of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith was organized today

1893: “Suffers
in Russia” published today described the worsening conditions of the Jews
living in the Pale.  They cannot find
work in the Pale and the government will not allow them to leave the Pale to
find jobs.  Only the charity of English
Jews has prevented a larger number of deaths.  The Minister of the Interior is waiting for a
report from the Governor of the Pale on the possibility of further Jewish
immigration.  (This is further evident of
the infamous 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 Policy of the Czarist governments)

1893: Members
of the Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York heard a presentation by
Reverand Hermann Warazawiak on the origins, customs and practices of Passover.
Warazawiak spoke with an air of authority since he had been raised as an
Orthodox Jew in Poland before converting in 1889.

1894: “Of The
Jews and Their State” published today provided a detailed review of The
Jewish question and the Mission of the Jews
, an anonymous work published by
Harper & Brothers.

Birthdate of Marc Slonim, “the Russian born American critic and author who
enjoyed an international reputation as an expert on European literature
who  the Nogorod born son of Leo and
Indian Aikhevald Slonim and “the youngest member of the Russian Constituent
Assembly” during the Russian revolution (As reported by Albin Krebs)

1895: “Russia’s
New Business Rules” published today described the additional restrictions
placed on “Foreign commercial travelers of the Jewish persuasion” which do not
apply to non-Jewish businessmen.

1895: Four
days after she had passed away, 55-year-old Sarah Barnett, the daughter of
Morris and Fanny Barnett was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1896(12th of
Nisan, 5656): Fast of the First Born observed since the 14th of Nisan falls on

1896: The
“Sion” society in Sofia adopts an enthusiastic resolution proclaiming
Herzl as their leader.

of Nisan, 5656): Fifty-two-year-old Hungarian communist Leó Frankel passed away
today in Paris.

1896: Among
the books on art sold by Bangs & Co in New York was The Gentile and the
, a two volume work by J.J. Dollinger published in London in 1862 that
included 113 engravings by Bartolozzie which cost $10.

1896: In
“Persecution Under Nero” published today L.D. Burdick questions the reliability
of the Roman historian Seutonius who incorrectly identified Chrestus, who had
been crucified in Judea by Tiberius as the leader of rebellion by the Jews of
Rome that took place later of who was a leader of the New Christians.

Birthdate of Polish-born, French movie director Jean Epstein

Birthdate of Henri Palacci who was deported from Istanbul to France in 1942.

1898: Isaac
Blond went to the Barge Office to greet his wife Liebe and their four children
who arrived today aboard the SS St. Paul but was told by authorities that he
could not see them and that they would probably be sent back to Europe because
“two of the children had a contagious disease and could not land.”

1898: In
Albany, New York, the Assembly passed a bill introduced by Senator Cantor that
exempted the real estate of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association from assessments
and water rates.

1898: New York
State Senator Jacob A. Cantor addressed a meeting organized by the Merchant’s
Association of New York where he spoke against transferring the control of the
canal system of the State to the Federal Government and in favor of a passage
of the seven million dollar appropriation bill, known as the Cantor-Hill bill,
which would preserve the states control over its canal properties which are
estimated to exceed a hundred million dollars in value,

1899(15th of
Nisan, 5659): Last Pesach of the 19th century.

1899: It was
reported today that Ferdinand Blumenthal “recently described to the Academie
des Sciences of Paris a process of making sugar from albumen which throw light
on the obscure disease known as diabetes.”

1899: The New York Times reported
that “the Jewish Feast of the Passover began with sundown last evening.
Services were held in all synagogues and also many private residences the
festival will last one week, during which time services will be held daily.”

1900(25th of
Adar II, 5660): Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise passed away at the age of 80. The German
born Wise is remembered as the father of Reform Judaism in the United States.
He was instrumental in founding the three-basic organization of the movement:
Union of American Hebrew Congregations in 1873, Hebrew Union College in 1875
and the Central Conference of American Rabbis in1889.

1900: Today’s
passing of Rabbi Wise marked “the beginning” of a drive “to raise an Isaac M.
Wise Memorial Fund” in the amount $500,000 “to endow the Hebrew Union college
and the other activities of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.”

Christian, Jew, and the believer in the teachings of Confucius met on equal
terms last night at Calvary Baptist Church, West Fifty-Seventh Street, between
Sixth and Seventh Avenues, to discuss the Golden Rule at a meeting held under
the auspices of the Baron and Baroness de Hirsch Monument Association.

1902: Zalman
Shapira and Rosa Krupnik gave birth to Israeli political leader Haim-Moshe

1902: The
Rumanian government prohibited Jews from engaging in handicrafts or trade.

1902: “Mayor
Low, Borough President Cantor and Jacob H. Schiff spoke” tonight” at the
dedication exercises of the Luas A. Steinam School of Metal Working, at 225
East Ninth Street which has been erected for the Hebrew Technical Institute by
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Steinam in memory of their son Lucas.

1903: “The
Rev. Dr. Kaufman Kohler of Temple Beth-El, the newly elected President of the
Hebrew Union College at Cincinnati, was the guest of honor tonight at a banquet
given by the Judaeans at the Tuxedo. Assembled at the dinner were nearly all
the leading teachers and expounders of Judaism in New York.’

1904: Funk and
Wagnalls published the sixth volume of the Jewish Encyclopedia, a compendium of
knowledge that will eventually consist of twelve volumes. The volume includes
articles ranging from “God” to “Istria.”

1904: The New York Times featured
a review of “The Seder Service” a new Haggadah by Lillie Goldsmith
Cowen which was published by her husband Philip Cowen. This edition of the
Haggadah contains the Hebrew text, a revised English translation and notes by
Dr. Solomon Schechter, the President of the Jewish Theological Seminary. The
Haggadah is decorated with reproduction of pages from older Haggadot some which
were printed four hundred years ago.

1905: Eveline
Bethsabée Lattès ép. Mayrargue the daughter of Israël-Vita Lattès and Marie ép.
Lattès and her husband Henri Danie Marague gave birth to Jeanne Mayrargue ép.

Birthdate of Viktor E. Frankl, famed psychiatrist, Holocaust survivor and
author of one of the greatest books ever written, Man’s Search For Meaning.
What makes Frankl’s work and philosophy so powerful is that he took them with
him into the camps and came out with his philosophy intact. There would be no
better way to celebrate this centennial than read or re-read this slender tome.
Viktor Frankl in his own words: “The best of us did not return.” “Life is like
being at the dentist. You always think that the worst is still to come, and yet
it is over already.” Quoting Nietzsche he wrote, “He who has a why to live for
can bear with almost any how.” “Man, however is able to live and even to die
for the sake of his ideals and values!” “Man needs something for the sake of
which to live. The first goal of most people “was finding a purpose and meaning
to their lives.” “Don’t aim at success – the more you aim at it and make it a
target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot
be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of
one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product
of one’s surrender to a person other than oneself. Happiness must happen, and
the same holds for success; you have to let it happen by not caring about
it…Success will follow you precisely because you had forgotten to think of it.”

1906: As
unrest gripped Russia, it was reported that “Count Witte’s steadfast friendship
for the Jews has subjected him to constant attacks” including accusations that
he was a Jew and/or “bought by the Jews”

1906: It was
reported today that in Russia, “the Government cannot assume responsibility for
promulgating a law of equality” and that it must be left to Parliament to
“decide the question of the status of the Jews.’

1906: It was
reported today that Count Witte, who is serving as Premier, is taking every
precaution from not allowing “anti-Semitic manifestations this Easter” turned
to violent attacks on the Jews.

1907: Today
marked the last day of this year’s distribution of free Matzoth and Matzah
flour by the East Side Business Men’s Protective Business Association the poor
Jews of the lower east side.

1907: Colonel
Ernest Albert Rose married Julia Eda Lewis the daughter of Annette and Samuel
Eleazer Lewis were married today at the Princess Road Synagogue in Liverpool,

1907: At the
close of the third act of “Louise” which was being performed at the Academy of
Music in Philadelphia, “Oscar Hammerstein went before the curtain and announced
that he would break ground next week for his Opera House at Broad and Popular

Birthdate of Samuel Bronshtein, the Bessarabian born nephew of Leon Trotsky who
gained fame movie producer Samuel Bronston.

1909: Harry
Fischel, one of the best-known Jewish philanthropists with connections to over
twenty Jewish intuitions and a knowledge of a feeling of those living on the
Lower East Side expressed his opposition to “the proposal to erect a gallery on
the Arsenal site in Central Park” saying that it is only at Central Park can
the Jews living on the Lower East “get free, open air and plenty of space to
breathe” and Dr. A.A. Haimovich, the Treasurer of the Educational League
expressed his opposition saying that “it is absurd to say that the people care
for Central Park…”

of Adar II, 5670): Parashat Tzav

1910: It was
reported today that a fued between “two prominent Jewish charitable
organizations” – the United Hebrew Charities and the Widowed Mothers’ Fund
Association – has come to an end.

Birthdate of Sir Bernard Katz who shared in the 1970 Nobel Prize in Physiology
or Medicine.

1911: In
London, two actions are to be heard before Justice Darling in a libel suit
“in which Baron de Forest, adopted son of the late Baron Hirsch and Lady
Gerard are principals.”

1912: Osip
Brik married Lila Kagan

of Adar II, 5673): Forty-seven-year-old Rabbi Joseph Chuckrow passed away in
Troy, NY.

1913: In
Budapest, Jewish mathematics teachers Anna and Lajos Erdős (formerly Engländer)
gave birth to mathematician Paul Erdos who was one of the century’s greatest
mathematicians, who posed and solved thorny problems in number theory and other
areas and who founded the field of discrete mathematics, which is the
foundation of computer science. He was also one of the most prolific
mathematicians in history, with more than 1,500 papers to his name. And, his
friends say, he was also one of the most unusual.”. “Never, mathematicians say,
has there been an individual like Paul Erdös.” (I make no claim to understand
anything about any of his work.)

1913: On the
Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York City Nathan and Sophie Riesel gave
birth to crusading journalist Victor Riesel.

1914: The
siege of Adrianople which had begun in October, 1913, came to an end. Both poor
and middle-class Jews were affected with three thousand seeking shelter in
schools and 9,200 being left “completely helpless.”

1915:  According to reports published today the
Russian forces that have taken the town of Przemysl from the Austrians are
calling up the “panic stricken Jews” who have fled the town to return and are
reassuring the civilian population that remained, most of whom were Jews, that
they have nothing to fear.

“Ex-President Taft delivered a lecture before members of the National
Geographic Society in Washington on the subject of his mission to the Vatican
in 1902” where he conducted delicate negotiaons with Leo XIII, the Pope whose
papers in France and the Vatican assured readers that Dreyfus was guilty
because he was Jewish.

1915: The
Philadelphia Inquirer reported that the officers of Congregation Ahev Zedak in
Camden, NJ were Bernard Levin, President; Jacob Tarter, Vice President; Louis
Levin, Secretary and Max Greenberg, Treasurer.

1915: Dr.
Nathan Blaustein who delivered the infant of Mrs. Sadie Mager, a widow who died
of a heart attack last December is now seeking a family to adopt the girl
saying tonight “that the only thing he demanded was those who would adopt her
would prove to him they were in a position to give her a good home and that
they should be Jews.”

Birthdate of Christian Anfinsen winner of the 1972 Nobel Prize for Chemistry

1916: In New
York, 20,000 people attended the great bazar that opened tonight “in the Grand
Central Palace” which was a fund raiser sponsored by the People’s Relief
Committee for Jewish War Sufferers.

1916: In
Johannesburg, Eva, née Kirkel and Israel Rabinowitz gave birth to composer and
conductor Harry Rabinowitz whose most famous score may be the one he wrote for
“Chariots of Fire.”

Birthdate of bandleader Vic Schoen. There is no evidence that Schoen was Jewish
but he played a key role in the creation of the era of Yiddish Swing. Schoen
was the bandleader whose featured singers were the Andrews Sisters. Lyricist
Sammy Cahn gave the Yiddish song “Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen” English lyrics and
turned it over to the singing sisters. Schoen had a notion of how to swing it.
The Andrews Sisters’ debut 78 rpm for the Decca label hit almost immediately.
The era of Yiddish swing had begun.

Birthdate of Mort Abrahams who gained famed as the producer of Dr. Doolittle
and Planet of the Apes.

1916 In St.
Louis Fred Zadek Salomon, the son of Adolph and Matilda Salomon, and his wife
Helen gave birth to Fred Zadek Salomon, Jr. the longtime manager of the Famous
Barr Department store and the husband of Darlane Salomon with whom he raised
two daughter – Edith and Candace.

1916: Louis D.
Brandeis is scheduled to speak on “Jewish Rights and Congress at the opening
session today of the American Jewish Congress in Philadelphia, PA whose
delegates included Rabbi Wolf Gold, Samuel Lippman and Henry Eiser.

According to “advices received at the Russian Embassy” in Washington, DC,
“absolute equality of Jews in Russia with all others to own property, to reside
in any place, to serve in the army and navy, to participate in educational advantages
and at the polls has been officially proclaimed” by the new government.

1917: Abraham
Isaac “Abe” Shiplacoff, a Socialist New York assemblyman won a
temporary victory when he objected, on procedural grounds, to a resolution that
had been introduced “urging the United States Congress to a pass a measure
known as the Chamberlain bill, requiring the United States to prepare for entry
into” the World War.

1917: Plans
for the upcoming patriotic mass meeting of the Independent Order of Free Sons,
which “has plans for raising a regiment in case of war” were published today.’
(Editor’s note – this outburst of patriotism came at a time when the United
States was strongly considering entering WW I on the side of the Allies;
something that would become a reality in less than a month.)

1917: It was
reported today that Harriet Cohen is engaged to Sidney Benny, Myrtle Straus is
engaged to Rudolph Hut and  Etta Seligman
is engaged to Abraham Seidel.

1917: One of
the advantages of the Russian Revolution was seen today when it was reported
that the publication of the second volume of Simon Dubnow’s History of the
Jews in Russia and Poland
would soon be a reality that to the disappearance
of the censors who had been part of the Czar’s government. (The brilliant mind of
Dubnow would perish in 1941 when he was murdered by the Nazi in Riga. Yidn, shraybt un farshraybt  “Jews‎, write and record’)

1917: In World
War I, British troops are halted after 17,000 Turks blocked their advance at
the First Battle of Gaza. The setback would prove to be temporary and the
British would later resume their drive to take Palestine from the Ottomans.

1918: “A
message from the representatives of the Jewish colonies in Palestine was
received at the Zionist headquarters” in New York today which “said that the
Jewish Administrative Commission organized by the International Zionist
Organization” were expected to arrive in Palestine this week.

1919: In Cedar
Rapids, Rose and David Padzensky gave birth to Ruth Lillian Feder, the wife of
Iz Feder and mother of Ron, Neil and Steven Feder who was a strong-willed
business woman and pillar of the Jewish Community.

1920: Eugen
Schiffer who had become a Protestant in 1896 but who was forced to move to a
Jewish Ghetto in Berlin after the Nazis came to power completed his term as
Minister of Justice in Germany.

1920: In
Vienna, the Jewish community made a “public appeal for help” in re-building
“the communal synagogue in Leopold Strasse” which had been destroyed by fire
two years ago.

1920: In
Göttingen, Germany, mathematician Richard Courant and Nerina Runge Courant gave
birth to American physicist Ernest Courant

Shabelsky-Bork, a “supporter” of the “Protocols of the Elders of
Zion” tried to assassinate Pavel Milyukov (former leader of the Cadets,
who fled Russia in 1918) at a meeting of Russian refugees. Instead, he killed
Vladimir Nabokov and was sentenced to fourteen years in prison. After only
staying in prison for a short time, he was released and befriended by Alfred
Rosenberg, the “Nazi philosopher”.

of Adar II, 5681): Parashat Tzav

1921: In the
Bronx, the Montefiore hosted a “Purim entertainment” that included a Purim play
and a Hebrew sketch.

1922: At Temple
Emanu-El, in a time when Reform congregations were experimenting with moving
Shabbat observance from Saturday to Sunday, Dr. Alexander Lyons of Brooklyn is
scheduled to deliver a sermon on “Does God Hear?”

1922: Dr.
Krass is scheduled to delivers a sermon “George Bernard Shaw” at services at
the Central Synagouge.

1923(9th of
Nisan, 5683): Actress Sarah Bernhardt passed away. She was born in Paris as
Henriette Rosine Bernard, the eldest surviving illegitimate daughter of Judith
van Hard, a Dutch Jewish courtesan known as “Youle.”

1924: “Oscar
S. Straus, formerly American Ambassador to Turkey, returned to Jerusalem today
from Amman, where he conferred with King Hussein.”

1925(1st of
Nisan, 5685): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

1925: Lord
Balfour visited Rishon L”Zion where he said “he rejoiced at this opportunity to
visit the oldest Jewish settlement in Palestine.

1926: Today
when Harvard announced plans for the incoming freshman class it issued a denial
that religion or race would be a considered which “was in answer to a report
that members of recent entering classes at Harvard were 25 per cent Jewish” and
150 Jews “would not be admitted to Harvard in the three years who otherwise
would have been enrolled…”

of Nisan, 5686): Rabbi Yehuda Leib Levin passed away today after which he was
buried at the Clover Hill Park Cemetery in Birmingham, MI.

1926: Premiere
of “The Fiddler of Florence,” a German silent film directed and written by Paul

1927: Colonel
Herbert H. Lehman, the acting chairman of the American Jewish Joint
Distribution Committee announced today that “the Jewish community of Salonica,
Greece has issued an appeal for relief” that was sent to Dr. Bernard Khan, the
European Director of the Committee.

1928: On New
York’s Lower East Side, Philip and Pola Young “Jewish immigrants from Poland”
gave birth to Israel Goodman Young who gained famed as Greenwich Village
folklorist Izzy Young, the man responsible for Bob Dylan’s first New York
concert.  (As reported by Margalit Fox)

1928: Cellist
Gdal Saleski, the author of Famous Musicians of Jewish Origins performed a
concert at Steinway Hall that included Joseph “Achron’s ‘Fragment Mystique’
which “is based on a Hebrew theme.”

of Adar II, 5689): Last Purim before the Great Depression

1929: The dirigible
Graf Zeppelin appeared over three cities in Palestine. At five in the
afternoon, it circled Jaffa where the large colony of German settlers waved
flags of welcome. At six, the airship appeared over Tel Aviv where it became a
welcome partner in the city’s Purim celebrations. As night descended the German
craft circled Jerusalem for an hour before heading north towards Syria.

1930 In
London, Lord Melchett, Chaim Weizmann, Oscar Wasserman, Felix Warburg and Max
Warburg will meet this afternoon in an “attempt to reach a settlement regarding
the functions of the Administrative Committee and the Jewish Agency’s
Executive, the immediate raising of an internal loan of $5,000,000, and Lord
Melchett’s demand that before any larger colonization scheme be undertaken in
Palestine, the 1,500 Chalutzim in Palestine for many years be settled on the
land.” (As reported by JTA)

1931: In
Boston, MA, Dora (née Spinner) and Max Nimoy gave birth to Leonard Simon
Nimony, Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame. Do you remember the hand gesture that went
with the Vulcan credo – Live long and prosper? In case you missed it, it is the
same gesture as that made by the High Priest when giving his benediction. And
now you know why.

1931: Arab
leaders in Palestine urged Moslems not to participate in the celebration Maier
Dizengoff’s seventieth birthday. Dizengooff is the Mayor of Tel Aviv.

of Adar II, 5692): Parashat Tzav; Shabbat Parah

1932: “Juvenile
Court Judge Joseph Siegler, chairman of a committee named by Jewish
organizations to investigate charges of discrimination again Jews at Rutgers
announced today that the matter had been closed to the committee’s

1933: “The
Jewish Board of Deputies, representing 300,000 Jews in Britain, passed a
unanimous resolution today demanding that Germany accord equal “freedom
and justice” to Jewish and non-Jewish citizens.”

Twenty-eight year old Nathan N. Rosen was officially installed as the Rabbi at
Temple Petach Tikva in Brooklyn. (As reported by JTA)

1934: Hitler
agreed to a nationwide boycott of Jewish businessmen and professionals to be
known as “Boycott Day” which would take place on April 1. The boycott is
designed to last indefinitely or until the Jews have been completely eliminated
from the German economy.

1934: In
Brooklyn Beatrice (Wortis) and David I. Arkin gave birth to actor Alan Arkin
who has played a myriad of roles during his long career including the lead in
the famed anti-establishment film “Catch-22.”

1935: Pianist
Ossip Gabrilowitsch, the conductor of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra “was in
the Henry Ford Hospital tonigh undergoing treatment for what was described as
‘acute intestinal complications.’”

According to reports published today of the 61,541 Jews who entered Palestine
in 1935, 27,291 came from Poland; 3,596 came from Rumania; 2,122 came from
Greece, 1,967 from Lithuania; 1,638 from the United States; 1,425 from
Southwestern Arabia; 1,397 from Czechoslovakia; 1,042 from Latvia; 1, 021 from
France; 961 from Austria, 764 from Turkey and 7,747 from Germany.

1936: In
Warsaw, “the Senate enacted today a law prohibiting Jews from selling
vegetables and dairy products” which had been passed by the Sejm (lower house) last

1936: In New
York, at a luncheon of the New York chapter of Hadassah, Eddie Cantor
“announced that if the members of Hadassah would raise sufficientfunds to
provide for five hundred children” who were refugees from journey and part of
the Youth Aliyah movement “he would provide for an equal number.”

1936: In
Poland, “the Jewish community’s offices in the town of Nowysacz were bombed

1936: In
Poland, a synagogue was damaged at Wilno as anti-Semitic disorders gripped the

of Nisan, 5697): Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach

1937: Rabbi
Stephen Wise officiated at the wedding of Mrs. Justine Waterman Wise Tulin, a
justice of the Domestic Relations Court of New York City and Professor Isadore

1937: The Palestine Post reported
that a Jewish Ghaffir (supernumerary policeman) was wounded, an Arab brigand
killed and a number of Arabs taken prisoner during a battle with a terrorist
gang which attacked Jewish settlers plowing their fields at the foot of Mount
Tabor. Jewish settlers were assisted by police reinforcements which arrived
from Afula and Nazareth.

“Archaeological discoveries expected to shed light on the life, customs and
general history of the Holy Land of 2,000 years ago were listed today by Edward
M. M. Warburg of the executive committee of the American Friends of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem” “in a report prepared in connection with the
thirteenth anniversary of the founding of Hebrew University” which “cites the
finding of the long missing Third Wall of Jerusalem and…certain important
Jewish cemeteries.”

“Speaking at the opening session of the second annual convention of the United
Galician Jews of America at Mecca Temple,” “May La Guardia told 3,000 Jews of
Eastern European origin tonight that recent events in Europe had brought more
misery than civilization had ever previously experienced.”

1939: At
Atlantic City, NJ, “Reginald T. Kennedy, the executive director of the New York
roundtable of the National Christians and Jews today declared that all
religions must cooperate in teaching faith in democracy and present a united
front to propagandists who are attempting to align one against the other” and
who are trying to convince the public that “a Catholic is probably a Fascist, a
Jew is a Communist” and “that the Protestant majority is indifferent to the
minority rights” of Jews and Catholics.

1939: Dr.
Samuel Goldenson is scheduled to lecture on “Racialism and Humanity” at Temple

1939: Louis
Lipsky, Robert Szold, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and Dr. Solomon Goldman, the
president of the ZOA are scheduled to lecture on “The Jewish National Home: Is
the London Palestine Conference Ended?” at the Free Synagogue in Carnegie Hall.

1940: In the
Bronx the former Sophie Falkenstein and Arthur Caan, refugees from Nazi Germany
gave birth to James Langston Michael Caan known to American audiences as the
movie and television actor James Caan

1941: “The
German Army High Command gives approval to RSHA and Heydrich on the tasks of SS
murder squads (Einsatzgruppen) in occupied Poland.”

of Nisan, 5702): At Jungfernhof concentration camp, Rudolf Seck, the commander
sent 1,840 to be “resettled” today which meant they were shot to death at the
Bikernieki forest.

of Nisan, 5702): Fifty-nine year old Rabbi Joseph Hirsch Carlbach was murdered
near Riga today.

The Second Dünamünde Action, part of a murderous assault designed “to execute
Jews who had recently been deported to Latvia from Germany, Austria, Bohemia
and Moravia” conducted by the Nazis and their Latvian collaborators began today
in the Biķernieki forest, near Riga, Latvia.

Birthdate of Erica Jong, author of Fear of Flying

1942: The
first “Eichmann transport” began moving to the camps at Auschwitz and

1942: The
first of 700 Jews from Polish Lvov-district reached the concentration camp at

1942 The first
Jewish transportation arrived at Auschwitz under the command of Rudolf Hoss,
containing 1000 Jews from Slovakia and 1000 women from Ravensbruk. According to
a conservative estimate from March 1942 until the liberation on January 27 1945
over 750,000 Jews were gassed within its gates. Hoss himself estimated it at

1943: Wilfrid
B. Israel, a German born Jew and ardent Zionist departed London for Lisbon.
Once in Portugal he stayed in the Iberian Peninsula for two months, where he
found over 1,500 stateless Jews in Spain. He issued 200 of them certificates to
go live in Palestine, and did what he could to intervene on the other’s behalf.

1944: The
twenty-third Beth El Ball was held this evening at the Walt Whitman Hotel in
Camden, NJ. It was dedicated “to our fighting allies”.

1944: The New York Times includes
a review of “Dangling Man” by Saul Bellow

1945: General
Patton sent 307 officers and men in tanks, half-tracks and support vehicles
under the command of Captain Abraham J. Baum on a mission to liberate
approximately 1,300 POWS being held at a camp near Hammelburg, Germany. The
group of POWs included Patton’s son-in-law who had been captured during
fighting in North Africa. In the words of historian Stanley Weintraub, “Nine
GIs in Baum’s small column were killed and 31 others were wounded and captured
– a hairy business for Baum as his dog tag identified him as Jewish.”

1946: Today
twenty-year old Berlin born American screenwriter Don Mankiewicz married his
first wife Ilene Korsen with whom he had two children – Jane and screenwriter
John Mankiewicz.

“Millionaire businessman and philanthropist Sir Charles Clore and the former
Francine Halphen gave birth to philanthropist Dame Vivien Louise Duffield, the
sister of Alan Evelyn Clore and the wife of ‘British financier John Duffield”
with whom she had “two children, Arabella and George.

1946: In
Cleveland, Judge and Mrs. Joseph C. Bloch celebrated their 62nd wedding

of Adar II, 5706): “Phineas Horowitz, veteran Zionist leader, and
vice-president of the British Zionist Federation, passed away today in London.”
(As reported by JTA)

1947: “Forty
Jewish tenant farmers, half of whom are WW II veterans” and each of whom “received
a lease of four acres from the Jewish National began farming on land “near
Raanana in the Plain of Sharon” where they will engage in truck and flower

1947: It was
announced today that author and attorney “Louis Nizer has been named chariman
of the national speakers bureau of the $170,000,000 campaign of the United
Jewish Appeal for the relief, rehabilitation 
and resettlement of Europe’s Jewish survivors.”

of Adar II, 5708): Shushan Purim

“Alleging that the Arabs intended to try to seize Jerusalem after the British
withdrawal, spokesman for the Jewish Agency for Palestine confirmed today that
the Agency had proposed that 10,000 Norwegian and Danish troops be brought from
Germany to maintain order in the city.” (Considering the fact that the city was
already under siege with Arabs blocking convoys from the coast and attacking
the Old City, this was not Paranoia but a response to a real threat.)

1948: Before
leaving the United States today with his wife Lou, Austrian born composer Hanns
Eisler who had fallen afoul of HUAC read a statement that included: “I leave
this country not without bitterness and infuriation. I could well understand it
when in 1933 the Hitler bandits put a price on my head and drove me out. They
were the evil of the period; I was proud at being driven out. But I feel
heart-broken over being driven out of this beautiful country in this ridiculous

Birthdate of Helene Middleweek who as Valerie Hayman, Baroness Hayman, became
the Lord Speaker of the House of Lords in the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

Lafayette College in Easton, PA announced that its round the world student tour
this summer which is designed to increase their “intellectual, cultural and
spiritual horizons” will include a stop in Tel Aviv.

1950: It was
reported today that the government of Israel is using the Israel Institute of
Applied Social Research under the direction of Dr. Uriel G. Foa to deal with a
variety of problems facing the infant Jewish state including assisting
immigrants in adjusting to life in “their new homeland.”

1951: Final
broadcast of the ABC panel show “Can You Top This?” co-starring Harry

1952: The Jerusalem Post reported
that the anti-reparations demonstration in Tel Aviv, organized by the Herut
political party, lasted two hours and passed off quietly after a week of
general tension. At The Hague the Conference on Reparations started discussing
the respective Jewish claims on Germany. The German delegation contested the
Jewish claim for $500 million as “exaggerated,” while the Jewish
delegation claimed that the sum was “only a fraction” of the heirless
property actually remaining in German hands.

1952: The Jerusalem Post reported
that The Knesset debated the final reading of the Nationality Bill and the
principle of dual nationality, held by a number of Israeli citizens.

1952: The Jerusalem Post reported
that The Israeli-Jordanian Mixed Armistice Commission reaffirmed the
Israel-Jordan demarcation line in the Kalkilya area. The line was marked by a
deep ditch, dug by a tractor to prevent further infiltration and other

1953: “The
Story of Three Loves,” a romantic anthology film with a script co-authored by
George Froeschel and co-starring Kirk Douglas was released in the United States

of Adar II, 5714): Ninety-one-year-old Flora “Flo” Isaacs Strauss, the St.
Louis born daughter of Jonas and Bertha Heller Isaacs, the wife of Julius
Caesar Strauss and the mother of Benjamin, Charles and Irving Strauss passed
away after which she was buried New Mount Sinai Cemetery and Mausoleum in
Affton, MO.

of Nisan, 5715): Parashat Vayikra

1955(3rd of
Nisan 5715): Fifty-year-old Ralph Kahn Uhry, the Plaquemine, LA born son of
Hippolyte and Dora Kahn Uhry and the husband of Alene Fox Uhry with whom head
two children, Pulitzer prize winning playwright Alfred Uhry and author Ann Uhry
Abrams passed away today after which he was buried in Atlanta, GA.

1956: In
Sweden, premiere of “The Rose Tatoo” with a script adapted by Hal Kanter and
directed by Daniel Mann.

of Adar II, 5717): Fifty-four-year-old Max Ophüls, the German Jewish movie
director who spent the war in France and the United States passed away today in

of Adar II, 5717): Sixty-six year old London born American munitions maker and
convicted war profiteer Murray Garsson died today “penniless and homeless in a
Bellevue Hospital ward today” after suffering a brain hemorrhage following a

1958: Today at
the 30th Academy Award B.B. Kahane received an Academy Honorary
Award in recognition of his “distinguished service to the motion picture.

1959: It was
reported today that Isaac Charchat, the President of the International Synagogue
presented Rabbi A. Alan Steinbach, the retiring president the New York Board of
Rabbis with a silver bible.

1960: In
Manhattan, Academy Award winning actor and stage star Joel Grey and his wife Jo
Wilder gave birth to actress Jennifer Gray, the star of “Dirty Dancing” who
isthe granddaughter of comedian and musician Mickey Katz.

of Adar, 5720): Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei and Shabbat HaChodesh

of Adar, 5720): Eighty-two-year-old Russian born Rabbi Leon Album, the
University of Chicago and Stanford University alum who was the husband of
Amelia Album with whom he raised two children – Selma and Manuel – passed away

Birthdate of Steve Feinberg the Princeton graduate who is the co-founder of
Cerberus Capital Management.

1961: “The
Hoodlum Priest” directed by Irvin Kershner and filmed by cinematographer
Haskell Wexler was released today in the United States.

Birthdate of Mitchell Simpson, who gained fame as Amanda Simpson.

1961: “Dondi”
a movie based on the comic strip co-created by Irwin Hansen was released in the
United States today.

Birthdate of comedian Todd Barry

1964: Two days
after opening in the UK, “Fall of the Roman Empire” produced by Samuel
Bronston, with a script co-authored by Philip Yordan and music by Dimitri
Tiomkin was released in the United States today.

“Funny Girl” with Barbra Streisand opens at Winter Garden Theater in
New York City for the first of 1,348 performances

of Adar II, 5727): Purim

Production of “Ciao! Manhattan” co-directed, produced and written by David
Weisman began today.

1967(14th of
Adar II, 5727): Joseph Jacobs, president and founder of Joseph Jacobs
Organization, a merchandizing and advertising organization that specializes in
the Jewish mark and “has been credited with being responsible for the wide
currency of kosher symbols on food labels” passed away today at the age of 75.
A 1911 graduate of City College, Mr. Jacobs taught school while doing graduate
work at Columbia before going to work as an advertising salesman for the Daily
Forward in 1919, the same year that he founded his own company. Mr. Jacobs’
most lasting contribution to American Jewry is the famous Maxwell House

of Nisan, 5729): Fifty-nine-year-old New York City born lawyer “Seymour Barkin,
the assistant director of the United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York” passed
away today “after emergency surger at Roosevelt Hospital”

“Minnie’s Boys” opened at the Imperial Theater. Minnie’s boys were
better known as the Marx Brothers.

of Adar II, 5730): Seventy-seven year old artist Fritz Ascher passed away

of Adar II, 5730): Seventy-six year old Brooklyn born Columbia trained physician
WWI veteran Dr. Frederic D. Zeman the geriatric specialist and husband of “the
former Madeleine Arnold” passed away today.

1971: NBC
aired “Gideon,” a play by Paddy Chayefsky based on the Biblical Judge with
Peter Ustinov in the title role.

1971: Outbreak
of the nine month long Bangladesh Liberation War. A Jewish military leader,
Lieutenant General JFR (Jacob-Farj-Rafael) Jacob gained fame in his homeland
when he headed the Indian armed forces that vanquished the Pakistani army in
the war that broke out between the two countries over East Pakistan which after
the war became the independent state of Bangladesh).

1973: It was
reported today that Arthur Hertzberg, “head of the American Jewish Congress”
had called “for providing American Jews with a basic Jewish education and a
deep sense of identification with the Jewish People.”

1973: In East
Lansing, Michigan Dr. Carl Page and Computer Professor Gloria Page, who was
Jewish, gave birth to Lawrence “Larry” Page who along with Sergey Brin
co-founded Google.

Birthdate of Rockford, Illinois actress and comedian Natasha Leggro, the
graduate of the Stella Adler Conservatory who “converted to Judaism as an

of Nisan, 5735): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

1976: In
Chicago, the Dearborn Station, which has been designed by Cyrus L.W. Eidlitz to
the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) today.

of Adar II, 5738): United States District Court Judge fifty-nine-year-old
University of Michigan trained lawyer and WW II Army veteran Lawrence Gubow the
husband of Estelle Gubow with whom he had “one son and two daughters.”

1979: Nineteen
people were injured today during a terrorist bombing in a market at Lod.

1979: Prime
Minister Menachem Begin of Israel and President Anwar Sadat signed a peace
treaty at the White House. This historic event ended three decades of fighting
including three major wars. It took Sadat to break the “Gordian Knot” and come
to Jerusalem. It took Begin to gamble that the Egyptians would keep their word
and not turn the Sinai into a springboard for another war. And it took Carter’s
tenacity to keep the talks on track. All Arabs are not the same. Likud, right
wingers, are willing to make peace. And American Presidents can provide the leverage
for agreement. Critics say it has been a cold peace. But the border between the
two has comparatively remained tranquil and the armed forces of the two nations
have not clashed in a quarter of century. Hatikvah – hope.

1982: “I Ought
To Be In Pictures” a film based on the Neil Simon play of the same name
directed and produced by Herbert Ross, starring Walter Matthau and with music
by Marvin Hamlisch was released in the United States today.

of Adar II, 5744): Seventy-one year old Bora Laskin passed away while serving
as the 14th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in Canada.

1985: “Anna
Karenina,” a made-for-television adaption of the famous novel with a script by
James Goldman was released today in the United States.

of Adar II, 5746): Shushan Purim

of Adar II, 5746): Seventy-four-year-old CCNY trained CPA  NYU trained entertainment lawyer Morris
Stoller, the New York born son of Gussie Popick and David Stoller and the
husband of Gertrude Stoller who had succumbed to cancer was buried today in Los

1986: Temple
Adath Israel a synagogue in Owensboro, Kentucky whose building was built in
1887 was added to National Register of Historic Places today.

1987: U.S.
President Jimmy Carter visited Jerusalem. Former Prime Minister Begin who has
been living in virtual seclusion for years declined Carter’s request for a
meeting. Begin did visit with the President by phone.

1991: David
Wolfson who as knighted in 1984 was “created a life peer with the title Baron
Wolfson of Sunningdale, of Trevose in the County of Cornwall” today.

of Nisan, 5753): Seventy-nine year old psychologist and chess champion Reuben
Fine passed away today.

of Nisan, 5754): Parashat Tzav; erev Pesach

1995: The New York Times featured reviews of
books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The
Wonders of America: Reinventing Jewish Culture, 1880-1950
by Jenna Weissman
Joselit and Jews and the New America Scene by Seymour Martin Lipset and
Earl Raab.

of Nisan, 5756): Seventy-nine-year-old Maurice J. Sabes, the of Eva and Abraham
Sabeswitz pass today after which he was buried in the United Hebrew Brotherhood
Cemetery in Richfield, MN.

1997: In
Stockholm, Budapest native Eva Löwenthal was interviewed by the USC Shoah
Foundation Institute.

1997: A week
after premiering in New York, “The Devil’s Own,” a film that pits two Irish
institutions – the IRA and the Boston Police Department — against themselves
directed by Alan J. Pakula  was released today in the rest of the United

2000: U.S.
President Bill Clinton meets with Syrian President Hafez Assad.

2000: Pope
John Paul II ended his trip to Israel by visiting the Western Wall and, in
keeping with a centuries-old tradition left a message in one of its cracks.

2000: The New
York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or special interest
to Jewish readers including The Operator: David Geffen Builds, Buys, and
Sells the New Hollywood
by Tom King and The Genesis of Justice: Ten
Stories of Biblical Injustice That Led to the Ten Commandments and Modern Law

by Alan M. Dershowitz

2001: Dalia
Rabin-Pelossof became the only member of New Way to remain in the Knesset when
two other New Members resigned from the Israeli Parliament.

2001: Three
days after she had passed away, funeral services are scheduled to be held for
eighty-seven-year-old Janice Levin, the art collector and philanthropist whose
husband attorney Philip J. Levin passed away in 1971.

of Nisan, 5761): Ten-month-old Shalevet Pass was murder this afternoon by a Palestinian
sniper belong to the Tanzim terrorist group while sitting in his stroller.

2002(12th of
Nisan, 5762): Chaike Belchatowska Spiegel, one of the last surviving combatants
of the 1943 Warsaw ghetto uprising against the Nazis, died in Montreal at the
age of 81..

Marc-André Hamelin, who has recorded Leo Ornstein’s work, is scheduled perform
several Ornstein pieces at the Miller Theater in what is a memorial concert for
the Russian-born Jewish composer and pianist who passed away on February 27.

2003: Rabbi
Janet Marder was named president of the Reform Movement’s Central Conference of
American Rabbis. This meant that she had become the first woman to lead a major
rabbinical organization.

2004: “Israeli
officials expressed growing confidence today that Hamas” terrorists “would not
manage to fulfill their threats of extraordinary retaliation for Israel’s
killing of their…leader, Sheik Ahmed Yassin.”

2005: Robert
Iger reassigned Peter Murphy, the Disney’s chief strategic officer, and pledged
to disband the company’s strategic planning division. Iger also vowed to
restore much of the decision-making authority that the division had assumed to
the company’s individual business units.

2006: The Jerusalem Post reported
that The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) strongly condemned the Mayor of London,
Ken Livingstone, for remarks urging two leading Jewish property developers to
“go back to Iran and try their luck with the ayatollahs, if they don’t
like the planning regime or my approach.”

2006: The New York Times featured
a review of “My Father is a Book: A Memoir of Bernard Malamud” by
Janna Malamud Smith.

of Nisan, 5767): Ninety-two year old Leon Banov, Jr. the Charleston born son of
Minnie and Dr. Leon Banov and  the
Medical College of South Carolina trained proctologist who was the husband of
Rita Landesman Banov and father of Jane and Alan Banov passed away today.

2008: In
Jerusalem, The Bible Lands Museum English lecture series presents: “The
Classical Islamic Attitude to Jerusalem,” by Professor Moshe Sharon of
Hebrew University

2008: Haaretz reported that in a
rare departure from government practice, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah is
planning to convene an interfaith conference for Muslims, Christians and Jews,
according to the Saudi-owned Al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper.

2008: Two
people were lightly wounded and nine were in shock after Palestinians fired a
volley of Kassam rockets at Sderot. Six rockets were lobbed at Sderot, two of
them landing inside the town. Security forces were trying to locate the other
four rockets.

2008: Richard
Anderson Falk began serving as “a United Nations Special Rapporteur on
“the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied
since 1967.”

2008: The
Israel Defense Forces captured a senior Hamas terrorist who helped mastermind
the 2002 suicide bombing at a Passover Seder at Park Hotel in Netanya, in which
29 people were killed and nearly 150 others wounded.

2008: Students
at Haifa University expressed their anger today after the university decided to
schedule tests on the Holocaust Memorial Day, some during the siren that marks
a moment of silence.

2008: Double
Sextet” a composition by Steve Reich was performed for the time in

2009 (1st of
Nisan 5769): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

2009: Israeli
culinary writer Janna Gur gave a lecture on the Cuisine of Israel at the
College of Technology in New York City accompanied by a cooking demonstration
by students

2010: Keren
Ann Zeidel is scheduled to perform at The City Winery in New York City.

2010: In
Washington, D.C., Robyn Helzner, one of the leading interpreters of world
Jewish music, and Cantor Larry Paul are scheduled to lead a Carlebach-inspired
service at the Sixth and I Historic Synagogue.

2010(11th of
Nisan,5770): Major Eliraz Peretz 31, from Kiryat Arba, who was the deputy
commander of the Golani battalion and Staff Sergeant Ilan Sviatkovsky, 21, from
Rishon Letzion were killed during fighting on the Gaza border today. Peretz’s
brother had been killed while fighting in Lebanon.2011: In Rockville, MD,
Tikvat Israel Congregation is scheduled to sponsor an old fashioned Sock Hop.

2011: “The
Infidel” and “Vidal Sasoon: The Movie” are scheduled to be shown at the
Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2011: “Berlin
’36” is scheduled to be shown on opening night of the Hartford Jewish Film

2011(20th of
Adar II): Eighty-six year old “Stanley Bleifeld, a figurative sculptor whose
bronzes adorn the National Baseball Hall of Fame, the Navy Memorial in
Washington and museums including the Museum of the City of New York” passed
away today.

2011(20th of
Adar II): Ninety-four year old internet pioneer Paul Baran passed away. (As
reported by Katie Hafner)

2012: The 16th
Annual Hartford Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a “Book and Film”
event commemorating the Kindertransport.

Publication of “Three Roses for Women’s History Month.”’s-history-month/

of Nisan, 5773): First Day of Pesach

2013: “At dawn
this morning, a large group gathered on a mountain in the Negev desert to
reenact the moments leading up to the Israelites exodus from Egypt.” (As
reported by Andrew Esentein)

2013:In the
evening numerous congregations are scheduled to host community Seders including
Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Agudas Achim in Iowa City and Kol Ami in
Arlington, VA

Bahrain’s lawmakers voted today to label the Lebanese militia Hezbollah a
terrorist organization, the Lebanon-based news outlet Now Lebanon reported.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s telephone conversation with Turkish Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was the start of the process of improving
Israeli-Turkish ties, not the end of it, a government official said today.

In Fairfax, VA, Gesher Jewish Day School is scheduled to open its 6th annual
Used Book Sale.

“Igor and the Cranes’ Journey” is scheduled to be shown a the Northern Virginia
Jewish Film Festival.

In Portland, the Oregon Jewish Museum is scheduled to host “Night of the
Maggidim” when real life becomes a Chassidic Tale.

Bowing to pressure from Arab states UN Human Rights Council President Remigiusz
Henczel rejecteded the candaidcay of Georgetown Law lecturer Christina Cerna as
the of UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories
choosing instead Indonesian Makarim Wibisono, “an outspoken critic of Israel.”
(As reported by Times of Israel)

The Israeli Navy fired on two Palestinian boats this morning and a third one
tonight that were thought to be involved in smuggling operations between Egypt
and Gaza.

In Turkey, the Grand Synagogue of Edrine which had first been used Erev Pesach,
1909 and which was abandoned in 1983 “after most of the Jewish community left
the city, emigrating to Israel, Europe, or North America” was re-opened under
the leadership of Rabbi David Azuz who oversaw the “celebration and a
Shacharit, morning prayer service, attended by a large number of Jews including
Ishak Ibrahimzadeh, leader of the Jewish Community in Turkey, Rav Naftali
Haleva, deputy to Hakham Bashi (Chief Rabbi) Ishak Haleva, Bülent Arınç, Deputy
Prime Minister of Turkey, and some other Turkish high officials.”

Holocaust survivor Halina Peabody is scheduled to speak at the Unites States
Holocaust Memorial Museum today as part of its “First Person Series.”

“The human rights group Amnesty International said in a report issued today
that armed Palestinian organizations committed war crimes during the 2014
Gaza-Israel conflict, by killing both Israeli and Palestinian civilians using
indiscriminate projectiles.”

of Nisan, 5775): Naomi Weisstein whose “Kuche, Kirche, Kinder: Psychology
Constructions the Female” is part of the Women’s Liberation canon as was
her path- breaking research on visual perception” passed away today and is
mourned by “loving husband Jesse Lemisch” and the members of “History in
Action, an intergenerational network of feminist writers and activists.”

The Jewish Film Festival of Northern Virginia is scheduled to host a screening
of “24 Days” which “offers a gripping and carefully-plotted thriller that tells
the true story of the kidnapping of Ilan Halimi in a Paris suburb by The Gang
of Barbarians, who expect a huge ransom as they assume that all Jews have

In New York, Eléonore Biezunski is scheduled to deliver a lecture on Creating
Songs in Boiberik: Singing Peace at “Felker Yontev” in which she
“examines the structure of these pageants and how they continue to impact the
music scene in Yiddish today.”

“Tikkun” a prizewinning film at the Jerusalem and Locarno Film Festivals
directed by Avishai Sivan is scheduled to be shown at the Museum of Modern Art
this evening.

The Jews in the American South is scheduled to come to an end in Savannah,
Georgia where the Jewish community dates at back to 1733.

During his weekly Saturday night lecture, “Israel Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak
Yosef “said non-Jews could live in Israel only if they observe the seven
Noahide Laws, which include prohibitions against idolatry, blaspheming
God, murder, forbidden sexual relations, stealing and eating the limb off a
live animal, and which proscribe the establishment of a legal system” and that
“Non-Jews, Yosef are in Israel only to serve Jews.”

“Baba Joon” is scheduled to be shown at the 20th annual Israeli Film
Festival in Philadelphia, PA.

The Seattle Jewish Film Festival  is
scheduled to host a brunch featuring Matzoh Momma’s delicious spread of Jewish
soul food, klezmer music by The Klez Katz!, and coffee by Batdorf & Bronson
Coffee Roasters of Olympia before a screening of the “Last Laugh.”

The AIPAC Policy Conference is scheduled to begin today in Washington, D.C.

“Hundreds of teen singers from the U.S. and Israel” are scheduled to perform on
the stage of the “Metropolitan Opera House when HaZamir holds its gala concert.

Friends and family send best birthday wishes to Joan Thaler, one of the grand
ladies of the Cedar Rapids Jewish community is contributions are too numerous
to recount.

The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to host a
performance of Chilean-American writer and human rights activist Ariel
Dorfman’s “Speak Truth to Power: Voices from Beyond the Dark.”

The Center for Jewish History, Jewish Studies Program of Cornell University and
American Jewish Historical Society are scheduled to host the “Triangle Fire:
See You in the Streets” featuring Cornell University Professor Nick Salvatore
and author/artist Ruth Sergel in a lively discussion of the 1911 Triangle
Shirtwaist Factory Fire

The Streicker Center is scheduled to host “An Wit Chef Alon Shaya” the Tel
Aviv-born, Philly-raised chef moved to New Orleans and won the James Beard
Award for Best New Restaurant in America.

“Red Trees” and “In the Land of Pomegranates” are scheduled to be shown at the
Jacob Burns Film Center during the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

“Bal Ej: the hidden Jews of Ethiopia” is scheduled to be shown at the Eli Cohen
Center in Nahariya, Israel.

of Nisan, 5778): On the Hebrew Calendar, observance of “Aliyah Day,” “an
official day of national celebration in which Jewish immigration to Israel is
honored and noteworthy immigrants are recognized for their contributions to the
nation.” (As reported by Debra Kamin)

Prime Minister Netanyahu will not be making his scheduled speech at the meeting
of AIPAC because he was flying back to Israel to deal with the rocket attacks
“from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip” which have struck to areas north of Tel

In the wake of rocket attacks from Gaza, schools under the control of the
Regional Council of Chof Ashkelon are scheduled to be closed today.

The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present “At the Crossroads of
Sephardic, Mizrahi, and Russian-Speaking Worlds: A Three-Part Learning and
Cultural Series on the Greater Sephardic Communities of the Former Soviet

Public shelters in Tel Aviv and Be’er Sheva are scheduled to be open today

Friends and family of Joan Thaler, the most gracious and modest of Eishes
Chayils prepare to wish her the happiest of birthdays.

of Nisan, 5780): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

From Day To Day: One Man’s Diary of Survival in Nazi
Concentration Camps” scheduled for today at the Illinois Holocaust Museum has
been canceled due to the Pandemic.

At 9:00 pm, Addison-Penzak JCC’s Rabbi Laurie Matzkin is scheduled to lead a
“circle of song” on Zoom featuring Hebrew words and music to inspire and quiet
the mind.

This evening, Streicker Center is scheduled to host Rabbi David Wolpe on-line
as he offers “Lessons of Resilience from the Torah.”

Hillel@Home is scheduled to host the virtual “Why Is This Passover Different
Than All Others?” during which “Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks offers a message of

Temple Israel of Boston is scheduled to present “Leaving Egypt: Passover Prep”
with Rabbi Jen Gubitz.

Temple Emanu El is scheduled to host a wine and cheese reception prior to the
special Refugee Shabbat Friday night service.

Congregation B’nai Torah of Sudbury’s Rabbi Dr. Lisa Eiduson and cantorial
soloist Jodi Blankstein are scheduled to present a special “Taste of Pesach:
Short and Sweet Shabbat Service”

B’nai Jeshurun Congregation in Pepper Pike, OH is scheduled to a host a virtual
Kinder Shabbat service.

Following yesterday’s report by Israel’s election commission that with 100% of
votes counted, Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud party and his natural allies have
won 52 seats in the 120-seat Knesset, Israel’s parliament” and “an
ideologically diverse array of parties committed to ousting him won 57 seats”
“party leaders have already begun negotiations that are expected to drag on for
weeks” in an attempt to assemble a majority of at least 61 seats thus avoiding
a fifth election in two years.

Jewish Arts Collaborative is scheduled to present JLive Art with Julie Weitz
who, Passover 2021 “has created ‘Golem v. Golem,’ a a hybrid digital-public
art-physical installation for Passover…”

of Adar II, 5782): Parashat Shimini; Shabbat Parah

The Eden Tamir Center is scheduled to host a concert featuring “great piano
trios and piano quartets.”

The National Library of Israel is scheduled to present via Zoom a lecture by
Gabriel Said Reynolds, the Crowley Professor of Islamic Studies and Theology at
the University of Notre Dame on “Sin and Repentance in Quran.”

The Museum of Jewish Heritage in Lower Manhattan is scheduled to host New
York-born composer Josh Waletzky and playwright Jeyn Levison’s new Yiddish
theatrical concert—“Pleytem tsuzamen / פּליטים צוזאַמען/ Refugees Together”—
which is a call for solidarity with those who are most threatened. Confronting
our current reality, the songs present a dynamic fusion of traditional forms
with the social, political, and personal challenges posed by the world today —
and they embody the power of music to foster the courage we need to “link arms
and take to the streets together against bloodshed and hatred.”

In Israel, “a nationwide ‘week of paralysis’in ” that is response to Netanyahu’s
announcement that the government would pass a core tenet of the legislation —
giving the coalition near-complete control over judicial appointments — in the
coming days” is scheduled to begin today.

2023:  The Yom HaShoah service is scheduled to take
place at Coe College, Sinclair Auditorium which will feature Yom HaShoah Guest
Speaker, Holocaust survivor Tova Friedman and her grandson, Noah Goodman thanks
to the support of the  Thaler Holocaust
Remembrance Fund.








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