Passover Miracle: A Lamb for a House
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Dear Friend,
As Passover begins tonight, we commemorate the miracle of God supernaturally delivering the Jewish people from Egypt. This was a foreshadow of the greatest rescue in history when we were delivered from the clutches of the devil and transferred to the Kingdom of God through the Blood of THE Passover Lamb—Jesus!
A Lamb for a House
My favorite Passover Scripture is about the blood of one unblemished lamb for an entire family—a lamb for a house (Exodus 12:3). We see the same principle in Acts 16:31 where Paul tells the Philippian jailer, “Believe on the Lord Jesus the Messiah, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
This pattern holds true today. If one member of a family is saved, they can believe based on this Scripture for their entire house! This is what God did in my family. I was the first one saved. Then God saved my entire Jewish family. If my Orthodox Jewish father could be saved, anyone can be saved!
There is Power in the Blood
The Passover blood was a shadow of the Blood of Jesus. If this shadow was able to protect, finance, feed and clothe over one million former slaves for 40 years in the desert, imagine how much more is available to us today through the Blood of Jesus!
Outrageous Favor
We are instructed to bring a gift to God on Passover. “No one may appear before Me [on Passover] without an offering” (Exodus 34:20 NLT). What better gift than investing in the salvation of Israel!
Please consider a special Passover gift to be poured into evangelism. In the next few weeks, I will be leading the largest Jewish evangelistic outreach I’ve ever had in my life!
As you continue to partner with us, through your prayers and gifts, I expect the same outrageous favor that rests on me to flow upon you and your house!
Yours for the Salvation of Israel,
Sid Israel Roth
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