15 Jul 2024

All Will Be Re-gathered

Lots going on with regard to Israel, to be sure. But I was struck this week by growing calls for all Jews to move to Israel. Jews in the Diaspora, of course.

The Bible indicates that in the very last days, all Jews will have returned to their ancient homeland.

I will bring them out from the nations and gather them from the countries, and I will bring them into their own land. I will pasture them on the mountains of Israel, in the ravines and in all the settlements in the land. I will tend them in a good pasture, and the mountain heights of Israel will be their grazing land. There they will lie down in good grazing land, and there they will feed in a rich pasture on the mountains of Israel. I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign Lord. I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. (Ezekiel 34:13-16)

About half the world’s Jews still live outside Israel. We often forget that in “predicting” when the end will come. Some things have to happen first.

Writing in the Jerusalem Post in December, Walter Bingham had this to say:

“To our fellow Jews in the Diaspora, I speak from the heart, based on my personal experience. Please learn from the past, and wake up to reality. The current wave of antisemitism will not pass but will get even more virulent. I can hear you are calling me a fearmonger. Well, just as events exonerated me for frequently comparing the present with the 1930s, so you will recall my words in time to come.”

This feels like the last time Jews will be able to flee persecution, and worse. France and the UK are falling to Muslim rule. The rest of Europe is struggling with it. The Netherlands (with Geert Wilders) and Hungary (with Viktor Orban) are standing strong, but anti-Semitism has reached pre-World War 2 levels in Europe.

Interestingly, even Napoleon invited the Jews to come back to re-settle Jerusalem. A handful of foreign leaders have supported this, ranging from John Adams to Harry Truman. But it is in the white-hot crucible of anti-Semitism that will drive all Israel back to Israel.

It is right now that outside pressures are causing this to come to pass. I see it on social media as credible and sophisticated Jews are imploring their brethren to come home. In a seeming contradiction, they are being asked to come to Israel, as the only safe haven for them. At exactly the same time lethal threats have opened up against the Jewish state. It’s as if even secular leaders in Israel and in the Diaspora can sense that something momentous is on the horizon.

Because it is.

We are privileged to witness—in one of the few times in history—the magnificent scene of a strong Israel able to protect her citizens. As terror threats increase, the more secure Israel seems for Jews. One would think the opposite: better to be scattered in many locations than bunched-up on a tiny strip of land. But again, it is as if Jewish leadership knows God will protect them.

In his terrible press conference last night, Joe Biden told the world that Israel and Hamas have agreed on a deal—at the same time Israel says no such thing. It is the Washington Regime’s way of applying even more pressure on Israel. It is indeed horrifying to watch Washington provide the most pressure on Israel, but that’s what’s happening. Hamas terror chief Sinwar is clearly feeling the heat of the IDF breathing down his neck. Even Hezbollah privately is leery of the IDF and a possible war. So, Israel’s success in prosecuting the war is helping her achieve her goals. Yet the international cabal that runs things so despises the Jewish state, they are undermining Netanyahu.

This pressure-cooker has to have a conclusion. As it approaches, recognize we have another front-row seat: that of the final ingathering of the Jewish exiles.


[email protected]






The post 15 Jul 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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