Iran’s latest threat on Israel: An arsenal of nuclear weapons – analysis

The Jerusalem Post reports: “A report leaked by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Tuesday revealed that Iran has again sped up – or tripled – its pace of 60%-uranium enrichment at least as of late November. This reality places before Israel and the West a challenge more ominous than anything out of Gaza or Lebanon.

The threat is no longer ‘just’ one nuclear weapon, but rather a potential arsenal of them.

At its current rate, Iran can roughly produce enough uranium for a new nuclear weapon every four and half months – if it decides to break out over the nuclear threshold.

The threat may not be very imminent, though. For Hamas, it was a detrimental mistake to carry out the October 7 attack, since the IDF’s response has either ended the group’s 16-year rule or at the very least set it back five to 10 years.

In the same vein, for Iran, it would make no sense to launch nuclear weapons against Israel, given that the Jewish state reportedly retains 80 to 200 nuclear weapons, including the ‘triad’ of land, air, and sea weapons.

That means no matter how ‘successful’ a nuclear attack by Tehran could be, the ayatollahs would face a much greater ‘second strike’ by Jerusalem…”

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