24 Aug 2023
Deep M6.2 earthquake hits Santiago del Estero, Argentina
A deep earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.2 hit Argentina at 14:22 UTC on August 23, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 568.8 km (353.4 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.2 at a depth of 565 km (351 miles.
Tropical Storm “Harold” hits South Texas, becoming the first 2023 landfall in US
Tropical Storm “Harold” — the first tropical cyclone to make landfall in the US for 2023, hit South Texas on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, delivering torrential rains and localized flash floods in areas along the Mexico border. This sudden impact came mere hours after its upgrade from a tropical depression on its trajectory across the Gulf of Mexico.
Here We Go Again: Another Food Processing Plant Burns To The Ground
The American Plant Food Corporation’s fertilizer plant in Bartlett, Texas, near Round Rock, reportedly caught fire around 8:30 p.m. on August 20th. The plant has since burned to the ground.
Video: RFK Jr. Warns Of Thousands Of “DEATH SCIENTISTS” Developing Killer Microbes In America
During an interview with Tucker Carlson, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr warned that there are thousands of so called ‘scientists’ developing killer bioweapons inside America without oversight.
Christian Charity Serving Impoverished Ugandans Accuses Bank of America of ‘Debanking’ Due to Religious Beliefs
A Christian charity that serves impoverished Ugandans, Indigenous Advance Ministries, has accused Bank of America of shutting down their account because of their religious views. The organization, which has been with BofA since 2015, claims to have had $270,000 in their account before they were ‘debanked.’
China’s Hypocrisy on Display at the United Nations
The Chinese Communist regime’s shameless pretension that it is concerned about protecting religious holy sites in Jerusalem while destroying the religious holy sites of minorities in its own country is the height of hypocrisy
Liberal Democrat Wants Gang Members To Only Shoot Between Certain Hours
Sigh. I have said this before and I’m going to say it again. The Democrats are the party of BAD ideas and the Republicans are the party of NO ideas. In Chicago, which is the modern-day equivalent of the wild, wild, west, another bad idea has arisen. Alderwoman Maria Hadden, is promoting a proposal from a group called the Native Sons “asking” gang members to restrict their shooting to between the hours of 9:00 PM to 9:00 AM.
Disturbing Trend: Maternal Death Rates Have Soared 50% in America Since Vaccine Rollout
A “terrible report” by the National Center for Health Statistics, published on the CDC website, came out in the spring of this year, reported world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough. What that report shows is that maternal death rates are increasing in America — and fast.
Google’s AI Bots Tout ‘Benefits’ of Genocide, Slavery, Fascism, Other Evils
If you asked a spokesperson from any Fortune 500 Company to list the benefits of genocide or give you the corporation’s take on whether slavery was beneficial, they would most likely either refuse to comment or say “those things are evil; there are no benefits.” However, Google has AI employees, SGE and Bard, who are more than happy to offer arguments in favor of these and other unambiguously wrong acts. If that’s not bad enough, the company’s bots are also willing to weigh in on controversial topics such as who goes to heaven and whether democracy or fascism is a better form of government.
Report: Biden Wanted To Partner With Communist Chinese App To Spy On Americans
A Forbes report has revealed that the Biden Administration attempted to forge a contractual agreement with TikTok that would have allowed the government to control features of the Chinese app to spy on Americans.
Bill Gates Launches Mandatory ‘Mark of the Beast’ Digital ID System
Globalist eugenicist Bill Gates has unveiled a new ‘Mark of the Beast’ digital ID scheme that he says will be mandatory for all citizens around the world if they want to participate in society.
Fauci Declares That ALL Unvaccinated Citizens Must Be Locked Down This Winter
Anthony Fauci has reemerged from retirement and urged the Biden administration to implement a “strict lockdown” this winter for all unvaccinated Americans.
Revisiting New York City in Spring 2020; a deep dive into the data relating to the covid event that was used to scare the world
New York City’s spring 2020 mass-casualty event is a global and domestic outlier that warrants closer scrutiny. The events and death toll in America’s largest city were used to scare the country, and the world, and justify the sudden implementation of a response akin to an anticipated bomb attack, rather than a disease outbreak. Dr. Jessica Hockett suggests that time-series data and primary source documents she has been analysing raise serious questions about when, where and if people died.
Iran Unveils Their New ‘Mohajer-10’ Drone They Say Is Capable Of Reaching Israel And Dropping A Deadly Payload On Arch-Enemies The Jews
The Biden administration has been busy unfreezing billions of dollars in Iranian assets, and this is one of the many factors as to why the terror state of Iran is not only surviving but thriving. Like the illustration of the attack dog willing to launch itself over the edge of a cliff as it seeks to devour a bird in flight, Iran is a nation fueled solely by hate, and that will prove to be its undoing. But before that day, Iran seeks to do as much damage to the Jews as possible, say hello to Mohajer-10.
Shock: Scientists Prove Clear Differences between Covid and Flu
There is at last solid evidence that covid is completely different to the flu.
Stop demonising farmers and let farmers farm, Australian rural charity says
Cut the red tape and the demonisation of farmers under the banner of the so-called “climate crisis” or any other “crisis.” Let Australian farmers farm, Anita Dolan said. And, allow farmers to have input into the consultations with the government bodies and Members of Parliament when deciding what’s best for the land, animals and the environment.
The post 24 Aug 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.
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