This Day, September 29, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

September 29

522 BCE:
Darius I of Persia kills the Magian usurper Gaumâta, securing his hold as king
of the Persian Empire. The success of Darius was good thing for the Jewish
people.  From the Book of Haggai, we can
infer that the building of the Second Temple was completed in his reign.  According to Ezra, Darius supported the
claims of the Jews when the Samaritans tried to stop the building of the
Temple.  After searching his archives for
the original text authorizing the construction of the Temple, including King’s
promise to supply the funds, Darius re-iterated the order and added the proviso
that “in the completed Temple a sacrifice was to be made for the welfare of the
king and his sons.”  This practice of
offering a sacrifice continued after Persian rule ended and lasted until the Great
Revolt in 70.  “The building of the
Temple was completed in the sixth year of Darius’ reign (516/515 BCE) and was marked by the joyous celebration of
Passover (Ezra 6:15-20).”

480 BCE:
The Greeks defeat the Persian fleet of Xerxes I at the Battle of Salamis.  At this time Judah and Jerusalem were part of
the Persian Empire.  Xerxes reigned from
483 BCE to 465 BCE which meant that he was a contemporary of Ezra
and Nehemiah. The campaigns of Xerxes appeared to have little impact on the
Jews of Judah and Jerusalem.  The only
Biblical reference to him can be found in the Book of Ezra, Chapter 4; verse 6.
While the Jews may have had no interest in the conquest of Greece, they would
certainly have been supportive of the Persian ruler since, all things
considered, the Jews of Jerusalem and Babylonia fared well under Persian rule
during this period of history.

106 BCE: Birthdate of Pompey, the Roman General who
was part of the First Triumvirate.  Jews
remember him as the conqueror of Jerusalem who defiled the Temple by entering
the Holy of Holies. But that is only part of the story.  Pompey’s conquest was, in part, the product
of civil war between two Jewish leaders – Hyrcanus who had the support of the
Pharisees and Aristobulus who had the support of the Sadduces. This is only one
example of the behavior that reinforces the claim by some rabbis that the
Second Temple fell because of the lack of love shown by one Jew for another

106 B.C.E: 
Birthdate Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus who is known to history as Pompey, the
failed opponent of Julius Caesar and the man who ripped the veil from the Holy
of Holies.

393: Roman Emperors Theodosius I, Arcadius, and
Honorius decree that Judaism is protected by law and that synagogues must not
be despoiled.

1187: Saladin led his army into Jerusalem. 

1227: Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, is
excommunicated by Pope Gregory IX for his failure to participate in the
Crusades. This is the same Pope Gregory who ordered copies of the Talmud be
burned.  This is the same Frederick who
on the one hand carried on favorable correspondence with Jewish scholars while
on the other hand denying Jews the right to hold public offices and forcing the
Jews of Palermo to live in a ghetto.  The
excommunication had nothing to do with the Jews. It reflected a power struggle
between the monarch and the pope, who was determined to extend the power of the
church and wipe out heresy.  The
mis-treatment of the Jews was merely a knee-jerk reaction for these leaders.

1273: Rudolph I of Germany
begins his reign. “Rudolph re-affirmed the statue promulgated by Archduke
Frederick the Valiant which protected the Jews “against persecution and
murder.  “On the other hand…he issued a
special decree to the citizens of Vienna which solemnly declared” that the Jews
were ineligible to hold public offices.

After an attack on the Jews at Krems, Austria, Albert II forcibly ended the
riots. Austria was thus one of the few places of relative security in Europe at
that time.

1471: During a raid on
Castille, Isabel de Solis was “taken to the Alhambra palace and sold as slave
to the Sultan.

1506: Huldrych Zwingli,
the leader of the Reformation in Switzerland who at a minimum “studied and
admired the Hebrew language, used it to some advantage” in his work and “took
over some Hebraic teachings while evincing little concern for contemporary
Jews” “celebrated his first Mass in his hometown of Wildhaus” today.

of Tishri, 5249): Yom Kippur

King Gustav I of Sweden, also known as Gustav Vasa passed away.  While there was no Jewish community in Sweden
at this time, according to one report, Gustav had a Jewish physician, a common
practice among the monarchs of Europe.

Vincent Fettmilch a former pastry cook and leader of the “Guilds”,
calling himself the “new Haman of the Jews” attacked the Frankfurt
synagogue while the community was at prayer. Although many tried to organize a
defense, they were soon overpowered and many took shelter in the cemetery. He
was beheaded four years later because he made the mistake of threatening the
well-being of wealthy Christians who really responsible for the impoverishment
of the former pastry cook and his supporters.

The Transylvania Diet passed a law aimed at banning “the Szekler Sabbatrians”
who were viewd as “Judaizers.

Governor Elihu Yale founded the Municipality of Madras, composed of a mayor, 12
aldermen appointed for life, and a council of 60 citizens. The mayor was
elected by the alderman who consisted of three Company employees, one
Frenchman, three Jews, two Portuguese, and two local citizens. This shows the
proportional weight of Jewish representation. The first three Jewish aldermen
were Bartolomeo Rodrigues, Domingo do Porto, and Alvaro da Fonseca who had
arrived from Covalao, India, where they supposedly lived as Portuguese. Upon
arrival in Madras, they became openly Jewish. At first they were regarded as
interlopers, but over the years they came to own the largest trading company in
Madras; it dealt with precious stones, coral, amber, sandalwood and its range
was all of India and Burma, Indonesia, China, and the Philippines. Bartolomeo
Rodrigues, known also as Jacob de Sequeira was president of the company. An
English Jew, he became one of the most prominent citizens of Madras. After his
death in 1692, he was replaced by his partner, Alvaro da Fonseca, known also as
Jacob Jesurun Alvares. (Some of the Portuguese Jews in Madras used their
Portuguese names on their visits to Goa and Saint Tomé that were in Portuguese
hands and when the Inquisition was active, and their Jewish names in Madras.
Alvaro da Fonseca came from the English Caribbean island of Nevis. Under his
management the company became even larger and owned its own ships for transport
from Madras to Europe. By the mid-eighteenth century there were almost no
Portuguese Jews in Madras. The gravestones of the old Jewish cemetery were
moved to the Central Park of Madras in 1934 with the gate of the cemetery on
which is written Beit ha-Haim in Hebrew letters, the last vestige of Jewish
presence in Madras in the seventeenth century.

of Tishrei, 5477): Rycha Asher, first wife of Moses Levy passed away today.

In Prussia, promulgation of, the “Generalprivilegium und Reglement, wie es
wegen der Juden in seiner Königlichen Majestät Landen zu halten” (General
privilege and regulations to be observed concerning the Jews in his Majesty’s
dominions) which among other things limited the number of Jewish families
allowed to live in Berlin to 120.

of Tishrei, 5514): Shabbat and Rosh Hashanah observed by English Jews who
thought they were going to become full-fledged citizens with the recent passage
of the “Jews Bill.”

In Berlin, Miriam and Daniel Itzig gave birth to Vögele Itzig who gained game
as Fanny von Arnstein, the wife of banker Nathan Adam von Arnstein – position
from which she became a leader in Viennese society.

of Tishrei, 5525): Shabbat Shuva

of Tishrei, 5531): Yom Kippur

of Tishrei, 5532): Hoshana Raba

of Elul, 5540): Erev Rosh Hashanah observed on the same day that during the
Revolutionary War, Major Andre, the contact for Benedict Arnold was found guilty of being behind American lines
“under a feigned name and in a disguised habit” and was condemned to
death by his American military judges under the terms of the “law and usage of

of Tishrei, 5545): Erev Sukkoth

The Chasidic sect was excommunicated in Cracow, Poland.  This was part of the clash between the
Mitnagdim and Chasidim that plagued the Jews of Eastern Europe.  It is one of those intra-tribal clashes that
has lost its bite with the passage of time but was razor sharp two or three
centuries ago

of Tishrei, 5548): Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkoth

of Tishrei, 5550): As France is rocked by Revolution, Jews gather to hear Kol

of Tishrei, 5551): Hoshana Raba

of Tishrei, 5552): Just one day after Rosh Hashanah after France adopts
legislation emancipating its Jewish population, Jews observe Rosh Hashanah.

In Weisenau, Germany, “boarding house keeper” Jacob Gera and his wife gave birth
to Isaac Bernays, the chief rabbi in Hamburg and the brother of Adolphus
Bernays and the father of “philologist 
Jacob Bernays,” “historian Michael Bernays,” a convert to Christianity
and Berman Bernays, the father of Martha Bernays, the wife of Sigumund Freud.

of Tishrei, 5554): Simchat Torah

of Tishrei, 5556): Second Day of Sukkoth

(19 Tishrei 5558): Eliyahu ben Shlomo Zalman, otherwise known as Vilna Gaon,
passes away.  Born in 1720, he was the
greatest Talmudic mind of his time. He had mastered the Bible and started on
the Talmud at the age of six. Though he preferred to live in seclusion, his
reputation grew until he was known as the unofficial spiritual head of Eastern
European Jewry. He was a leading opponent of the Chassidic wave that was
sweeping Europe at that time.  He felt
they presented a danger because they were anti-intellectual and leaned toward
Shabbetianism. He went so far as to issue a ban and excommunicated its
followers. The group which opposed the Chasidim became known as the Mitnagdim
or Mitnagdim. As a scholar, the Vilna Gaon pointed the way to a systematic
study of the Torah in its entirety, not just those sections relevant to
practical life. He wrote over 70 commentaries on all aspects of Jewish life.

Birthdate of Frankfort native Johann Heirich the German lawyer and lecturer was
a member of the executive committee of the tariff commission.

of Tishrei, 5559): Shabbat Shel Sukkoth

Tishrei, 5561): Yom Kippur observed for the last time during the Presidency of
John Adams, the last of the Fedealists.

of Tishrei, 5565): Parashat Bereshit; literally, the day after Simchat Torah
the cycle begins again on the same day that Lewis and Clark were meeting with
the Sioux near the Bad River as they explored the Louisiana Territory.

of Tishrei, 5571): An unknown number of Jews in the United States observe Rosh
Hashanah. The number is unknown, because the census completed in August of that
year did not ask any questions about the religious affiliation of the citizenry
making the American experience a unique one.

of Tishrei, 5573): As Jews in England and the United States are divided by the
War of 1812, they are united by the celebration of Simchat Torah

of Tishrei, 5575): Jews living in Washington, DC, take time from rebuilding
their city which was burned by the British 
a month ago, to observe the first day of Sukkoth

1817:  In Whitechapel, London, Abraham ben Meir and
Hannah bat Yehuda Lieb gave birth to Samuel Harris.

of Tishrei, 5580): As Americans cope with the Panic of 1819, “the first major
peacetime financial crisis in the United States” which will last until 1921,
Jews observe Yom Kippur

of Tishrei, 5582): Shabbat Shuva

In Pressburg, Mordechai Efraim Fischel and his wife gave birth to Chaim Sofer a
leading 19th century Hungarian Rabbi.

of Tishrei, 5583): Erev Sukkoth

of Tishrei, 5586): Third Day of Sukkoth

Today’s issue of The National Intelligencer, a newspaper published in
Washington, DC, contained a full report of the dedication of Ararat, a city
that Mordecai Noah envision as “A City of Refuge for the Jews.”

of Tishrei, 5586): Henriette Oppenheimer, the wife of Marx Oppenheimer and the
mother of Abraham Oppenheimer passed away today.

of Tishrei, 5588): Parashat Ha’Azinu; Shabbat Shuva.

of Tishrei, 5589): Hoshana Raba

of Tishrei, 5589): Sixty-four year old Jacob de Leon, the son of Abraham de
Leon and husband of Hannah Hendricks, who served in the Revolutionary army
passed away today in Columbia, SC.

of Tishrei, 5590) Second day of Rosh Hashanah is observed on the same day that
the founding of the Metropolitan Police in London.

In Ivančice, Helena Punda and Rabbi Issakhar Bar Oppenheim gave birth to Rabbi
Joachim Oppenheim.

of Elul, 5597): Erev Rosh Hashanah observed for the first time during the
Presidency of Martin Van Buren.

of Tishrei, 5599): Just 12 weeks after the Arabs attacked the Jewish community
in Safed, observance of Yom Kippur

In Prussia, Meyer Barnert and Ida Newfield gave birth to Nathan Barnet who went
to California during the Gold Rush of 1850 and after returning to Paterson, NJ
six years later opened a tailoring business that sold uniforms to the U.S. Army
during the Civil War and then erected “some of the largest silk mills in
Paterson while engaging in philanthropy that included erecting the Miriam Barnet
Hebrew Free School, built in memory to his wife, the former Miriam Phillips.

of Tishrei, 5600): Hoshanah Rabah

Joseph and Nanny Rosenheim gave birth to Sigmund Rosenheim

In Boulogne, France, Solomon Nathan and Betsy Isaacs gave birth to Kitty Nathan

of Tishrei, 5607): Kol Nidre is chanted four months after the start of the
Mexican American War.

In Charleston, SC, Solomon Nunes Carvalho, the son of David Nunes Carvalho and
Sarah Carvalho and Sarah Miriam Carvalho  
gave birth to David Nunes Carvalho.

 Turck, born lithographer Louis N.
Rosenthal arrived in New York today after completing his apprenticeship in
London and went to become the primary artist in Rosenthals, company he
established with his brother Max in Philadelphia and marry Louisa Rosenthal
with whom he had eight children.

of Tishrei, 5610): Parashat Ha’Azinu

of Tishrei, 5610): Sally Cohen the Philadelphia born of Jacob Cohen and wife of
Eleazar Leon passed away today.

of Tishrei, 5611): Simchat Torah is observed for the first time during the
Presidency of Millard Fillmore.

Eighty-nine year old Fanny Alexander, the wife of Levy Alexander was buried
today at the Exeter Jewish Cemetery.

of Tishrei, 5616): Shabbat Shel Sukkoth

In Baltimore, MD, David Einhorn was named as the first rabbi of Congregation
Har Sinai

“Henry Irving” made his stage debut today at the Sunderland in the role of
Gaston, Duke of Orleans in “Richielieu.” He would labor with little real
success for the next 15 years until he first played Mathias in “The Bells,” a
version of Erckmann-Chatrian’s “Le Juif polonaise” by Leopold Lewis

of Tishrei, 5620): Rosh Hashanah

On the first day of Rosh Hashanah services began at 6 a.m. at the synagogue on
Greene Street near Bleecker.  Rabbi
Morris Raphall preached the sermon. Services ended at noon.

At Temple Emanu-El, Rosh Hashanah services began at 9 a.m. and lasted for three
hours.  Dr. Samuel Adler preached the

In Odessa, Alexander Zederbaum “founded Ha-Melitz,
the first Hebrew newspaper published in the Russian Empire.”

Congregation Beth Elohim was founded today by 41 German Jews at Granada Hall on
Myrtle Avenue by former members of Congregation Baith Israel who had become disaffected
after they attempted and failed to reform religious practices at practices at
what came to be known as the Kane Street Synagogue.

of Tishrei, 5623): Paul Johann Heyse’s wife, Margarete, lost her battle with
lung illness and passed away today. Heyse was the first Jew to win the Nobel
Prize for Literature.

1863: David D. Meyers who had risen
from Private to Corporal completed his service with Company A of the 154th

1863: In Philadelphia, PA, Morris
Rosenbach and Isabella H. Pollock gave birth to Philip Hyman Rosenbach the
younger brother of A.S.W. Rosenbach who joined forces to form Rosenbach Company
in 1903 for which Philip had the responsibility of handling art and antique

1863: Joseph A. Kauffman who had
risen from the rank of 2nd Lieutenant to 1st Lieutenant
completed his service with Company B of the 154th Regiment.

1864: Six years after the forced
baptism of Edgar Mortara, “Joseph di Michele Coen who had been apprenticed by
his indigent parents to a Roman shoemaker “was forcibly detained in the
notorious House of Catechumens” as a prelude to his forced conversation to
Catholicism. (Editor’s note – The House of Catechumens was a 15th
century institution created by the Catholic Church to convert Jews, often by
force and trickery.  To add insult to
injury, the Jews of Rome were forced to pay a special tax to support the

of Tishrei, 5626): For the first time in years, the sound of Kol Nidre will not
be drowned out by the sounds of guns from the American Civil War.

Sir Benjamin Samuel Phillips was elected Lord Mayor London.

of Elul, 5627): Erev Rosh Hashanah

Mathilde Nachmann and Emil Rathenau, “a prominent Jewish businessman and
founder of the Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG), an
electrical-engineering company” gave birth to Walter Rathenau, a “German
statesman, industrialist and philosopher.” 
Rathenau’s life and death epitomize the absurd nature of Jewish life in
Germany.  During World War I, this
successful industrialist used all of his acumen and skills to mold the German
economy to meet the needs of the military. 
Despite the British naval blockade, the German economic machine
functioned until the last months of the war. 
But in 1922 he was assassinated by right-wing anti-Semitic army officers
because of his work as part of the Weimar government.

It was reported today that a new synagogue has been dedicated by the Jews of
Troy, New York. The services were attended by Jewish and non-Jewish members of
the community.  The contractor was paid
$20,000 for his work.

Birthdate of Newark, NJ native Lorne Levy, the husband of the former Jessie
Garson Haskell, who gained fame as Lorne “Loney” Haskell the businessman turned
entertainer who delivered the eulogy for Harry Houdini and was Secretary of the
Jewish Theatrical Guild of America at the time of his death in 1933.

of Tishrei, 5632): Jews in Chicago observe their last Sukkoth before the Great
Fire which will start at the end of the holiday season

Birthdate of Samuel Levy Bensusan, the native of London who became a

In Brody, Galicia, Yonah Halevi Ettinger and Chaya Kluger Ettinger gave birth
to Avrahm Ettinger.

of Tishrei, 5632): Jews in Chicago observe their last Sukkoth before the Great
Fire which will start at the end of the holiday season

Birthdate of Samuel Levy Bensusan, the native of London who became a

In Brody, Galicia, Yonah Halevi Ettinger and Chaya Kluger Ettinger gave birth
to Avrahm Ettinger.

of Elul, 5635): Erev Rosh Hashanah observed on the same day that President
Grant delivered a speech in Des Moines, IA in which he expressed his support
for “universal education divorced from religious instruction.”

of Tishrei, 5638): Shemini Atzeret

“The Jewish Social Question” published today which had first appeared in the
Atlantic Monthly begins by commenting on Judge Hilton’s decision to exclude
Jews from his Saratoga Hotel but ends by reminding Jews against engaging social
intercourse ending by advising “any youth of Jewish blood whose nose does not
betray him and who has set his heart upon winning a Christian maiden to let his
secret rest secure until he has first won a more than passing interest.”

It was reported today that Solomon Voloskie, Abraham Eyet, Pincus Dobbin and
Henrietta Helfenstein have all been arrested for operating unsanitary poultry
shops.  The shops all cater to Polish
Jews and are located on or near Bayard Street in New York.  All of the shops have “Kosher” signs in their

of Tishrei, 5639): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah

In Lithuania, Mr. and Mrs. Zalman Gan gave birth Jake Cohen, the Memphis labor
leader and editor and publisher of Labor Review who was the husband of
Dora Bursk.

In Lemberg, Arthur Edler von Mises and his wife, the former Adele Landau, the
niece of Joachim Landau gave birth to economist Ludwig von Mises.

In London, Amelia Goodman and Samuel van Praag, the husband of Minnie Goldstein
and August Hoehn.

Based on reports published today from St. Petersburg, there is a split among the
Russians concerning their view of the Jews. General Drentelri has delivered “a
recent speech against the Jews” which while General Todleben “has publicly
expressed…the hope” that the advice of the Jews of Wilna “would be taken as
readily as that of Christians.” (Unfortunately, we know which view triumphed)

1882: In Czechoslovakia, Regina Herz and Adolph
Berger gave birth to NYU trained lawyer Samuel Berger, the husband of Katharine
Beatrice Pulaski  and Republican
political leader who was a noted art collector, member of Temple Beth-El and
the uncle of painter Adolph Gottlieb.

The Board of Estimate and Apportionment appropriated funds for various
institutions that care for children including the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian
Society which received $2,356.57 out of a total of almost $30,000.

of Tishrei, 5645): Yom Kippur

While taking a break from services Benjamin Levy, Heyam Freiwold, Sidney Kahn
and Laurence Braham were arrested by a plainclothes police officer while taking
a walk in Central Park near 64th Street and Fifth Avenue.

After 18 hours, ninety-nine year old Jewish statesman and philanthropist Sir
Moses Montefiore broke his fast “at the urgent plea of his doctors, one of whom
said, ‘The Almighty does not want us to kill ourselves.”

The Chief Rabbi at Naples, Italy, shortened the Yom Kippur fast as a
“preventive” measure to deal with the outbreak of cholera – a precaution which
must have been effective since “not a single Jews has died” so far “of the
disease in all of Italy.

“Nominations For Sale” published today reported that Theodore Wilkinson of
Plaquemines Parish has accused Adolph Mayer, a wealthy Jewish cotton merchant
from New Orleans, of having given $12,000 dollars to “certain party bosses” who
would see to it that he won the Democratic nomination for the First
Congressional District.  Wilkinson, who
is running against Mayer, offered no proof.

Lawrence Braham, Hyam Freiwald and Benjamin Levy were among the “the throngs of
Hebrews who visited Central Park” this afternoon. The three were taking a
shortcut through the park and did not stop when challenged by Samuel Murphy, a
Park Policeman.  Since he was not in
uniform the three did not stop and were arrested after a scuffle.  Murphy claimed that the three attacked him
without provocation and that was why he arrested them. Murphy offered no reason
as to why they would have attacked him.

of Elul, 5646): Erev Rosh Hashanah

During an altercation that allegedly started when a father came to the aid his
son, grocer Max Aronson was clubbed by a police officer, taken to jail along
with his wife and son and was refused medical attendance despite the fact that
his head was wrapped in a bloody towel.

In Colorado, the Leadville Herald Democrat published a description of
yesterday’s Yom Kippur services noting that “the attendance was unprecedentedly
large at Temple Israel and the observance as gratifying as it was complimentary
to the Jewish citizens of the carbonate metropolis.”

“Death Of A Danish Poet” published today described the recent passing of
Professor Meyer Aaron Goldschmidt, the native of Jutland who graduated from the
University of Copenhagen before embarking on a literary career that included
the founding of the Corsair, a weekly
satirical journal and the publication of several novels including The Jew,
“his most noted Romance.  His writings,
which were translated into English, German and French, made him a continental
literary celebrity.

Around two o’clock in the morning Catharine Eddowes, who had been released from
police custody earlier in the evening after having been arrested for public
drunkenness in London, was found murdered. 
According to witnesses she was killed by Joseph Hyam Levy.

In Manhattan, Solomon Rosalsky, the Russian born son David and Adeline Rosalsky
and his wife Yetta Rosalsky gave birth to Dora Seglin, the wife of George M.

“Armenians in America” published today contained a brief history of this
“interesting people” who “are as ancient a race as the Jews” who trace their
history back to “the year of creation of the world 1757 according to Jewish
chronology.” (The Jewish connection will be stronger in the 20th
century when according to some, the killing of the Armenians at the hands of
the Turks was considered as a prelude to the Holocaust.)

In Streator, Illinois, “merchants, Adolph Szold of Berehove, Zakarpatska,
Ukraine, and Rachel Esther Gumbiner of Poland” gave birth to Harvard Law School
trained attorney Robert Szold, “the third cousin of Henreitta Szold, Chairman
of the ZOA and husband of Zip Falk with he had four daughters – “Miriam, Ruth,
Betty and Joan.”

of Tishrei, 5651): Sukkoth

In his Sukkoth sermon, Rabbi Gottheil pointed out “that of all the colonies
established in Palestine none has flourished except those” begun by the Jews
which now total 13.  “I point this out to
you as a wonderful fact that those people who have been the people of the
wandering foot for 1,800 years are the only successful colonists of Judea.”
(Gotteheil was a leading Reform Rabbi whose sentiments ran contrary to those of
this group that continued to renounce any special connection between the Jewish
People and Eretz Israel)

In New York, Phillip and Carrie Lauer Lehman gave birth to Robert Owen Lehman,
Sr. who became head of Lehman Brothers in 1925 when his father retired.

“Celebration of the Emancipation of the Jews in France” published today
described events in New York that marked the centennial of this event including
a performance by the Hebrew Orphan Asylum Military Band and a special by
Viscount Paul D’Abzac, the French Consul General.

A letter received in San Francisco today from Shanghai described how a group of
Muslims attacked and killed a Jewish businessman who pressed them repay their
loans and who in turn were attacked by the local Chinese population who were
supporters of the Jew.

According to reports published today, Jewish people in Buffalo, NY are upset
with the “efforts of the Republican Party to get votes’ by sending one of their
co-religionist from New York City to organize such events as a meeting designed
to “form a strictly Hebrew political club” during which attendees can have free
beer, cigars and lunch.

Birthdate of Anna Škobisová, the resident of Prague who was murdered at
Auschwitz at the age of 51.

Mrs. Annie Baumann, Max Kestenbaum, Ernest Wilhelm Sachs and Samuel Diamond
were arraigned in the Jefferson Market Police Court this morning on charges of
conspiracy and perjury related to attempts to gain a divorce from Mrs. Bauman
from Jacob Bauman who is the Superintendent of the wholesale liquor house of
Engle, Heller and Company and “is connected” to “some of the wealthiest” Jewish
families in New York.

Having delivered a series of lectures that include his anti-Semitic views, Dr.
Christian Adolf Stoecker, the former Chaplain of the Court of Berlin, is
scheduled to leave Chicago today for Toronto, Montreal and finally Boston.

of Elul, 5654): Parashat Nitzavim

of Elul, 5654): Fifty-eight-year old Ellen Henrietta Worms the daughter of
Baron Salomon Benedict de Worms passed away today.

In Kremenchoug, Ukraine, “Bernard and Betha (Yedlin) Tembitsky gave birth to
Marie Trommer who moved to Brooklyn 1905, attended Cooper Institute and gained
fame as “an artist, poet and author” who worked for the Jewish Tribune and
Jewish Daily News.  (Some sources show
her birthdate as 1901)

of Tishrei, 5657): Shemini Atzeret

In San Francisco, Samuel and Beatrice Dinkelspiel gave birth to Sophie Margaret
Dinkelspiel who became Sophie Margaret Schwabacher when she married James
Herbert Schwabacher with whom she had two children

Jews living in New York’s Second Assembly district met last night “for the
purposed of enrolling members of the Hebrew Citizens’ League.”

One day after he had passed away, 57 year old Louis Allen, the son of “John
Allen and the former Ann Myers” and the husband of the former “Rose Nelson”
with whom he had seven children was buried today at the Plashet Jewish Cemetery
in London.

Birthdate of Vilna native and Harvard trained attorney Goodman Alexander
Sarachan, the state Supreme Court judge and husband of Evelyn Simon Sarachan
with whom he had three children- Niki, Donna and Richard.

of Tishrei, 5660): Eighteen year old Felix Weill, the son of Charles and Emilie
Kahn Weill passed away today after which he was buried at the “Hebrew Rest
Cemetery’ in Opelousas, LA.

“Hebrews of various nationalities” were among the huge throng on the Lower East
Side of New York who turned out today to honor Admiral Dewey, the hero of
Manila Bay.

of Tishrei, 5661): Parashat Vayeilich; Shabbat Shuva

As of today, because “Nathan Straus has just closed his depots for the
distribution of sterilized milk the parks and on the recreation piers,” only
two permanent depots remain “where free coupons and physicians’ prescriptions
should be presented.”

It was reported today that infant mortality has decreased since the
establishment of the booths where pasteurized milk can be purchased; a program
which Nathan Straus has played a dominant role and which he has transported to
certain parts of Germany.

1901:  Birthdate of Enrico Fermi the Italian born
physicist who was not Jewish and who won the Nobel Prize in 1938.  After receiving the prize in Stockholm, Fermi
continued on to the United States with his and family.  They sought refuge in America because Fermi’s
wife was Jewish and the anti-Semitic laws passed by the Italian government
frightened Fermi.

French novelist, journalist and social critic Emile Zola passed away. He was a
leader in the fight to get justice for Captain Alfred Dreyfus.  J’Accuse, his attack on the French
military, gave rise to a libel case the forced many of the issues out into the
open.  In speaking about Franco-Judaeo
Relations, one must never lose sight of those like Zola who defended the rights
of their Jewish countrymen.

Impresario David Belasco opened his first Broadway Theater.  Belasco was born in San Francisco in 1854 the
son of Jewish clown who had emigrated from London.  Belasco passed away in 1931.

In “Russian Persecution of Jews” published today, Harold Berman recounts the
failure of diplomacy to improve the conditions of his co-religionists following
the latest pogrom in Gomel and calls for the abonnement of efforts to “secure
better treatment in the land of the Czar” favor of the Zionist platform which
calls for a legally assured and safe home in Palestine.”

Birthdate of Michael (Mosze) Waks, who gained fame a Michael Waszyński the
producer and director whose credit ranged from the 1937 film “The Dybbuk” to
the 1961 epic “El Cid)

of Elul, 5665): Erev Rosh Hashanah

“Rosh Hashono” published today described “the Jewish Feast of the New Year that
begins This Evening.”

of Tishrei, 5667): Alfred Dreyfus observed Yom Kippur for the first time since
his arrest in 1894 in a state of full exoneration and as member of the French

In Brooklyn, Julius and Betty Pollack gave birth to United States Senior Judge
for the Southern District of New York Milton Pollack who married Moselle Baum
Erlich after the death of his firstwife Lillian Klein.

In Berlin, Joseph and Lina Sonnenfeld gave birth to photographer Herbert

of Tishrei, 5668): Hoshana Raba

Bar Giora, a Palestinian Jewish self-defense organization was formed to protect
the Jewish settlements from raiders. Two years later it was reorganized into
HaShomer (the Watchman) by Israel Shochat. HaShomer was eventually transformed
into the Haganah. Despite opposition from local Jews and the
“Baron’s” overseers (i.e. Baron Rothschild), they persevered with the
idea of Jews taking responsibility for their own defense.

In Minneapolis, MN, Sophie and Dr. George Gershon Jacob Gordon gave birth to
Hebrew Union College graduate Theodore Herzl Gordon, the Rabbi who was
president of the Intercollegiate Menorah Association and who was the husband of
Beryl (Bearman) Gordon.

Birthdate of American college football player and movie producer Mike
Frankovich the husband of the Anglo-Jewish actress Gertrude “Binnie” Barnes
whom he required to convert to Catholicism as part of the conditions for the

1909: Birthdate of Jack Tell, “a New York Times
photo editor, a “co-founder of the Las Vegas Israelite, Nevada’s
English-language Jewish newspaper who was the husband of Beatrice Goldstein,
the daughter of “Charles Goldstein, a shoe store owner, and his wife Bessie.”

1909(14th of Tishrei, 5670): Markus
Bernhard, who would be buried in the Liepaja Jewish Cemetery passed away today

The ninth biennial convention of the Order of Knights of Joseph continued for a
second day at Rock Island, Illinois.

7th of Tishrei, 5672): Businessman Hertz Hiller passed away in New

Oscar S. Strauss of New York City who was a member of the Hague Tribunals and a
leading member of the American Jewish community appealed to the United States
government to extend help in establishing peace between Italy and Turkey.

Henry F. Barnet was elected to the Municipal Council at St. Kilda, which
followed Melbourne as one of the first Australian communities to have a Jewish

In Washington, DC., “Mordecai and Sarah (King) Nodel gave birth award winning
artist Sol Nodel whose works included “a 12 panel illumination of Lincoln’s
Gettysburg Address,” “stained glass windows at the Mount Sinai Memorial Chapel”
in St. Louis and the Hopatcong, NJ Jewish Community Center” as well chairing
the Art Commission for the International Synagogue” and who was the husband of
Shulamith Gold.

In Chicago, the new annex for the Home for Aged Jews was dedicated today.

In Philadelphia, PA, Rebekah Kohn, the daughter of Simon and Florence Liveright
and Irving Kohn gave birth to Julia (Judy) Kohn who became Julia Fineshriber
when she married Howard Wallerstein Fineshriber.

Dedication of Temple Tiferith Israel of Kensington

Birthdate of Gershom G. Schocken, an influential Israeli journalist who was the
editor and publisher of the daily newspaper Haaretz for half a century.
Born in Zwickau, Germany, he studied economics at the University of Heidelberg
and later at the London School of Economics. After the family moved to
British-controlled Palestine in 1933, his father, Salman, a businessman and
publisher, bought the Tel Aviv newspaper Haaretz. The son soon became
its editor and publisher, building Haaretz into a major national voice
and leading it until his death. He also headed the Schocken Group, composed of
a second daily paper and 13 regional weeklies throughout Israel. The rest of
his family soon settled in the United States, where his father founded Schocken
Books. The publishing house, owned and operated by the family, brought Franz
Kafka and other Jewish authors into American bookstores. It was bought by
Random House in 1987.  Mr. Schocken, was
noted for a fiercely independent spirit. He championed a free, uncensored press,
a liberalized, mixed economy and civil rights for both Jews and Arabs. His
newspaper at times opposed virtually every Israeli Government for decades. The
independent Hebrew-language daily generally refrained from endorsing political
candidates and parties, was usually linked with the liberal, educated middle
class and tended toward dovishness on security issues. Mr. Schocken repeatedly,
and fruitlessly, urged Israelis to adopt a constitution, opposed religious
conformism among Jews and battled what he considered to be violations of human
rights in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. The journalist flirted briefly
with politics as a founder of the Progressive Party, which was dominated by
German Jewish intellectuals. He represented the party in Parliament from 1955
until 1959, when he quit politics. In 1983, Mr. Schocken was named
International Editor of the Year by the American-based World Press Review,
which compiles articles from around the globe each month, for his newspaper’s
“excellence in coverage of Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982.”
Amos Elon, an Israeli writer who started his career with Mr. Schocken, said
that “He believed fiercely in a press independent of governments.” He
was a man of great dedication, professionalism and culture who fought for
“liberalizing Israel’s economy” and opposed “monopoly of
power.” In the last five years of his life Mr. Schocken came to believe
“that Israel must make peace with the Palestinians and those whom the
Palestinians consider their representatives and that occupation of the Gaza
Strip and the West Bank is a corrupting influence for Israel”

of Tishrei, 5673): Chol Ha Moed Sukkoth

of Tishrei, 5673): Schender Sacharin, the son of Zvi Sacharin, passed away

The first annual convention of the Jewish Socialist Federation of America
opened today in New Haven, CT.

Birthdate of producer/director Stanley E Kramer.  Among his many famous productions was On the Beach, the 1960’s anti-nuclear
war flick starring Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner and Anthony Perkins.

“The girls from the Hebrew Technical School” will be able to attend the
exhibition of various “green things” from the country including “nuts as they
grown on the tree” at the Washington Irving High School.

In Holyoke, MA, Esther Cohen Belsky and Esther Cohen Belsky to Abraham Belsky
who died in an automobile accident with this father.

of Tishrei, 5675): As French Jews hear Kol Nidre, they are breathing a sigh of
relief over the German withdrawal following the recently completed Battle of
the Marne. Little does either side know, that it will be five years before they
will chant this in a world at peace.

of Tishrei, 5675): Eighty-seven year old Stockbridge, VT, native and Rush
Medical College graduate Solomon Marks who during the Civil War rose from being
a surgeon with the Tenth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry to being the Chief
Surgeon of the First Division of the Fourteenth Army Corps and who after the
war served as the “Chief Surgeon of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway
and the Chief Surgeon of St. Mary’s Hospital for over thirty years, passed away
today in Milwaukee.

It was reported today that President Wilson has expressed his appreciation for
the resolution adopted by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ In
American the Committee on Peace and Arbitration of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew
Congregations “endorsing his stand on the European war.”

of Tishrei, 5676): Hoshana Raba

Birthdate of Dr. Oscar Handlin, the “historian who chronicled U.S.
immigration.” According to James Grossman, the executive director of the
American Historical Association, “Dr. Handlin changed the way Americans view
American history… He reoriented the whole picture of the American story,” he
said, “from the view that America was built on the spirit of the Wild West, to
the idea that we are a nation of immigrants.”

of Tishrei, 5676): Seventy-one year old Rabbi Max Samfield passed away in
Memphis, TN.

In Vienna, sixty year old Scotch born novelist Dorothea Gerard whose works
include Recah, a novel that described the “wretched life of Jews living
in Galicia” and who wrote about ant-Semitism, passed away today.

of Tishrei, 5677): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah

“Religious interpretation was put upon modern issues in many of the sermons”
delivered a synagogues where Jews had “had gathered for the devotional
celebrations of the Jewish New Year.”

The Jewish Chronicle notes the gazetting (official announcement) that H.S.
Seligman has been promoted to the rank of General making him “the first Jew of
British birth” to attain that rank.

John D. Rockefeller became the first billionaire. Either Rockefeller was
secretly Jewish or the anti-Semites are wrong – the Jews do not have all of the

Premier of “The Robber Bride”( Die
)  a 1916 German silent
comedy film directed by Robert Wiene.

“Fleix M. Warburg, Chairman of the Joint Distribution Committee of the American
Funds for Jewish war sufferers in Europe announced” today “that he had called a
National Special Assembly of the Jews of United States to be held in New York
on October 28 for the purpose of devising means to reach the $10,000,000 goal
set for Jewish war relief…”

Following the British victory over the Turks at the Battle of Nablus, “the
Southern Hedjaz II Corps of the Fourth Army was captured near Ziza” today and
“the remaining soldiers of the Fourth, Seventh, and Eighth Ottoman Armies, in
total 6,000 men, were retreating towards Damascus.”

of Tishrei, 5679): Simchat Torah

of Tishrei, 5679): Forty-one year old “Hungarian social scientist, librarian
and anarcho-syndicalist revolutionary” Ervin Szabó passed away today.

As Allenby’s forces that included the “Jewish Legion” swept north out
Palestine, they closed off to of the escape routes out of Damascus, which was
the ultimate prize of the campaign.

During World War I, U.S. Army Sergeant Sydney G. Gumpertz charged a machine gun
nest near Bois-de-Forges, France and single-handedly silenced the gun and
captured the 9 man German crew firing the weapon.  His bravery would earn him the Congressional
Medal of Honor.

In Zwickau, German Mr. and Mrs. Salman Schocken gave birth to Eva (Chawa)

During World War I, while serving with Company G of the 108th
Infantry near Ronssoy, Private Morris Silverberg, a stretcher bearer,
“repeatedly left shelter and advanced over an area swept by machine gun and
shell fire to rescue comrades” while later going out alone to rescue his
company commander whose lifeless body he brought to Allied lines for a proper

of Tishrei, 5680): Seventy-four year old Rabbi Jakob Guttman the son of Julius
Guttman passed away today in Breslau.

1920:  In New York, the celebration of the Pilgrim
Tercentenary which had been planned under the leadership of Adolph Lewisohn was
scheduled to come to an end today.

In Cleveland, Ohio, the American Legion national convention which was attended
by Colonel Milton J. Foreman is scheduled to come to an end today.

After spending the summer in Switzerland, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Hays are
returning to the United States aboard the SS Olympia which set sail today from

After having graduated earlier in the year from Goucher College in Baltimore,
MD. Adele Blumenthal married Jesse Heiman of Little Rock, AR where she moved
and as Adele Heiman had three children while finding time to be a leader in the
city and state’ Jewish community.

In New York City, Kay Swift and James Paul Warburg gave birth to Andrea Warburg
who became Andrea Kaufman when she married Sidney Kaufman who passed away in

A bandstand paid for in part by Jewish banker, philanthropist and amateur
musician Elkan Naumburg and designed by his nephew architect William Gabriel
Tachau opened today in Central Park, NY

of Tishrei, 5684): Shabbat Shel Sukkoth

The curtain came down on  “Chauve-Souris”
produced by Morris Gest. at Jolson’s 59th Street Theatre.

“Bavarian State Commissioner Gustav von Kahr defied the federal government and
refused to obey an order directing the suppression of publications by Adolf

of Tishrei, 5685): In Omaha, Nebraska, members of AZA celebrated Rosh Hashanah
as members of the recently formed Jewish Fraternity.

of Tishrei, 5685): Julius Mendes Price, the son of dry goods merchant from
Poland and a London born mother whose artistic works covered everything from
painting a portrait of Lillie Langtry to serving as war artist covering
military action from Bechuanaland in 1884 to the Italian front of WW I passed
away today.

“In Hollywood with Potash and Perlmutter,” a film produced by Samuel Goldwyn
based on “the Jewish ethnic characters of Potash and Perlmutter” crated by
Charles Klein for the 1913 Broadway play was released in the United States

“His Hour” produced by Irving Thalberg which was the sequel to Sam Goldwyn’s
“Three Weeks” was released in the United States by MGM.

Birthdate of Vivian Forrester, the Parisian author who performed in several

of Tishrei, 5687) Hoshana Raba

“ Judge William M. Lewis of Philadelphia was elected chairman of the United
Palestine Appeal at meeting at its headquarters this afternoon.

of Tishrei, 5688): Tzom Gedaliah

“Transactions will be completed in a week, it was learned tonight, by which a
tract of 600 lots in the northern section of Flushing, Queens, will pass into
the hands of a corporation, the Yavna Realty Company, for the founding of an
Orthodox Jewish community there.”

of Tishrei, 5689): First Day of Sukkoth and Rosh Hashana

At Temple Ansche Chesed Rabbi Jacob Kohn said “the frail tabernacle was
symbolic of the fact that a people’s security depends not upon physical
barriers that hem it in but on the spiritual forces that surround and shelter

“The entire movement for the rebuilding of Palestine as the Jewish national
homeland is being revolutionized as the result of large economic enterprises
that are being launched in Palestine by Jewish private investors, according to
a statement made today by Harry Sacher” a member of the Palestine Zionist
Executive “the body of three which administers Jewish affairs in Palestine and
which acts as the agent of the Jewish people with the British Government
Palestine’s mandatory power.”

of Tishrei, 5685): Hoshana Rabah

Today, on a section of the battlefield at Verdun President Doumergue help with
the opening of the Douamont Cemetery where in 1938, on the 22nd
anniversary of the Battle of Verdun, “1,000 Jewish and non-Jewish veterans
including General Andre Weller,” attending the “unveiling of a monument at
Doumont”, honoring “6,500 French Jews and 2,000 Americans and British Jews of
the Foreign Legion who fell in the war” heard “Deputy Caesar Campinchi,
speaking on behalf of the French Government” condemning persecution and
advising “Jews to remember history, to be patient and not to despair.

In Berlin a special ceremony was held today to celebrate the 25th
anniversary of the inauguration of the Rykestrasse Synagogue which had been
formed in 1902 and which had used its brand new sanctuary for the first time on
Sunday, September 4, 1904

“British Praise Guggenheim” published today describe the reaction in the UK to
the death of Daniel Guggenheim where “the history of the Guggenheim family and
its millions is retold as a romance and inspiration and Daniel Guggenheim’s generous
gifts in the interests of aviation are held to have been of inestimable value
in the development of safer flying.”

“Felix M. Warburg, Chairman of the American Advisory Committee made public
today a news-letter received from Dr. Judah L. Magnes, Chancellor of the Hebrew
University in Jerusalem” which included the announcement of the “Canadian Young
Judea” plans to award a scholarship each year “to a student of the Talmud in
the Institute of Jewish Studies” who will earn the prize through a competitive

It was reported today the morning newspapers in Chile provided a review of “the
outstanding incidents in” Daniel Guggenheim’s “interesting career” while
“expressing sorrow at his sudden end.

Time magazine published the following article entitled “Strap Helmets

her plump, black-eyed brood, Jewess after rich Jewess scuttled out of Germany
last week, filling trains de luxe with wails and confusion. Mother-instinct
knew the meaning of Jew-Baiter Adolf Hitler’s election victory fortnight ago,
when his Fascist “Brown Shirts” leaped fearsomely from ninth to
second place among German parties (TIME, Sept. 22). To Jew after rich Jew,
staying behind to protect their German properties as best they might, occurred
a paradoxical but sound idea. Why not contribute to the “Brown Shirt”
party fund? Then, in case fiery Herr Hitler should try another coup d’état
(like that which he and General von Ludendorü failed to carry through in 1923)
surely Jewish contributors would not find Fascist “thunder squads”
crashing in their doors. Last week swaggering Hitlerites boasted scornfully of
having been offered such “Jew-cash,” would not admit to taking it.
“No Putsch!” In his Munich bailiwick Herr Hitler roused a jubilant
Bavarian crowd to lusty cheers by announcing a “new slogan” for Brown


propose to strike ‘Victory’ from our banners and replace it with ‘Battle!’ “ he
continued. “We know not only how to move the masses and rule them, but we can
also engage in foil fencing on this ground!” As the mob became frantically
moved, however, caution returned to Bavaria’s Mussolini. Perhaps he recalled
spending a year in jail after his attempted 1923 Putsch. Changing tune, he
concluded: “Ours is a revolutionary party but what we propose to capture
is the German soul! We do not need to make a Putsch to gain control of the
government. That is not necessary! Control will come to us in a legal manner.
That, my friends, is what our enemies fear!” With these last words Herr
Hitler left Munich next day, so he said, for a “needed rest” in the
Bavarian Alps. If the German government feared a Putsch, its leaders hid their
emotions well. Both President von Hindenburg and his protégé, Prime Minister
Brüning (whose Catholic Centre party gained seven seats in the election) ended
the week by going off for a rustic, post-election rest. Most significant of
all, Berlin’s fiery Communist Ammorgen, an enterprising sheet which has
sleuthed out several Hitler moves well in advance, purported last week to
“expose his black-hearted scheme to seize the German state!” Actually
the expose was tame, consisted of stolen Fascist papers which, if genuine,
prove: 1) that the 107 new Fascist deputies will enter the Reichstag and
“insidiously refrain” from blatant, obstructionist tactics, biding
their time; 2) that Hitler agents will begin a secret campaign to proselytize
the army and state police for Fascism; 3) finally, after much boring from
within the German government by legal means, a sure thing Fascist Putsch will
be attempted. Scoffing at the idea of a precipitant Putsch, the well-informed
Berliner-Tageblatt said: “The resources of the civil power completely
suffice to frustrate such intentions if they should be undertaken.” .
Because one of Fascist Hitler’s most popular platform points is complete
repudiation of all reparations payments, German reparation’s bonds sold off
last week on all exchanges, declining in London to a figure representing an 11%
discount. In Wall Street a recession of some five points in common stocks was
charged off by fiscal writers to a whisper among the knowing that “there’s
revolution in Germany right now, but the censor’s sitting on the lid.” All
the big Berlin banks parried long distance calls from U. S., British and French
clients, repeated ad nauseam the belief of their officers that a coalition of
Centre” Parties will continue for some time to rule Germany, shutting out
the extremists on left and right. Said famed Dr. Otto Braun, boss-politician of
Prussia and Prime Minister of that state: “Despite the election results, I
do not for a moment perceive a menace to the Republican constitution, the
public safety or the foreign policy. It is absolutely out of the question that
the radical parties that emerged victors at the polls should be given a chance
to try out their recipes for government.” Assuming that Germany finally
goes Fascist, legally or illegally, next week or ten years hence, what do
German Jews face from Adolf Hitler, who was born an Austrian, served during the
War as an officer in the German army, is not even today a German citizen? The
chief Fascist newsorgan, Volkische Beobachter of Munich is explicit: 1) all
Jews who have entered Germany since Aug. 2, 1914 would be expelled; 2) the term
“Jew” would mean anyone whose ancestors practiced the Mosaic faith
after March 11, 1852; 3) Jews would be banned from service in the German army
or navy, would pay a special tax by reason of this “exemption”; 4)
Jews would not be admitted to schools of higher learning, either as teachers or
instructors; 5) sales of land to Jews would be void; 6) Jewish-owned newsorgans
would be compelled to state that fact in their front-page headline, printing
under it the symbolic Mogen Dovid (Star of David).

of Tishrei, 5692): Fourth Day of Sukkoth

Today, Governor Roosevelt named Jesse Isidor Straus, the president of R.H. Macy
and Company to serve as chairman of the “Temporary Emergency Relief
Administration which is to administer the twenty million dollar unemployment
fund voted by the legislature.”

In Berlin, “Frederick A. Weiss, a physician, neurologist, and psychoanalyst,
who was forced out of Germany by the Nazis” and his non-Jewish wife Getrude
Loesner gave birth to Rainer “Rai” Weiss, the winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize
for Physics.

of Tishrei, 5694): Erev Yom Kippur

1933: Hitler approves the decree forbidding
German Jews from the occupation of farming.

Funeral services were today in Detroit for Dr. Samuel Kahn, the physician who
“was one of the founders of the Maimonides Medical Society of Detroit.

Birthdate of Stuart Melvin Kaminsky, “a film scholar-turned-detective novelist
who was widely known for his prodigious output, complex characters, and rich
evocations of time and place, including Hollywood in its Golden Age.”

“Merrily We Roll Along” written by Moss hart and George S. Kaufman who also
served as director opened its Broadway run at the Music Box Theatre where it
lasted for 155 performances.

of Tishrei, 5696): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah

Birthdate of Berlin native and Yeshiva University and Princeton education
mathematician Hillel (Harry) Furstenberg, the winner of the Abel, Israel,
Harvey and Wolf prizes.

In Buenos Aires, Lucio Davidovich and the former Clara Jacif gave birth to
“Jaime Davidovich, an Argentine-born conceptual artist who brought the downtown
New York art scene to television viewers in the early 1980s on his cable-access
program “The Live! Show.” (As reported by William Grimes)

In Rochester, NY, David Goldman received word this evening that his father
Hyman Goldman, who made a fortune in real estate in Rochester and then made
Aliyah in 1926, has passed away at his home in Tel Aviv at the age of 71.  Born in Russia, Goldman and his wife came to
the United States in 1886.  After
successfully operating a grocery store, Mr. Goldman went into the real estate
business in 1902. 

Hitler showed off his Army, Navy and Air Force to Mussolini. Mussolini returned
to Italy sure that his alliance with Hitler was the right thing despite the
anti-Jewish policies that were part of the Nazi regime.

Premier of “The Dybbuk” the film version S. Ansky’s play of the same name
directed by Michal Waszynski.

The Palestine Post reported
extensively on the murder by Arab terrorists of Lewis Yelland Andrews, the
much-decorated and highly respected British official, serving as the district
commissioner for Galilee. Andrews, who for years took care of the agricultural
development of Palestine, was shot dead together with his police escort,
Constable Peter Robertson, by four masked Arabs, while they both approached the
Anglican Church in Nazareth.

The crisis over the Sudentland “was suddenly averted today when British Prime
Minister Neville Chamberlain “announced that he had received an invitation from
Benito Mussolini for a four-power conference to be held on tomorrow in Munich
to settle the crisis

The Sudetenland was about to fall. Bowing to German pressure, France and
Britain agreed to the annexation of this part of Czechoslovakia to Hitler as
part of the infamous Munich Agreement. Slovakia feigned independence but became
a satellite of Germany.  This was one more
the events that led up to World War II and one more act of cowardice on the
part of the western democracies that emboldened Hitler to follow his bloody

“The Straw Hat Revue,” a short lived Broadway show created by Danny Kaye and
his wife Sylvia fine opened today.

In Manhattan, Lillian (Block) Kaplan and Dr. William Kaplan, “a founder of what
is now North Shore University Hospital on Long Island” gave birth to
photographer Peter B. Kaplan who married Sharon Rosenbush after his divorce from
Harriet Avramescu. (As reported by Sam Roberts)

Today, “two days after his arrival at Ostrog, Moses Schorr was arrested by the
NKVD who would keep him in prison for a week before transferring to another
prison at Lutsk

It was announced today that “the first anniversary of the fall of War will be
observed on Septmeber 30 with a mass meeting at Town Hall, “under the auspices
of the American Federation of Polish Jews.”

In Providence, RI, a meeting of Rhode Island Jewry “voiced its admiration of
the sacrifice and valor of the 500,000 Jews in Palestine and promised the
mobilization of resources through the United Palestine Appeal to create greater
opportunities for the settlement of refugees.”

(8th of Tishrei, 5702):  The two day
massacre of the Jews began at Babi Yar.  Over 30,000 Jews gathered in
Kiev, still believing that they were being resettled. They were brought to the
ravine at Babi Yar, where they are ruthlessly shot down by machine gun. By the
hundreds, men, women and children fall into the ravine, as they were riddled
with bullets. In a strange twist of fate one woman, gave birth in the middle of
the slaughter.

Three weeks after the start of the siege of Leningrad, “in which Jews
“constituted 6 percent of the city’s population” and “made up one-third of all
writers, journalists, and editors, and even higher proportions of the city’s
lawyers, physicians, and dentists” a directive was issued which made it clear
that the end goal of the operation was the total destruction of the city

The Jewish owned newspaper in Tunis ceased operation at the order of the

Josef Taussig’s elder brother, “František (Franta) Taussig  editor of the Communist newspaper ‘Pravo’ in
Brno and a member of the first illegal central committee, was executed by the
Gestapo today in a Prague prison…”

of Tishrei, 5703): Fourth Day of Sukkoth

of Tishrei, 5703): Fifty-five year old chemist Morris Pozen, the native of Elizabethgrad
and graduate of George Washington University (BS and Ph.D.) where he served as
professor in the college of pharmacy while developing a specialty in fields of
brewing and food-chemistry which to his becoming the technical editor of Modern
Brewery Age and the author of Successful Brewing passed away today.

of Tishrei, 5703): Seventy-eight-year-old Isaak Rothschild, the German born son
of Perez Rothschild and Jettchen Rothschild the husband of Malchen Amalie
Rothschild was murdered at Treblinka today.

(18th of Tishrei, 5703): The Nazis killed 685 French Jews killed at
Berkinau.  They were the first of 4,000
who would die that week.

(18th of Tishrei, 5703): 500 of nearly 800 Jews who attempt to escape Serniki,
Poland, are killed by the Germans. Of 279 who reach nearby forests, 102 will
perish before the end of the war.

Birthdate of Madeline Kahn. Born Madeline Gail Wolfson in Boston Mass the
actress gained fame in such films as Young Frankenstein and High Anxiety.  She passed away in 1999.

Leo Perper, head of the Roger Kent Shops is scheduled to be interviewed at
10:45 this evening on WQXR where he “will answer questions regarding the woolen
situation, clothing design in wartime, clothing prices, fashions and fabrics.”

of Elul, 5703): Fifty-seven-year-old Pinsk native Isidore Theodore Feingold,
the husband of Sonia Feingold and father of Eugene and Henretta Feingold who in
1902 came to the United States where he attended the University of Chicago and
served as a director of the Hebrew Theological Seminary passed away today.

(29th of Elul, 5703): More than 320 Jews and Soviet POWs on work detail at the
Babi Yar, Ukraine, mass-murder site attempted a mass escape. Nearly all are
shot down almost immediately, but about 14 find hiding places.

Jacob Henrica Kahn, the owner of the Lissa & Kahn Bank which had been
closed when the Nazi occupied the Netherlands, and his wife “transferred to
Westerbork” the next leg of a journey that would end at Theresiendstadt.

(29th of Elul, 5703): On the day before Rosh Hashanah, Rabbi Marcus Mechior of
Copenhagen announced that services for the New Year would not be held. Thus
began one of the heroic stories of the Holocaust. During the next few weeks
almost all of the 7000 Danish Jews were to be hidden and smuggled to Sweden.
After the war the Danish Government restored all Jewish property to their
original owners. George Duckwitz, a German who had been living in Copenhagen
since 1928 and who had become a member of the German government in occupied Denmark,
warned Danish leaders about plans for the roundup of the Jew.  In turn, they warned the leaders of the
Jewish community.  Whatever else one may
say about Duckwitz he risked his life to save the lives of the Danish Jewish

of Tishrei, 5705): Another 1,000 Jews sent from Birkenau to Theresienstadt were

of Tishrei, 5706): After having been “incarcerated in the Westerbork transit
camp” in 1942, composer, songwriter and performer Willy Rosen was murdered
today at Auschwitz.

1944: Fifteen hundred prisoners were deported
from the Theresienstadt ghetto in Czechoslovakia to Auschwitz. Upon arrival 750
are gassed.

1944: Jews gather in liberated Kiev, Ukraine, to commemorate
the third anniversary of the Nazi massacre of Jews at Babi Yar, Ukraine.

Today, “during a general identification check, a German Army patrol was
informed about the Ehrenfeld Group’s cellar warehouse” following which “the
patrol searched the basement rooms and confiscated weapons” but did not capture
anti- Nazi resistance leader Hans Steinbrück who was able to escape along with
a “Russian forced laborer” he was hiding.

Jewish commercial and residential sections of Jerusalem are under day and night
curfew following the fatal shooting of Assistant Police Superintendent T. J.
Wilkin who was killed as he was walking to his office at police headquarters”
in Jerusalem.  The curfew included the
closure of all synagogues; a fact that could cause undue hardship since Sukkoth
i will begin on the evening of October 1st.

of Tishrei, 5706): Shemini Atzeret

“A plea for opening the gates of Palestine for a substantial increase in Jewish
immigration, thus providing hope for the remnants of European Jewry, was made
to President Truman today by Joseph Proskauer, president, and Jacob M
Glaustein, chairman of the Executive Committee of the American Jewish

Birthdate of Brooklyn native and iconoclastic poet Steve Dalachinsky.

of Tishrei, 5708): Sukkoth

Two ships – the Northalnds carrying 2,045 Jewish refugees and the Paducah
carrying 1,551 Jewish refugees – “sailed through the Dardanelles from the Black
Sea port of Bourgas tonight” on their way to Palestine.  Jewish leaders hope the two ships will be
able to avoid the ever tightening British blockade and that the 3,596 refugees
can be landed safely in Eretz Israel.

The suggestion made by Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, United Nations Acting Mediator for
Palestine, in a report to the Security Council, that Israeli authorities in
Jerusalem had been lax in taking security precautions for the protection of
Count Folke Bernadotte was vigorously repudiated today by the Military Governor
of the Israeli-held areas of Jerusalem, Dr. Bernard Joseph.

“A delegation of the Congress of Industrial Organizations that visited
Palestine recently recommended today further substantial loans by the United
States to the Republic of Israel.”

While the team of Israeli athletes had the highest total of points in the
competition to claim the Weizmann Cup, athletes from other countries scored
individual victories at the Maccabiah. 
Stanley Lampert (shot-put) and Ira Kaplan (100-meter dash) scored
victories that set new all time Maccabiah records in their respective sports.

“The Israeli Cabinet announced tonight economic and financial reforms relaxing
Government controls on business and making other concessions to free
enterprise. The reforms do not alter fundamentally the Government’s Socialist
policyb ut indicate a trend toward liberalization of the state’s planned

The Israeli Cabinet announced plans to raise funds from foreign sources that
will aid in the absorption of immigrants over the next three years.  The government plans to aggressively seek out
loans and foreign investments for this purpose and asking the Knesset to pass
legislation that will make this financial activity a reality.

of Tishrei, 5713): Yom Kippur

of Tishrei, 5714): Seventy-three year old Ida B. Raphaiel, passed away today
after which she was buried in the Jewish Cemetery at Natchitoches, LA.

“A View from the Bridge.”  “a play by
American playwright Arthur Miller, was first staged today as a one-act verse
drama with A Memory of Two Mondays at the Coronet Theatre on Broadway.”

In Manhattan Alice Gross Newhouse and Norman House the editor of Long Island
Press and the New Orleans Times-Picayune gave birth to David Anthony Newhouse,”
who as the editor guided The Patriot-News in Harrisburg, Pa., to a Pulitzer
Prize for breaking the story that led to the conviction of the Penn State
assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky for sexually abusing young boys, and to
the firing of Joe Paterno, the school’s revered head football coach.” (As
reported by Richard Sandomir)

of Tishrei, 5718): Tzom Gedaliah observed

of Tishrei, 5718): Sixty-eight-year old 
Warsaw born Polish diplomat and author Anatol Mühlstein, the husband of
Diane de Rothschild and son-in-law of “French banker Robert de Rothschild” who
served as Minister Plenipotentiary for the Polish embassy in Paris from 1930 to
1936 and who fled to the United States after the Nazi invasion of France passed
away today in Paris.

of Tishrei, 5719): Erev of Sukkot

of Tishrei, 5719): Seventy-eight year old Louis Clinton Mosher, who earned the
Congressional Medal of Honor while serving as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Army
during the Philippine Insurrection passed away.

of Elul, 5719): Forty nine year old NYU graduate Harold Huber whose acting
career began with an appearance on Broadway in “A Farewell to Arms” and
continued with a long movie career that included appearances in several “Mr.
Motto” films passed away today during surgergy.

CBS broadcast the first episode of “The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis” a sitcom
based on the character created by Max Shulman who had started writing about the
mythical adolescent in 1945 that included theme music composed by Lionel
Newman. (As an avid reader of Max Shulman, I was so disappointed by the tepid
television creation.)

“Surprise Package” a comedy based on a novel by Art Buchwald, directed and
co-produced by Stanley Donen with a screenplay by Harry Kurnitz and music by
Benjamin Frankel was released in the United States today.

Mayor Wagner’s office said today that all Jewish policemen who wanted to
observe Yom Kippur apparently would have “a very, very good chance”
of getting off duty under a new work schedule and through exchanges with
non-Jewish officers.

1961: The New York Times
publishes music critic Robert Sheldon’s review of a performance from little
known singer-songwriter Bob Dylan, which will lead to Dylan’s discovery by
Columbia Records representative John Hammond.

1962(1st of Tishrei,
5723):  Rosh Hashanah

1962(1st of Tishrei,
5723): Seventy-four year old Frankfurt, Germany native Dr. Alfred Plaut, the
former pathologist and “director of laboratories at Beth Israel” and staff
member of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology who was married to “the
former Margaret Blumenthal” with who he had two sons passed away tonight.

1963: “Tom Jones” a film version of the 18th century
novel produced by Oscar Lowenstein and Michael Balcon and featuring David
Warner was released in the United Kingdom today.

1964(23rd of Tishrei,
5725): Jews celebrate Simchat Torah for the first time during the Presidency of
Lyndon Johnson.

1964: Emory E.
Klineman, the chairman of Majestic, “one of the nation’s leading largest makers
of women’s sportswear” and the chairman of Genesco today announced the terms
for the proposed acquisition of Majestic by Genesco.

1965: A terrorist was killed “as he
attempted to attack Moshav Amatzia.

1966(15th of Tishrei, 5727):

1966: “The Chinese Jews, a Reprint”
published today described plans by the Paragon Book Gallery and the University
of Toronto to reprint on October 30, The Chinese Jews: A Compilation of Matters
Relating to the Jews of K’aifeng Fu” by Anglican Bishop Charles White which was
first published in 1942 and that will contain an essay by Cecil Roth “on the
Hebrew scroll of Esther from China.”

1966(15th of Tishrei,
5727): Sukkoth

1966(15th of Tishrei,
5727): Eighty-one-year old University of Pennsylvania graduate and long time
president of Gimbel’s department store Bernard Feustman Gimbel, the son of
Rachel Feustman and Isaac Gimbel and the husband of Ava Bernheimer with whom
had five children – Bruce, Peter, Daid, Hope and Caral – and the grandson of
Adam Gimbel, the founder of Gimbel’s passed away today.

1967(24th of Elul,
5727): Sixty-seven year old Austrian-American Ludwig Donath who began his film
career in a 1921 film about Theodor Herzl and continued to perform  until the year of his death when he appeared
in “Too Many Thieves” passed away today.

1967: Birthdate of London native
David Hirsh, the holder of PhD from the University of Warwick, lecturer at
Goldsmiths College, University London and recipient of the Philip Abrams Prize
who founded Engage, as part his campaign “against the academic boycott of

1967: “Education: Builder in a
Hurry” published today described the reaction to Abram Sachar’s decision to
retire as president of Brandeis University which he has for 20 years.,33009,899857,00.html

1969: Third broadcast of “My World
and Welcome to It” created by Melville Shavelson and co-starring Harold J.

1968: At Prospect Park, Brooklyn,
funeral services are scheduled to be held at 11 A.M. for 48 year old Dr. Ruth
Silbowitz Achs, the Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Hunter College and graduate of
Long Island Medical College who in 1966 along with Dr. Rita G. Harper reported
that handprints taken of newborn babies aided in diagnosing birth defect often
overlooked in routine physical examination and who is survived by “a son
Robert; a daughter, Mrs. Nomi Foner; her mother, Mrs. Yetta Silbowtiz and two
sisters, Mrs. Eva Cohen and Mrs. Freda S. Hertz.”

1970(28th of Elul,
5730): Seventy-seven year old critic and author Gilbert Seldes passed away

1971(10th of Tishrei,
5732): As the United States struggles with the first ever peacetime wage
freeze, Jews observe Yom Kippur.

1972(21st of Tishrei, 5733): Hoshanah Rabah

1972: Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson (Dem. Washington) presented an
amendment to the United States that would link access to “trade benefits” for
Communist countries to emigration practices that would allow Jews to the Soviet

1972: Three people were injured today when terrorists bombed a
supermarket in Jerusalem.

1973(3rd of Tishrei, 5734): Shabbat Shuvah

1973: After 798 performances the curtain came down on the original
Broadway production of Neil Simon’s comedy “The Prisoner of Second Avenue.”

Amy Aronoff, daughter of Gene and Sheila Aronoff, is
called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah at Congregation Beth-El in St. Johnsbury,
Vermont.  She was the congregations first
Bat Mitzvah.

1974: “About 800 Soviet Jews were forcibly prevented by the authorities
from reciting Kaddish and other prayers at Babi Yar to mark the 33rd
anniversary of Nazi massacre of Jews.”

1975: A week-long demonstration of solidarity with Jews in the
Soviet Union sponsored by French Jewry came to an end.

1975: The Chairman of the Hungarian Solidary Committee handed over
the PLO office in Budapest to Abdul Jayab.

1976: Syria drove Palestinian guerrillas out of Lebanon.

1977(17th of Tishrei, 5738): Third Day of Sukkoth

1977(17th of Tishrei, 5738): Eighty-three year old
Zionist leader Meyer Wolf Weisgal, the native of the Pale of Settlement and
Columbia University graduate whose career as “journalist, author and
fundraiser” included serving as President of the Weizmann Institute of Science
and founding Preside of Beit Hatfutsot – the Jewish Diaspora Museum – passed
away today.

1977: The new civilian settlement of Tekoa was established just
east of Bethlehem. It was named a after a biblical town believed to have been
located nearby.  Yes, this is the Tekoa
that was home to the prophet Amos.

1978: Birthdate of Rebecca Goldstein

1979(8th of Tishrei, 5740): Shabbat Shuva

1981(1st of Tishrei, 5742): For the first time American
Jews observe Rosh Hashanah in the era of “trickle down” economics.

1981(1st of Tishrei, 5742): Seventy-six-year old Yeshiva
University professor Abraham B. Hurwitz, the Vilnius born son of Sarah and
Benjamin Hurwitz  and the holder of
bachelor’s from CCNY, an MA from Columbia and Ph.D. from NYU who as the city
recreation director under Mayor La Guardia “entertained more than a million
people as New York City’s official magician” and who raised to daughters with
“his wife, the former Ann Ritz of Hallandale passed away today.

1982: The Begin government gives into popular pressure and creates
a board of inquiry headed by Supreme Court Justice Yitzhak Kahan to investigate
what happened at Sabra and Chatila.

1983: Director and Choreographer Michael Bennett and 330 “A Chorus
Line” veterans came together to produce a show to celebrate the Marvin Hamlisch
musical becoming the longest-running show in Broadway history.”

1984(3rd of Tishrei, 5745): Shabbat Shuva

1985(14th of Tishrei, 5746): Erev Sukkoth

Two bombs exploded in the Israeli port city of Haifa today, one of them
wounding five people, a police spokesman said. One bomb exploded in an open-air
vegetable market that was crowded with shoppers on the eve of Succoth, a
harvest festival that begins this evening. Five people were wounded, none of
them seriously, the police said. The police said the bomb had been planted
under a vegetable stand. While the police were conducting investigations in the
market, another bomb went off a few hundred yards away, the police spokesman
said. The second bomb was hidden under a bush in a public park. It caused no
casualties or damage. The police spokesman said about 130 people, most of them
Arabs, were detained for interrogation.

ABC broadcast the first episode of the sitcom “Thritysomething” created by
Edward Zwick and Marshall Herskovitz.

An international arbitration panel ruled that Israel must turn Taba “a resort
built by Israel’ in the Sinai Peninsula near Eilat” over to the Egyptians. 

1989(29th of Elul, 5749): Erev Rosh Hashanah

1989(29th of Elul, 5749): Bratslav Chassidim
gather at the tomb of Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav for the first time since the
Russian Revolution.

1990(10th of Tishrei, 5751): Yom Kipper

1991: “Beauty and the Best” an animated film starring
“the voice of Robby Benson” premiered today at the New York Film Festival.

1993(14th of Tishrei, 5754): Erev Sukkoth

1993: Two weeks after premiering at the Toronto Film
Festival, “A Bronx Tale” produced by Jane Rosenthal was released in the United
States by Savoy Pictures.

1993 In Scotland, “Les Misérables” a musical version
of the 19th century novel with music by  Claude-Michel Schönberg, original
French-language lyrics by Alain Boublil and English-language lyrics by Herbert
Kretzmer.  opened today at the Edinburgh

1994: Alfred H. Moses was appointed by President
Clinton to serve as U.S. Ambassador to Romania.

1995: Peggy Charren received a Presidential Medal of
Freedom in honor of her three decades of campaigning to improve the level of
television programming targeted at America’s children.
1997(27th of Elul,
5757): Roy Lichtenstein passes away. In the spacious halls of the Tel Aviv Art
Museum back in the entrance hall is Roy Lichtenstein’s “Tel Aviv Museum
Mural,” which the artist created for the museum in 1989. With its vivid
colors and bold style, the two-part mural is spread across the upper wall of
the entrance hall.

1998: The first episode of “Felicity,” “a prime
time television drama series created by J.J. Abrams was broadcast today.

1999(19th of Tishrei, 5760): Sukkoth
Chol Hamoed

1999(19th of Tishrei, 5760):
Fifty-seven year old Yevhen Lapinsky who played for the Soviet volleyball teams
in the 1968 and 1972 Summer Olympics passed away today.

2000(29th of Elul, 5760): Erev Rosh

2000: As violence worsens Israeli police face
off against Palestinian rioters.

2000: “Remember the Titans,” a must see movie
directed by Boaz Hakin, co-produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and music by Trevor
Rabin was released today in the United States.

2001(12th of Tishrei, 5762):
Parashat Ha’Azinu

2001: Israeli soldiers responded with force as
Palestinians demonstrated “on the first anniversary of the renewed intifada by
throwing stones “and at times shooting. (As reported by Ian Fisher)

2002(23rd of Tishrei, 5763): Simchat Torah

The Theatre Garden presents an educational play entitled “Lady of Copper.”  The Lady is the Statue of Liberty and
features appearances by Emma Lazarus, author of the famous poem inscribed on
the statue’s base (”Give me your tired, your poor”), and the newspaper magnate
Joseph Pulitzer, who helped raise the money for Liberty’s pedestal.

2002: The New York Times included reviews of books by Jewish authors
and/or about topics of Jewish interest including Militant Islam Reaches
by Daniel Pipes and a biography of a British born Jewish scientist
entitled Rosalind Franklin: The Dark
Lady of DNA
Brenda Maddox.

of Tishrei, 5764):Tzom Gedaliah

“The $11 Billion Man Hedge fund guru Bruce Kovner earns giant returns, but
doesn’t talk–most of the time” published today described the business
practices of Bruce Kovner, “one of the biggest cats on Wall Street” appeared in
Fortune Magazine

Jonathan Sarna’s American Judaism captured the
National Jewish Book Award’s Book of the Year. Other winners include Frédéric
‘s photographic account, Diaspora: Homelands in Exile, Daniel Matt’s Zohar translation, and Steve Oney’’s chronicle of the Leo Frank lynching.

“O’Brien traces history of Yiddish theater” described a lecture by Caraid
O’Brien at the University of Rochester

2005:  A month after Hurricane Katrina slammed into
the Gulf Coast, Jewish communities in Louisiana and Mississippi struggle to
re-build.  At the same time, Jewish
organizations raised large amounts of money for hurricane relief distributed to
Jews and non-Jews alike.  New Orleans’
Temple Sinai fared better than many institutions and is up and running.  However, the major Reform Temple will not be
holding High Holiday Services because so many of its members have lost their
homes.  The nearby Chabad House at Tulane
University also appeared to have escaped relatively unscathed.  The Chabad in suburban Metairie did not fare
as well but will be holding High Holiday services.  Other Temples and Synagogues in the area
suffered water and wind damage.  Some
lost their roofs and many are now suffering the effects of mold and other forms
of rot.  “The Union for Reform Judaism,
whose Disaster Relief Fund has raised close to $2.5 million dollars, has now
made $765,000 in grants to disaster relief agencies, Jewish agencies and Reform
synagogues. The OU and Yeshiva University have raised between $420,000 and
$430,000 for hurricane relief. Chabad has raised one million dollars. The
United Jewish Communities, along with the Jewish federations of North America,
has raised more than $16 million for disaster relief efforts. Henry S. Jacobs,
in Utica, Mississippi, has opened its doors to refugees and rescue workers.
Finally, the Israelis have also sent teams of rescue workers to help with
rescues and relief efforts.

2005:  In Philadelphia, PA., the National Museum of
American Jewish History received Rabbi Peter Schweitzer’s Judaica
Collection.  The collection includes
10,000 items collected over the last 25 years.

2005: “After spending 85 days in jail, Judith
Miller was released following a telephone call with Scooter Libby

2005: As Palestinian violence increased
following the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, Israel closed all Hamas charities
on the West Bank and began firing artillery at targets in Gaza.

The IAF struck a building that served as cover for a
weapons warehouse, shortly before a full closure of the border with Gaza was to
go into effect and continue until after Yom Kippur. 

2007: Birthday celebration of Denise Novick, premier kosher
caterer for the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Corridor.

2007(17th of Tishrei, 5768): Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkoth

2007: In an interview about what it
is like to be a new rabbi filling the shoes of long-serving predecessor, Rabbi
Aaron Sherman reported that his first goal “was to learn what was going on in
the community.  I didn’t want to change
things too quickly.”  He also said that
the transition was eased by the fact that the congregation had been looking for
a year prior to hiring him.

2008: Time magazine included reviews of Hurry Down Sunshine by
Michael Greenberg and Indignation by Phillip Roth.

2008: Yefim Bronfaman performed
Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor by Sergei Rachmaninoff with the St. Louis
Symphony Orchestra.

2008(29th of Elul, 5768): Ninety-six year oldElinor Guggenheimer, who was already a
grandmother when she began advocating for children, women and the elderly, and
went on to be a national spokeswoman for their concerns as well as hold
prominent positions in New York City government passed away today. (As reported
by Douglas Martin)

2008(29th Elul, 5768): The Shofar
is not sounded is not sounded on the last day of Elul

2009: In New Orleans, the monthly
meeting of the executive board of the National Council of Jewish Women.

2009: “The most extensive exhibition ever” of
the works of Gustav Metzger to be shown in the UK
opened at the Serpentine Gallery in London.

2009: “Closer to the Sun,” a group
exhibit at Beit Shmuel exhibiting works of six Israeli artists from Kazakhstan
comes to an end.

2009: Peter Manseau discusses his most recent book, “Rag and
Bone: A Journey Among the World’s Holy Dead,” at the D.C. Jewish Community
Center. This event is a benefit for the upcoming Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein
Jewish Literary Festival which will be held in from October 18 through October

Today, the day after Yom Kippur 5770 Israel marked
the 36th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, one of the most costly and
traumatic conflicts in the country’s history. At a state ceremony at Israel’s
national cemetery on Mount Herzl, Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai (Labor)
spoke of the bravery of the Israel Defense Forces soldiers who repelled the
assault. “Whoever fought in the tough battles in the [Suez] Canal and the
Golan Heights is well aware that it was not the wisdom of leaders but the
heroism of warriors in the battlefields that saved the State of Israel,”
he said. A coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria launched the war in
a surprise attack on the Jewish holiday in 1973. More than 2,600 Israelis were
killed in the hostilities, which had far-reaching effects on Israel and the
entire Middle East. Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin also attended the ceremony,
during which a cantor recited the Hebrew prayer of mourning El Malei Rachamim.
Vilnai added: “The Yom Kippur War is going further and further away…
[but] the impression the war left on the state and on the army’s preparedness
is very deep.”

2010: The Museum of Modern Art is scheduled to open a show styled
New Photography 2010 that will feature the work of four artists including Tel
Aviv native Elad Lassry

2010(21st of Tishrei, 5771): Hoshana Rabah

2010(21st of Tishrei, 5771): Eighty-six year old Nobel
Prize winning physicist Georges Charpak passed away today. (As reported by
Douglas Martin)

2010: As of today, Ryan Kalish, “was tied for second among
American League rookies with 15 RBIs in September.

2010: The 17th Annual Storytelling Festival which was
being held at the Givatayim Theatre came to an end today.

2010(21st of Tishrei, 5771): Tony Curtis, a classically handsome movie star who earned
an Oscar nomination as an escaped convict in Stanley Kramer’s 1958 movie “The
Defiant Ones,” but whose public preferred him in comic roles in films like
“Some Like It Hot” (1959) and “The Great Race” (1965), passed away today at the
age of 85. He had certainly had come a long way from his native Bronx where he
was born Bernie Schwartz, the son of Hungarian-Jewish immigrants.

2010(21st of Tishrei, 5771): Ninety year old Sherman J.
Maisel  a former Federal Reserve governor
and economist who played a key role in formulating policy on  lending practices for purchasing homes,
passed away today. (As reported by Sewell Chan)

2010: “In A Computer Worm, A Possible Biblical Code” published
today contends that “Deep inside the computer worm that some specialists
suspect is aimed at slowing Iran’s race for a nuclear weapon lies what could be
a fleeting reference to the Book of Esther, the Old Testament tale in which the
Jews pre-empt a Persian plot to destroy them. That use of the word “Myrtus” —
which can be read as an allusion to Esther — to name a file inside the code is
one of several murky clues that have emerged as computer experts try to trace
the origin and purpose of the rogue Stuxnet program, which seeks out a specific
kind of command module for industrial equipment.”

2011: “Give Aloha,” a major fund raising activity for the Jewish
Congregation of Maui is scheduled to come to an end.

2011: On the secular calendar, today marks the 70th
anniversary of the start of the two day slaughter at Babi Yar which began on
September 29, 1941.

2011(1st of Tishrei, 5772): First Day of Rosh Hashanah

שנה טובה, כתיבה וחתימה טובה.

Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center is scheduled to offer free
admission as part of Museum Day, a national event designed to emulate the
policy of the Smithsonian Institute that offers free admission every day.

A Palestinian who was shot by IDF troops when he approached the border fence
after having been warned to move away, reportedly died today.  After the murderous attack on IDF troops at
the border with Egypt, soldier would be assumed to be on heightened alert.

Eighty-six year old Arthr Ochs “Punch” Sulzberger, the man whose tenure as
publisher transformed the New York Times, passed away today. (As reported by
Clyde Haberman)

The New York Times features reviews
of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers
including  A Guide For The Perplexed
by Dora Horn, Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the
Danger to America’s Public Schools by Diane Ravitch, Half The Kingdom by
Lore Segal and The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger and a Forgotten Genocide
by Gary J. Bass (A book that combines the name of Jewish Secretary of State who
fled Germany ahead of the Holocuast with the term “genocide” certainly should
get one’s attention)

“Broadcast From The Blitz: How Edward R. Murrow Led America In War” is
scheduled to open at Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center.

The Illinois Holocaust Museum, in cooperation with Chicago Connect, is scheduled
to offer a program of readings and music for Chicago’s Russian Jewish community
in observance of the 70th anniversary of the liquidation of Ghetto Minsk.

The UK Jewish Film is scheduled to launch a new partnership with JWE

2013: “JW3, also known as the
Jewish Community Centre London, an arts, culture and entertainment venue, an
educational facility and a social and community hub in north London located at
341–351 Finchley Road, London NW3 6ET opened today.”

In a moment that must fill the hearts of Jewish Tulane alumnae with pride the
Tulane University Jewish Studies Department is scheduled to dedicate the Jewish
Studies House at 7031 Freret Street. The Conference Room will be dedicated in
honor of Professor Joseph Cohen, founding director of Jewish Studies at Tulane
in which Dr. Brian Horowitz also played such a key role.

The exhibition at MOBIA, “As Subject and Object: Contemporary Book Artists
Explore Sacred Hebrew Texts,” is scheduled to come to an end today.

The 17th annual Jewish Film Festival comes to an end in Dallas, TX

“Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert took the stand for the first time as a
witness for the defense in the so-called Holyland case today, telling the court
that he saw the residential complex as important to the capital’s development
and never took a bribe to push it through.” (As reported by Gavriel Fiske)

The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host The Lost Shul Mural:
Reclaiming, Restoring and Preserving a Treasure from the Past, a discussion by
a panel of experts about “the rediscovered lost mural of the former Chai Adam
Synagogue in Burlington, VT which reveals a painted window onto a fascinating
vanished past linking art, history and religion.”

At Rutgers University a symposium “Sara Levy’s World: Music, Gender, and
Judaism in Enlightenment Berlin” is scheduled to begin today.

The New York Film Festival is scheduled to show “The Last Metro” in which
Catherine Deneuve gives one of her greatest performances as the wife of a
Jewish theater director in Nazi-occupied Paris in François Truffaut’s classic
wartime melodrama.”

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the United Nations General
Assembly today garnered mixed responses from US officials, Palestinian
legislators and from Knesset members across the political spectrum, with
right-wing MKs lauding Netanyahu for exposing what they called “Abbas’s
true face,” while those on the left side of the map termed the speech
“an official seal of Netanyahu’s failure”. (As reported by Moran
Azulay, Yitzhak Benhorin and Elior Levy)

Rabbi Meir Rosenthal was sentenced today by the Jerusalem District Court to
seven years in prison and a $135,000 fine for handing out more than 1,000 fake
ordinations to soldiers, police officers and intelligence officials from 1993
to 2008 while his accomplice, Rabbi Yitzchak Ochana ther personal assistant to
Sephardic Chief Rabbi was sentenced to a ten month prison term. (As reported by

Police said today that a 24 year old teacher of Islam at high in Kafr Kanna
“was arrested on suspicion of ‘being associated’ with the Islamic State.”

In Portland, OR, the Oregon Historical Society and the Oregon Jewish Museum and
Center for Holocaust Education are scheduled to host a brown bag lecture
“Preaching Politics in the Progressive Era: Rabbi Stephen S. Wise in Portland,
Oregon, 1900-1906.”

Word has been received that America’s favorite kosher couple will be returning
next month in Faye Kellerman’s latest work, The Theory of Death.

An exhibition co-sponsored by the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust
Education featuring “art from the Sala Kryszek Art & Writing Competition”
and “a travelling exhibit from Hiroshima, Japan’s Ground Zero Museum” is
scheduled to come to an end.

Hard Love by Israeli playwright Motti Lerner is scheduled to open tonight at
the Actors Company Theatre (TACT)

“Batsheva – The Young Ensemble” is scheduled to open at the Joyce Theatre.

The Shai Maestro Trio is scheduled to perform at the Jazz Standard in NYC

Two missiles were fired at Ashdod this evening one of which was “intercepted by
an Iron Dome missile over nearby Ashkelon.”

of Tishrei, 5776): Second Day of Sukkoth

It was reported today that Ralph Lauren “is stepping down from his post as
chief executive of the company that put horses on everybody’s shirts.

Adam Montefiore is scheduled to discuss Israel’s modern wine industry at an
Israeli Wine Symposium and Tasting sponsored by the Skirball Center.

In Cedar Rapids, the funeral of Alan Goldstein, the son of Gary Goldstein and
Kathe Goldstein of blessed memory and the brother of Chava Rosenbaum is
scheduled to take place at Eben Ezra Cemetery.

In Memphis, TN, Temple Israel is scheduled to begin hosting The Art of the Yad
and the Surviving Remnants – Photography by Elizabeth Collings of Damaged
Crimean Torah Scrolls exhibits.”

The Center for Jewish History, American Sephardi Federation, and YIVO are
scheduled to host a lecture entitled “Jewish Salonica: Between the Ottoman
Empire and Modern Greece” presented by Devin E. Naar the author of Jewish
Salonica: Between the Ottoman Empire and Modern Greece

The body of Shimon Perez is scheduled to “lie in state at the Knesset” starting
this morning prior to his funeral tomorrow in accord with his wishes.

For the first time since WW II, “The Danish military deployed troops in
Copenhagen so they could guard the city’s synagogue and the Israeli embassy,
hours ahead of the start of Yom Kippur.

Charles Philip “Chuck” Rosenberg is scheduled to complete his service as
“acting Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration” after having
“said he had become convinced that President Trump had little respect for the

of Tishrei, 5778): Erev Yom Kippur; Kol NIdre

The Bronfman Center for Jewish Student Life a NYU is scheduled to host
Conservative, Orthodox and Reform Kol Nidre Servcies.

G’mar Chatimah Tovah

This afternoon, the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled
to host Sharon Pitluk Silver as part of the “Survivor Talk” program.

of Tishrei, 5779): Shabbat Chol Ha Moed Sukkoth; Traditionally, Kohelet or
Ecclesiastes is read on Shabbat Chol Moed in keeping with the practice of
reading one of the five on each of the Three Harvest Festivals.

“Gwyneth Paltrow tied the knot with TV producer Brad Falchuk today in a wedding
the star considers her first.” (As reported by Alexia Fernandez)

of Tishrei, 5779): On the Jewish Calendar, 74th anniversary of the
uprising at Auschwitz 

“Rosh Hashanah for Kids” featuring apples and honey, challah, crafts, stories
and songs” is scheduled to take place this morning at Briones Park in Palo
Alto, CA

A week-long fair featuring “cookware, textile, cosmetics, perfumes, sweet box
sets and more gifts for the holidays” is scheduled to come to an end at the
Jerusalem Azrieli Mall.

The New York Times features reviews
of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers
including How To Fight Anti-Semitism by Bari Weiss

In Little Rock, AR, Chabad is scheduled to host a Rosh Hashanah Community

End of the Shloshim for Deb Levin

(29th of Elul, 5779): Erev Rosh Hashanah

The Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to host a moderated community event
today to discuss the 2020 New York Times
bestselling book, Tightrope: Americans Reaching for Hope.

In New Orleans, the Council of Jewish Women is scheduled to hold its Executive
Committee Meeting.

In Bexley, OH, at Teferith Israel, Rabbi Skolnik is scheduled to conduct “Perek

New England Yachad is scheduled to present an online “Torah Talk.”

2020: As they emerge from yesterday’s Yom Kippur observance
Israelis are confronted with the reality “that during Yom Kippur 3,922 people
received fines for violating the government orders as part of the nationwide
lockdown and that based on reports published yesterday evening Israel’s
coronavirus death toll has reached 1,499. 

2021: The
Jewish Climate Network is scheduled to present “Dig Deep,” a webinar where
attendees “work on simple techniques to write an emotional from their authentic

2021: The
JCC of San Francisco is scheduled to present a “virtual concert by musician,
vocalist, composer and KLEZMANIA! founder Ben Brussel, featuring love songs
from the Great American Songbook, musicals, film soundtracks and more.”

2021(23rd of Tishrei, 5782):
Simchat Torah

2022: VIA Zoom, YIVO archivist Hallel Yadin is
scheduled to provide an overview on how to do research at YIVO whose
Archives and Library represent the single largest and most
comprehensive collection of materials on Eastern European Jewish civilization
in the world.

2022: The JDC Archives and the
Boston Jewish Film Festival are scheduled to present a screening of “The
Children of Chabannes,” the Emmy Award winning film that tells “the story of
how people in the tiny French village of Chabannes chose action over
indifference, and risked their lives and livelihoods, to save more than 400
Jewish refugee children during World War II.”

2022: The Museum at Eldridge
Street is scheduled to host “Why Did Jonah Run? Exploring the Yom Kippur
Reading,” a learning session with Rabbi Aviad Bodner.

2022: Final screening of “Four
Winter” a film about Jewish partisans fighting the Nazis and their allies in
Eastern Europe is scheduled to take place at the Film Forum in NYC.

2022: Via
Zoom, The Schusterman Center for Israel Studies at Brandeis University is
scheduled to host  “Digitizing
Jerusalem’s Archives: Urban Heritage in the age of Digital Culture,” a seminar
with Dr. Noah Hysler Rubin, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design.

of Tishrei, 5784): Erev Sukkoth

2023: Habbina
Habbina, The Israeli/ Brooklyn based Mediterranean trio is scheduled make their
Stav Fest debut today with their new single and video – Habbina Habbin.

2023: The
Haifa Film Festival is scheduled to Screenings of several movies including “The
Draughtsman’s Contract” and “Bad Behavior.”

2023: In
Palo Alto, CA Congregation Kol Emeth is scheduled to a host a “Sukkot Harvest
Festival which “includes horse-drawn carriage rides, petting zoo, line dancing,
mechanical bull riding, pumpkin-gourd games, sukkah decoration, fall-themed
dinner in the sukkah and Erev Sukkot services.”

In Roxbury, Temple Hillel B’nai Torah is scheduled to host a  “Shakin’ Shabbat and Community Sukkot Potluck

of Tishrei, 5783): On the Jewish calendar, Yahrzeit William F. “Bill”
Scheuller, the husband of Eleanor Schueller and the father of Deb Levin Z”L,
Steven Schueller, Elizabeth “Liz” Scheuller  and Paul Schueller.

Opening of the Stanford Medicine Sukkah at the Stanford Medical Center in
Stanford, CA.







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